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in the past

Solid 2D platformer with a cool visual style and great atmosphere. The level design is generally solid throughout, and the game introduces a lot of varied mechanics to keep things fresh without straying too far from the core platforming gameplay you're here for in the first place.

There's two things I didn't like here. First is the length. You can beat this in an afternoon, which is not really anything new when it comes to a lot of SNES games, but the levels here feel pretty short in of themselves, which makes the game feel shorter than it actually is. Secondly is the camera. I felt it was just a tad too close to the player in a lot of cases, resulting in several moments where I was blindsided by an enemy or projectile that hit me before I could see it coming. It's not a constant occurence, but it does happen more often than I'd like it to. Just a little bit of extra screen space would have gone a long way here.

Outside of a handful of complaints, Donkey Kong Country is solid and an easy game to recommend for fans of the genre. I might go back to reach 100% completion one day, but I'm satisfied with leaving it here for the time being. Definitely looking forward to playing the second and third games in the future.

I had played Diddy's Kong Quest first, which is basically the same thing but better. It's cool to actually play as Donkey Kong, a guy I love to see, but it feels like a real drawback that Donkey and Diddy play pretty much the same.

I do really like the stupid fake-out credits.

I've loved Donkey Kong Country Returns since I was a kid and I really enjoyed finally playing through the original. The platforming is a lot of fun and the soundtrack is fantastic. The graphics also look great for the time. It is frustrating how the camera struggles to keep up with you and enemies can easily come in from off screen and kill you. The hitboxes are also wonky and the bosses are lame.

This is a 5 star, I just need a better score for the real goat: dkc2.

Difícil demais esse jogo de merda, gostei

Extremely fun, beautiful game, and yet it was difficult, what's not to love

I would friendzone the fuck out of this game if it was a real person. It's nice and all but I like it's hotter sequel better

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Muy buenas las banananadas, los monos son graciosos y las ratas no.

que lindjoooooo
what a beauty

One of the greats of all time (with save states enabled)

Donkey Kong Country on the SNES is a timeless classic! The graphics were groundbreaking for the time, the music is absolutely catchy, and the platforming feels tight and challenging. Some bosses can be insanely frustrating, and the hidden collectibles might drive you a little nuts at times... but the sheer joy of swinging through jungles and exploring underwater caves is just incredible. For those who love a good old-school challenge with tons of personality, Donkey Kong Country still delivers.

Essa é a 4° vez que zero esse jogo, dessa vez fiz no super nintendo original com cartucho. É o meu jogo favorito da vida, amo passar correndo pelas fases com pulos precisos e rápidos, amo a trilha sonora, o sentimento que o jogo me causa é indescritível. Porém acho que há algumas falhas, algumas fases são muito difíceis e chatas como por exemplo a primeira fase do mundo de gelo, vários barris em que um erro você volta pro começo. Porém existe um barril secreto que você pode skipar tudo isso, porém como eu disse é um segredo, um jogador de primeira viagem irá ficar muito irritado com essa fase.
Eu acho todos os chefes do jogo fáceis porém divertidos, com exceção do k.rool. a luta é muito longa, vc morre várias vezes e tem que refazer tudo de novo, simplesmente não é divertida. Mas é uma questão de tentativa até você passar, não é nada impossível.

I have a question for you: Do you have a "happy place" game? When you have had a bad day, nothing's gone right, and you feel dead to the world, do you have a game that you just turn on and suddenly everything suddenly feels like it's going to be okay? Donkey Kong Country is that game to me. Every Donkey Kong Country has that effect on me, but it's most keenly felt with this one.

The story is pretty simple. One dark and stormy night, King K. Rool has stolen Donkey Kong's banana hoard and locked Diddy Kong in a barrel. It's your job to save Diddy and the banana hoard. It is admittedly light on story, but most of the game's emotions are carried in the moment to moment gameplay. This is an incredibly challenging game for first-timers. Sure, I can beat it now no problem, but that's because I have over 20 years of experience playing it. Its difficulty actually enhances the quest. With how high stakes the atmosphere of the levels make it, combined with David Wise's frankly haunting soundtrack, it really feels like a quest into danger more than a simple platforming romp. Some nights, I will just put on Aquatic Ambience from the soundtrack and just contemplate my place in the world. The music and atmosphere of this game make me feel wonderful things that I am not sure I can even put into words.

The platforming itself is a ton of fun. An incredibly high skill ceiling means that it is always engaging, and there is enough mechanical variation to keep you entertained through the whole journey. The same can arguably not be said about the stage variety. They could have called this game "Donkey Kong Cave" for how much time you spend in them. This is one aspect where its sequels have it beat admittedly, but it never really bothered me personally. The same can be said of the bosses. Of all the various bosses in the game, only King K. Rool himself stands out as memorable. Fortunately, the final fight with him is arguably one of the best the Super Nintendo has to offer.

It should also be noted that this game arguably saved the Super Nintendo from losing to the Genesis in North America. While the Sega Genesis did still beat the Super Nintendo in sales in 1994 and 1995, it would prove to be the years that a Sega console would ever be on top in the region. Sega would move on to the Saturn in 1995 in America, more or less abandoning the Genesis, allowing the Super Nintendo to catch up and eventually surpass it in sales globally. The Donkey Kong Country games were a major reason why, and it all began with this one. This game would prove to be the second best-selling game for the SNES, with Donkey Kong, for a few years at least, supplanting Mario as Nintendo's most popular character. A lot of that had to do with the graphics. No one had ever seen graphics like this before. When you play this game on a CRT TV now, they still hold up. With the right filters on an emulator, you can get a similar effect.

This game was a risk that paid off. I am not sure modern Nintendo would trust a third party to handle one of their biggest IPs in such a way. Perhaps they should. With its colorful graphics, interesting and challenging platofrming, excellent animation, and amazing soundtrack that elevates the whole experience into something that is emotional and poignant, Donkey Kong Country is simply one of the finest platforming games ever made, and my "happy place" game. Give it a shot and who knows? It just might become your "happy place" game, too.

Extra star for the final boss.

أنا حرفيًا دونكي كونق

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Nintendo never taught this could be some of the best SNES Games, Amazing graphics, Funny characters, and Wonderfull musics. Also the prank in the final boss fight is an idea that i want to see again.

Even though I didn't try it out until 2023, this game and its sequel already rival SMW and Yoshi's Island for me. From tight platforming, to unforgettable atmosphere, this game is oozing with charm and joy.

30th Anniversary Log / Review

I had a quick play today, I love how fast paced and responsive Donkey Kong Country is, it's meant for a CRT display with blending perfect for the pixelised Silicon Graphics which I'm personally in favour of.

The ice levels are slippery and sorta suck, don't bother with 101%. I probably last beat it when I got a SNES in 2013 and probably another tmie since, this was a childhood mainstay I'd borrow from family friends when they moved onto the PS2. Maybe I'll try out the rest of the series in the coming years?

Me demandez pas pourquoi, j'ai jamais eu l'envie de le 100% mdr.

Ca viendra un jour peut être

This game is really silly and fun and also David Wise is a fucking genius btw

This games so damn fun man, great to play on the plane.

Visual beauty, a great pilar to the growing platform genre of the time. A classic game full of charm, soothing music and challenging gameplay

🎈That Balloon pop sound gives me PTSD 20+ years later 🎈

Donkey Kong Country for the Super Nintendo is an absolute classic that stands the test of time. Its addictive gameplay, quickly became one of the most beloved platformers for me almost superseding Super Mario. From its stunning visuals using pre-rendered 3D graphics, the game boasts charm and vibrant colors, and often overlooked character animations that were not present much in SNES games but Rareware were the top dogs in the 90s.

DKC solid gameplay always had me coming back for more. Being both Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong offered a extra layer of gameplay without you ever realizing it as DK is more Brute and Diddy is fight and fast. As I navigated through the in game world "DK Island" It provided alot of challenging levels filled with enemies, obstacles, and secrets to discover. As I played this game so many times I am always learning new things and locations about the levels. Which brings me to the level design; It is top notch. Each level has its challenge or gimmick but just amps up the difficulty just enough that players of all skill levels can enjoy the game. Also adding a two-player co-op mode adds another layer of gameplay that really makes you work together to beat each level as each Kong is controlled by a different person.

The music in this game is top tier! It perfectly complements the action on screen, immersing you in the world and also giving each world and level its own identity.

Now while the game is excellent, it is not without its drawbacks. Some people that are not familiar with these types of games may experience frustrating difficulty spikes While the game generally strikes a good balance in challenge, there are a few levels that can feel unfairly difficult, leading to frustration for some players. The usual consensus is "git gud" when this happens but some people may be turned off due to some unfairness which doesn't really relate to skill IMO. Another drawback I had was the variety in Boss Battles. While each boss are fun and memorable, there isn't a huge variety in the types of bosses you face often repeating enemies you have already seen. Many of them follow similar patterns, which can make them feel repetitive after a while. In retrospect it makes the them easier than the levels themselves.

Overall, I think Donkey Kong Country holds up as one of the greatest platformers ever made. It's a timeless classic and really accessible if you have the Nintendo Switch Online. Give it shot you will not be disappointed. Donkey Kong Country is an absolute must-play for anyone.

I never understood the acclaim for this. Even as a child, the game felt kinda bad to control and I always thought it was ugly. It's not horrible, but even at the time it came out I can think of multiple platformers I rather play.

Eheheh Konkey Dong is so good.

Imagine how surprising would have been to see this title in the 90s: you see the weird Ape that was beaten by Mario in the Arcade, imagining that there was not a lot going on for him, and then seeing it return with a world on his own.
And not just any world: one of the most stunning and vibrant environments you have ever seen in a videogame, with and atmosphere and immersive to this day.

Rare put an incredible amount of effort on revitalazing DK: this title emanates a huge amount of love, from everything that tries to accomplish: from the fact that the devs tried to study real life animal to better convey the animations, to the end credits showcasing all of their quirky enemies, to the concept of Cranky Kong alone, to the incredible soundtrackm to the fact that they literally created a second character just to not showcase a Heart Bar..... seriously it is insane how much they cared for the world they were creating.

And the love doesn't stop there: the gameplay is still fantastic, conveying a sense of speed and power that in my opinion surpasses the moment options of 2D Mario games, and offer an experience that can be enjoyed differently depending on your skill level: the amount of secrets and paths you can take depends on you: jump on time on different enemies to discover an alternate route above the trees, keep a barrel around to break a wall, protects Winky to later jump into a cannon above the stage... the way DKC is able to embrace and tie together both it's great gameplay and the environments it presents to the player is one of its greatest aspects, and its able to make you gro attached to this silly island of monkeys, beavers and crocodiles.

I will say it's not my favorite DK game, I feel it has some things that makes it a bit worse compared to other titles: some of the levels I feel can be too punishing (or I may just not be good at them, I especially suck at the cart levels), and the bosses are really not memorable..... the only stand out may be K. Rool, even though I feel his first appearence is overshadowed by his battles in later games.

But aside from that DKC is a series that should be xeperienced by everyone: while the first title is not the best the franchise has to offer, I can't deny that its charms and passion can be felt to this day.