Reviews from

in the past

The gameplay and length of Half-Life are in perfect sync with each other, i never once felt like i was anxious for the game to end, a pretty solid experience overall

Also the gibs are way funnier than the ragdolling of Half-Life 2

Революционная игра.

Half Life is mostly amazing but some repetitive sections and that fucking last area bring it down

Cool game, but it definitely shows its age and gets a bit repetitive.

Great game but focuses more on combat rather then story

Not a bad game, but I didn't really enjoy it

Half-Life was a game I was extremely late to the party on. I didn't really tap into the PC gaming market until around 2022. That said, this game has aged like a fine wine. I simply cannot write more than the following: It has amazing levels, charming dialogue, and some of the most memorable moments in any shooter ever. To explain it in a more flowery way would honestly do this game a disservice, since I think it's a game every single gamer should play at least once. Don't spoil the experience for yourself. You will have fun.

Damn, I'm so sorry for Black Mesa HR guys

This review contains spoilers

I. Love. This. Game. I love it's world, I love it's gameplay, I love it's graphics, (even if it ain't the best.) this game is my LIFE. The start of the game, Anomalous Materials, is something i always come back to, it's one of my favorite places to mess around in. The little goofs and gags, the atmosphere, the resonance cascade where it all goes wrong, everything about it just clicks to me. The latter half is a slog to many, since it ramps up the difficulty so much, but i didn't have too many problems with Xen? Maybe because I know so much about it. Final Boss isn't the most cinematic thing, but i think that's what Black Mesa is for. That one is probably next on my list!

Clásico que sentó bases para el género FPS

A tight FPS that doesn't waste a single second. The action doesn't stop, and the world feels effortlessly interesting.

Basicamente o FPS que definiu uma geração e ainda por cima meteu uma trilha sonora que só tem pedrada.
Só não jogue com os modelos em HD. Eu SUPLICO!

"It's time mr. Gordon. To the test chamber"

It's been seven years since my last (and first) walktrough, and coming back to the game after the big update and that gap was honestly awesome.

It started from me deciding to do some mapping for HL1, and then it unexpectedly turned into a full playtrough.

It was a great experience, though I noticed a lot of texture bugs, which I don't remember to be before the update, and died a lot due to unexpected skill issue.
It's also cool how great maps designed are. Valve definitely knows game design and stuff well.

To be honest, I don't know what to tell about HL1, cause everything was already said, and all I wanted just to capture the moment of my second walktrough.

It was nice.

Valve just gets game design. They fully understand how to get a player to keep pushing through their game - by cutting up chapters into short segments, they take you through different environments in quick succession, slowly building upon your arsenal while introducing new enemies or story tidbits. For the most part, this game is paced perfectly, it is almost always clear where to go (which is a pretty big deal for a game in the late 90’s), the gunplay is so satisfying yet challenging, there’s no real handicap to your weapons, and it makes certain encounters that much more tense. The storytelling is super impressive (especially the ending for me), I found that the story was quite deceptive, which other people don’t really point out, but I am pretty stupid. Some events are kind of ridiculous like the assassins, but for the most part the game does do well at replicating how an event like this would unfold in the real world - I love the whole idea to do with the marines, it kind of shocked me the first time. While there are moments of unrelenting tedium or just straight up boring chapters like “On a Rail” or the infamous “Xen”, the bigger problem for me was the steep difficulty spikes that randomly occured, which are not only frustrating, but fatal to the game’s overall pacing at times - say if you accidentally run out of ammo at a specific point you might have to restart that section from an old save - something which, as I pointed out, is crucial to what makes Valve games so good (and fun). But even with that, Half Life is still a brilliant experience, and a game that I feel everyone needs to play, to gain an understanding of how Valve continues to evolve with each new game they make.

Un jeu notable de l'histoire du jeu vidéo. Malheureusement je n'ai pas la motivation d'aller plus loin. Une vidéo explicative (JDG) et quelques minutes de jeux m'auront suffit.

A wild ride for something from 1998. It's definitely aged but still enjoyable with chapters like Office Complex, "We've Got Hostiles!", and Surface Tension. Lots of variety in the weapons and enemies too. An essential game!!

Mann I really wanted to play this. But I saved my last save in a wrong place and I can't escape this place without dying. only way to get out of this situation is starting from beginning 😭. I'll start this game again sometime later when I'll get my new pc setup cuz it's hard to aim in touchscreen with ps2 emulator joy stick.

Finally played a new game (actually it's kinda old)

Gameplay(tiro), inimigos espertos
duração do jogo(o jogo acaba ficando maçante pq toda hora vc morre e volta lá traz faz com que depois de um tempo vc só queira acabar), fases, apesar de ter uma variedade de armas boas 70% do jogo vc só vai jogar de smg pq é a única arma eficiente contra soldados
Checkpoints (se não pudesse dar auto save esse jogo seria mil meses pior), seções de plataformas(o gameplay de pular é horrível, vc desliza facilmente em qualquer superfície), dano de queda de alturas minúsculas

Натянул оценочку за влияние и вклад. Но сейчас прям тяжко играть. По крайне мере в первый раз.
Я может и дал бы шанс игре раскачаться после 2 часов, но, когда ты в 10 раз падаешь на паркурных секциях из-за того что Гордон носит коньки вместо обуви, рейджквит не заставляет себя ждать.
Да и стрельба тут так себе. Сюжет не двигается с завязки в те самые два часа.
Я всегда ловлю себя на мысли, что может я никогда не смогу оценить старые игры и не стоит в них играть. Но потом я вспоминаю тот же первый deus ex. Который мне было интересно играть. Или ли та же tomd raider, а она за два года вышла.
Влияние влиянием, но устаревание настигает всех. Кого раньше, кого позже

6 фейсхаггеров из 10

Le jeu qui a le plus influencé le FPS depuis la création du genre