Reviews from

in the past

I don't want to set a fire, I just want to set a flame in your heart. This game is amazing and I love it so much.

"Hell. Can't believe we got suckered by some road jockey."

A game so packed full of interesting and deeply compelling ideas that it crashes if you look at it funny. No wonder Bethesda holds it at a weird distance; it's actually about something other than just kinda aimlessly walkin' around.

Terra meter: 80%

Story/narrative - 4/5
Gameplay - 4/5
Sound/music - 4.5/5
General presentation - 3.5/5
Overall enjoyment - 4/5

Best modern Fallout game, endless replay ability on PC with mods but even a vanilla playthrough features amazing quests and writing.

The speech system in this game is amazing and fun, some of the best encounters and quests in the 3d fallout games. played multiple runs and still find something new about this game.

I want to make a joke about how many times it crashed on me but I have to pay some respect:
In order to load my save each time I played, I had to start a new game and load my previous save from the Esc menu. Despite this, I was still compelled to play and make my mark on the wasteland. This was not a completionist run by any means, but I had an incredible time playing through this again.

Normal que a Bethesda le joda que le ganen en su propio juego lmao

10 strength and a Superheated Saturnite Fist makes completing all the sidequests after max level a breeze

Minha primeira experiência com Fallout não poderia ser melhor (apesar de ter passado um perrengue no começo). Eu estava decidido a nunca mais abrir esse jogo na minha vida por causa do problema dos crashs, que eu não conseguia resolver de jeito nenhum, até que uma voz na minha cabeça falou "vai lá e tenta mais uma vez". Tentei, resolvi o problema de crash, e joguei um dos melhores jogos da minha vida. Cada escolha nesse jogo tem seu peso e cada atributo melhorado muda completamente o rumo da história (eu consegui "derrotar" o boss final do jogo na lábia porque meu diálogo tava no máximo). Apesar da gameplay do jogo estar meio datada, não é nada que incomode muito depois de 5 minutos de jogo. Fallout: New Vegas é um jogo maravilhoso que sofre com o descaso da desenvolvedora que o fez

Melhor que os fallout da bethesda

Primeiro jogo da serie fallout q eu zero. Acredito que o melhor de tudo foi ver o resultado de minhas escolhas sendo revelado no final do jogo.

Bok gibi sıkıcı serinin en iyi oyunu

Los elitistas dirán misa, pero es una mierda, se crashea todo el rato, lleno de bugs, le pongo 4 estrellas por que tiene casinos y porque estan buenas las decisiones q se pueden tomar

I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle

Best Story in the fallout series.
Personally i preferred 3 story but this comes close for me

Fantastic, but requires mods to polish things up

Fallout New Vegas é talvez o melhor jogo de mundo aberto já criado; tudo que ele se propõe a fazer é feito com extrema perfeição e cuidado pra gerar uma experiência única. E isso é irônico quando você considera que esse jogo parte da (agora antiga) fórmula Bethesda, mas o diferencial é que nesse caso a Obsidian realmente aproveita todo o potencial dela. O resultado é um mundo vivo, onde tudo opera como algo verdadeiro e realista, não necessariamente como eventos isolados que só servem para um determinado propósito, o que cria uma situação interessante pro protagonista: ao invés do jogo ter um mundo que conduza o jogador a uma determinada opção narrativa, New Vegas te joga em um mundo variado e sem direção clara, te forçando a analisar suas opções e realmente prestar atenção em cada coisa pra que você então tome sua decisão. No final, você que carregará o peso da escolha de acordo como o que você viveu, ao invés do que você foi dito. É aí que toda a capacidade dessa fórmula desabrocha e, graças à excelência da Obsidian, recebe um cuidado extremo e cria um mundo que realmente se parece com um mundo acreditável, algo impressionante quando você considera que tiveram apenas 2 anos pra desenvolver o jogo e que poucos jogos de 2010 pra cá conseguiram replicar esse acerto.

Such an amazing game, didn't like it at first because of its labyrinth like multi-narrative story. The fallout craving I got from the tv show made me push through this and completed it for the first time. It really has the slow burn feel as it takes a while where the game wants to take you in the mojave landscape. Its world enticing and its characters complex. Will replay this again soon after I finish all the DLCs.

Amazing! Never was into the fallout franchise in it's heyday, gave 3 a chance and it never clicked with me then gave 4 a chance played it for a while (about 20 hrs) but still didn't completely click. I never gave New Vegas a try till now and wow this should have been the one I played. It would of made me a fallout fan a lot sooner now I'm more interested in giving 3 another shot and going back and completing 4.

Genuinely great game, minus one for the constant crashes.

I can never be finished with this game. It's filled to the brim with content that is pure quality. A rich multitude of branching storylines and endings makes this game endlessly replayable for me. The gameplay loop and dialogue is taken outta Fallout 3 and just improved as well as expanded upon respectively. This game is perfect (now it is, however, very glitchy initially lol Bethesda's curse). This is a game that can honestly contend for the greatest game of all time!

New Vegas é tudo que um bom RPG ocidental sonha ser

An extremely fun experience in the Fallout setting, but a technical nightmare when playing on the PC.

In order to make the game crash every 4-5 hours instead of the 30 minute intervals it normally takes, it's absolutely necessary for you to install the NVSE (script extension) and NVAC (anti-crash) mod. Simple installations, but it's frustrating that it's necessary to have an enjoyable experience on a modern PC.

The story is, much like the wasteland itself, rather bland. It's just a short revenge quest that doesn't have the greatest of finales. The true excitement of this game comes from exploring and learning more about what went on in the Mojave region after the bombs dropped, diving into ruined Vaults to learn their dark secrets (Vault 11 is featured in this game...), and making bloody messes throughout your entire trek.

The game is good and I can see how people feel in love with this game. I find the game is at its best when your just exploring and exploring random towns you come across.

However the game was never able to grab on to me and get me invested as other games have. Maybe one day I'll come back to it and finish it and my opinion will be more positive.