Reviews from

in the past

- Fun RPG with basic elements but an actual story this time.
- The style and art is actually good with some of the enemies having interesting designs.
- There is an actual plot in this game and it is good for the time it came out.
- OST is good but sadly not that memorable.

I got to the final dungeon, too busy to finish now, I know what's up so feel comfy with stopping here.

This game has better scenario design than Final Fantasy 16 which is so funny to think about. FF16 is certainly /trying/ for something like this, but it's baffling to notice that this game has better female characters and more consistent plotting. It's hard not to compare the two, with both games having very thin characters with singular strong concepts and a narrative focused on moving from cool image to cool image. But... one is a game from 1991 and the other from 2023 which makes the extent to which the comparison is unfavorable downright strange.

The use of the battle system as a narrative space-time (and TIME is important, it's "Active Time Battle" after all) is breathtaking today as historical curio as it would have been as a formal innovation at the time. Such a masterful understanding of games as theatrical works, battles as stages, command based gameplay as directing a play. Certainly an aspect lost within the move towards action combat, even in half-steps like the FF7 Remake series or even FF13.

its cool but definitely shows its age also some of the bosses are really unfair and gimmicky
it got yuri lowenthal tho

Very fun to go to under the earth and to the moon! Fun characters (Kain CANNOT be trusted) and I loved that you are a bad guy at first. Hilarious end-game twists. Encounter rate was obnoxious and I got tired of grinding.

The NDS remake of this game makes it flawless.
It is considerably better than the previous ones. For the first time the characters have a significant background, the story is much better and the gameplay is improved.

Simplesmente o Final Fantasy que possui um dos meus grupos de personagens favoritos dessa incrível serie

Same thing that I said about the FF3 remake, this is the perfect artstyle and nothing can beat it.