Reviews from

in the past

Manhunt 2 is a brutal and controversial stealth-horror game infamous for its extreme violence. Players take on the role of Daniel Lamb, an amnesiac mental patient who must escape a sinister asylum with the help of a mysterious ally. The core gameplay revolves around gruesome executions used to eliminate enemies in the shadows. While the game can be tense and atmospheric, its emphasis on disturbing violence, uninspired level design, and clumsy controls make it a very niche and divisive experience.

some kids at school told me to play this, i was 11 at the time. dude, what a wild ride it was...

Esse estilo de gameplay vai estar pra sempre preso nessa duologia da Rockstar.
Violência explícita on your face.

This game deserves more playtime and actually play it right. Also, don't recommend telling your family about this game's controversies and bans in countries. Then playing it in the family living room where anyone could see. Be better than me, please.

Played this on the bus and truly thought this was illegal material

плюсы: короче в 2 раза первой части и меня не задрочили, как в той же первой части, а также казни можно скипать

минусы: игра - ненужный кало-сиквел, в котором геймплей и повествование существуют в двух разных временах, где геймплей - снафф-фильм 2003-го года, а повествование - мыло-драма о душевнобольном

фундаментально игра та же, но построенный дом воняет до сих пор (p.s. Рокстар заебали делать из компаньонов из начала главными антагонистами игры, это уже будто бы их роспись)

My babysitter let me play the Wii version after showing me that Smash Brawl has a Nintendog witch was the REAL highlight of that day; but yeah I eventually got the PS2 version witch it turns out this game is pee.

This to me, ranks up there with Outlast 2 as one of the darkest and most bleak games you can play. There is no hope or joy at almost every moment in the story: it is filled with dread and violence and suffering from start to finish.

This can make for a really intense experience overall. And certain levels certainty are. Even with the crappy filter on Wii, you feel like you get more demented and numb to the violence.

There is one particular section in this game in a neighborhood. Everything in that moment just clicked. The sound design, the mood of the moment, you felt hunted but also very dangerous. Like a great scene in a thriller film. Thats what it felt like.

And there are many moments that are great like that. Where they play with the background or what you see. They absolutely take liberties when possible to tell the story in a fun way.

It is welcome since the story in question is painfully predictable and not that great. Danny is a nothing burger of a character, just a vessel for you to preform violent acts with. Leo is the opposite problem. He is entertaining and over the top, and it makes for a fun contrast, but the characters are both surface level.

Gameplay is extremely repetitive. Once you play like 3 levels you've seen 90% of the game and are just going through motions to see the ending.

I don't normally harp on visuals or graphics too much but this one is just butt ugly, everything is gray, muddy, almost no color. And the character models are awful. They have fish eyes and lips, their heads are polygons. For sure, it is the worst looking Rockstar game by a mile.

It fits I suppose. It's an ugly game for an ugly experience. It's hard to rank and quantify a score for this one: it feels like it exists on its own spectrum. How do you rate something like this normally? For what it's intending to do? Or for how it makes you feel?

For me, while I do get a lot of cool moments out of this game, none of it is enough to save what is overall an unfocused and surface level game. The violence is not really in service to anything, where as the first game was about snuff films so the gore made sense within the backdrop of the narrative. This game just feels violent for violence sake, and to see what they could get away with.

A remake of this game would be interesting...