Reviews from

in the past

Just an unfinished level from Half-Life.

what if half-life 2 but way too bright.

Isso nem um jogo é direito, mas é divertido

After a little over a year, I guess I can finally say I've beaten Half-Life 2.

Nice bonus level to play in Half-Life 2. Can see why it was scrapped; not always easy to figure out what you need to do (namely jamming the rocket launcher in the church building to progress). Worth your 15-20 minutes of time to play :)

6/10, pretty standard and short as tech demos go, but one thing I do honestly think it has going for it are the tight combat zones, very well suited for combine combat and sort of a shame there aren't more in HL2 proper.

Aside from that, was sorta cool when Dark Interval played in the church, suited the atmosphere in there pretty well.