Reviews from

in the past

El desarrollo de este juego fue complicado, creo que en una epoca iba a haber un FEAR 2 para PC y un FEAR 2 para consolas, los cuales iban a ser distintos (???), pero como claramente esa idea era pelotudisima los terminaron mezclando y formado FEAR 2: Project Origin.
Un intento cinematico de continuar el juego inicial, pero que no llega a tocar ninguno de los puntos mas altos de su antecesor.
Ahora, el juego anterior es TAN bueno, que aunque este sea una version peor, sigue siendo divertido de jugar.

El final es interesante pero super raro btw, estan advertidos.

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You can really tell they were chasing the trends at the time.if you told me to guess what year this was the game came out, the writing/gameplay would give it away.

Too short, story is well, but scare is lost and sometimes make me angry.

Monolith Productions really hit the nail in the head when they developed F.E.A.R. , as it was such an unique and interesting game, that if they ever wanted to make a sequel for it, they needed to bring their A game in order to just scratch the level of quality of that one.

Here comes F.E.A.R. 2, an ill-fated sequel that never really got a clear direction and almost killed the franchise as a whole. At one point, two different games were even developed as F.E.A.R. 2, one for consoles and one for PC. However, the two games merged, and became one entity known as F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin.

This game is really hard to describe. Project Origin is way more cinematic, but also absurdly janky. It is brutal, but also lacking in terms of visual. It is a lesser version of the original, seemingly sharing the name of something that it wants to imitate as it slowly rots away while you are playing, until it becomes somewhat enjoyable for what it is.

Project Origin is something that would make any fan fear what an upcoming sequel will do to their beloved original. Sadly, it is an essential experience for those who seek more F.E.A.R. content from Monolith, as this is their last game in the franchise.

Do not get me wrong, Project Origin has it's own moments, such as the mech section that is weirdly fun for example. It is just that everything feels downgraded compared to the original. At least the plot is somewhat better, and it is much more akin to a movie, than a game. Actually, Project Origin would have worked much better as a movie to be honest.

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Great follow up to FEAR! I really liked how much better gun play felt! The AI isn’t as good here…