Reviews from

in the past

Fun game. Very very jank. Dlcs were the highlight of this game for me.

Looking back, Fallout: New Vegas was the first RPG I ever played. Little did barely ten-year old me know, playing the buggy mess that FNV was on the Playstation 3, that it would prove to be one of my absolute favorite games of all time.

Pls give this a ps5 remaster soon

had to stop playing because everytime yes man talked to me i started crying

I think I liked the game more with the nude mode :D

Replayed it for the first time nearly a decade, and its still one of the best written and most immersive worldbuilding in an RPG, despite being forced into the clunky shell of Bethesda's ugly ass, Creation Engine FPS design and so many bugs that playing with community mods and patches are not simply an option. Its mandatory. But before I realized another 50 hours were gone. The only Fallout after the second one that actually matters.

Ok-ish story with some funny moments but unplayable without mods

"It's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road... has reached its end."

A sprawling RPG that is endlessly replayable. It is baffling that this game was made in 18 months. Not much to say that hasn't already been said.

I've got heartaches by the numbers but New Vegas certainly isn't one of them.

i liked the game but for the life of me i do not understand the god like status this game receives to this day. i really think the game would take several playthroughs to fully appreciate all stories and parts of this game but even with several patches and mods this game still falls short in some aspects with the tight development window obsidian had to work with. i truly think that if obsidian had more time to add and polish this game it would have been 5 stars but with how i experienced the game on my first playthrough i cant really understand the pillar this game has gotten itself on.

Gamers I have a confession. I just can’t get into Bethesda games. I’ve tried Skyrim and Fallout 4 and just couldn’t bring myself to engage in either. But the Fallout show has come out and it’s pretty fun, so here I am wanting to give the series another go. So what better way to go than the game widely regarded as the best in the series, Fallout: New Vegas?

I tried, I really did, but I’m sad to say that the cycle repeats itself. I just can’t get into New Vegas either.

What is it about these games people like? The incredibly bland combat? The flat boring worlds? The entirely uninteresting characters with flat delivery? The mindless wandering around?

Other games I don’t jive with I simply feel are not for me. But this one…I’m completely lost on the good here. New Vegas offers me a bland world with terrible combat and uninteresting characters. Travelling miles across complete emptiness to get the thingamajig back from Raider Clan 17 for Mr Cowboy or Mr Evil Murderer wasn’t really the incredible RPG experience i’ve heard so much about. And i’m not even mentioning the amount of bugs and crashes I encountered during my hours. At least it did have the odd line that made me blow air out of my nose.

I understand that this game is supposed to be a sum of its parts, and not just its individual failures. But I just do not see what others do in these games. Why would you want to be in this world when you could be In Breath of the Wilds’ post-apocalypse, or The Witcher and Elden Ring’s fantasy? Or with Red Dead’s succinct lived in wilderness? Or Metal Gear V’s tight gun play? Is the draw the classic Bethesda completely pointless ability to pick up every item so you can ignore 99.9% of the items? Or screenshot the 34 forks in your inventory for a tweet?

I understand my severity in this review may be ignorance. I mean this is widely considered a fantastic game, so SOMETHING must be done right here. But I’ve given this game 8 hours of my life now and have found no joy in it at all. So for now I will drop this until… who knows, Fallout Season 2?

What a ride. It took a while to hook me and open itself, showing why it is such a loved game.

I finally took the time to set up mods after watching the series and while it's tone was a bit different from what I expected (as a first time player coming from the series) I couldn't help falling in love with the world and it's factions.

Gameplay wise it was better than expected..the craft system is so jank and unintuitive, but gun play is okay.

Builiding is kinda fun and I got to play my own way without thinking about it too much.

I expected a more cohesive and straightforward story, but eventually it got me.

Overall it was a very very very sweet time

To me, this game is an 85/100 on metacritic 🫡

Quase dois anos depois de ter zerado pela primeira vez, e ainda desejo por um inverno nuclear patrulhando pela Mojave...


Patroling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

"The game was rigged from the start."

Cowboys, aliens, zumbis, nazistas, anarquistas, facistas, comunistas, robôs, robôs pornográficos, zumbis pornográficos, cowboys zumbis pornográficos e você quer mais alguma coisa?
Tudo isso e uma complexidade de Npcs que eu nunca vi em nenhum outro jogo

[análise do meu perfil da steam]
Simplesmente perfeito!
Eu amo esse jogo, ele tem uma história perfeita, personagens carismáticos, quests interessantes, e DLCs que expandem muito bem a história do jogo.
Eu comprei Fallout: New Vegas numa promoção de inverno sabendo que era um jogo que muita gente recomendava, mas não engajei muito no começo. Após uns 15 dias, eu dei uma chance de verdade pro jogo e me apaixonei. Me apaixonei pelos personagens, por como a história é contada, com ela tomando um rumo totalmente diferente lá pro meio do jogo, me apaixonei pelo mundo, de toda a estética "atompunk" e "Sul dos Estados Unidos nos anos 50", são estéticas que não sei exatamente o nome, e são extremamente específicas, mas que amo.
Fallout: New Vegas traz vários elementos dos anos 50 e do Sul dos Estados Unidos, desde as vestimentas dos personagens, ao sotaque caipira, à tecnologia "futurista" que era prevista na época, até às rádios que são compostas por Rock n' Roll (o VERDADEIRO rock n' roll, dos anos 50, do Sul dos Estados Unidos) e de músicas famosas da época, como country e blues.
O jogo tem sim suas falhas, o jogo é feio, até mesmo pra época e tem diversos bugs, porém, ambos são corrigidos por mods. Caso vá instalar mods, eu, particularmente, recomendo ver tutoriais para instalar NVSE, para mexer nos arquivos do jogo e como usar um mod manager.
Esse jogo mudou relativamente minha vida, eu comecei a me interessar muito pelos anos 50, pelo Sul dos Estados Unidos, por música da época, tanto que criei uma playlist no Spotify com apenas músicas do estilo do jogo, e comecei a gostar muito da estética retrofuturista do jogo.
Recomendo Fallout: New Vegas a todos, independente do que a pessoa goste.


Minha Playlist caso alguém queira:

A game whos fanbase is infested with annoying people i cant say anymore without getting in trouble. The game itself however is pure kino and mentally ill egg crackers can tongue my anus

Played it with my wife after the fallout TV show. I played this a ton as a kid and it was a blast to play it again. My wife gives it a 3/5, she's not a fan of shooter but liked the story and the alternative paths.

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Gameplay wise, this is very 2010 - it doesn't feel bad, but it does feel from that era of open world games. Where it shines is the missions and the story. The way the story unfolds is very well done, and the way that all the missions - even most of the side missions - all tie together into supporting the story being told was extremely well done. What really stood out to me was that there weren't any obvious choices to make - there's obviously the one bad faction, but outside of them the other choices to make in the game did not have an obvious "I am going for this play style, therefore I must side with faction X" tilt to them. Going right down to the end, I still wasn't exactly sure that the choices I was making was "right".

I appreciated how each DLC tried to do it's own thing as well, one is survival horror, one Sci-Fi fantasy, and the others more an extended set of quests for the game. Although the survival horror of the Sierra Madre didn't do it for me, I appreciate Obsidian trying to step outside the box with them.

The first time I played New Vegas, back when it came out on the 360, I lost my save game to a bug. This time I played it with the Viva New Vegas mods installed and didn't have any issues like that. I know the game is famous for bugs, and it did crash on me once. But thankfully with those mods it seems to have held up fairly well to play through again.

esto es a lo que yo llamo un putisimo videojuego

I never get tired of playing this game!