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Manhunt 2 is a brutal and controversial stealth-horror game infamous for its extreme violence. Players take on the role of Daniel Lamb, an amnesiac mental patient who must escape a sinister asylum with the help of a mysterious ally. The core gameplay revolves around gruesome executions used to eliminate enemies in the shadows. While the game can be tense and atmospheric, its emphasis on disturbing violence, uninspired level design, and clumsy controls make it a very niche and divisive experience.

some kids at school told me to play this, i was 11 at the time. dude, what a wild ride it was...

Esse estilo de gameplay vai estar pra sempre preso nessa duologia da Rockstar.
Violência explícita on your face.

This game deserves more playtime and actually play it right. Also, don't recommend telling your family about this game's controversies and bans in countries. Then playing it in the family living room where anyone could see. Be better than me, please.

Ugly in every way that thee first one was, but somehow too shameful of its predecessor's struck-simple non-confrontational quote-unquote theme that it opts for a story that is somehow even lesser. A sophomoric & lazily exploitative hackneyed twist mimicking thee worst ones of its own time.

Alguns pontos são inferiores ao primeiro, mas a brutalidade ainda reverbera nessa sequência um tanto quanto ambiciosa.

stealth gameplay is as good as the first one but sadly the parts where they force you to use a gun are pretty horrible since the ai refuses to move or even when they DO move they're stuck moving back and forth but overall a good ass game if you're into this sorta thing, its a break from your generic horror game and leans towards being psychological horror in the most violent manner possible id personally recommend not watching any vids abt it and go into it blind you'll have a fun time putting the pieces together of the story and its plot twists (even if they may be generic)

i use to be obsessed w this game like i played it everyday w my cousin. its a dark,scary,grimy and depressing game but its so fucking FUNNNN , its not for everyone tho.

Muy edgy y todo pero es algo meh en su jugabilidad, eso si la versión de wii tiene unos agregados interesantes con el control de movimiento pero mas allá de eso no es la gran cosa como juego, el sigilo esta ok, la inteligencia artificial funciona bien y gráficamente cumple para ser básicamente un port de un juego de ps2, y ya.

It has its faults and isn’t as good as the original in terms of aesthetic alone, but the gore and that 2000’s edge is still there. Also the idea of some normal guy being some sleeper agent designed to kill is kinda cool but not really well executed here.

Mfs banned one of the best games ever

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It goes without saying that the Manhunt games are two of the most viscerally disturbing games ever made. Their controversy famously overshadowed the content of the games themselves. But what nobody says is that once the shock value wears off, we're left with two games with incredible atmospheres, fantastic sound design, and brilliant stealth gameplay that feel like a commentary on video game violence in itself. The games confront you with a situation where you're a rat in a maze, encourages you to commit horrific executions of the NPCs who are trying to kill you until you relish it, and then makes you feel dirty when it calls you out on it. It's genius to an extent.

However, the second game embodies the law of diminishing returns. It's not as fun as its predecesor because it often relies on gun violence over executions, which is not as thrilling as being cornered and having to rely on stealth to get by. I feel like the gunplay is also the reason why the game is so short too, and don't get me started on how pedestrian the gunplay is too. It's less fun than the simple yet effective stealth gameplay and the game suffers as a result. The story of Manhunt 2 is arguably better than its predecessor, but it feels like it's trying too hard to evoke Fight Club in many ways. In fact, the split personality twist ending is so obvious from the first mission that it's a cliche in the psychological thriller genre at this point. I do think that Daniel Lamb is a more compelling protagonist than James Earl Cash and The Project is an intriguing mystery. In addition, the atmosphere of Manhunt 2 makes up for its flaws. I didn't care for the 'Personality Clash' mission, however. It makes the subtext of the franchise too obvious, Confronting you with the people you've killed over the course of the game to make you feel guilty. The game already features that subtext! Why turn it into text?!

In any case, I wish the gameplay of the Manhunt games was discussed more often than its controversy. The gameplay of both games is so much more interesting than, say, Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto franchise, or even the Red Dead franchise. It's a shame, really, since this is arguably Rockstar's most experimental game series.

Not a very good game, but has absolutely phenomenal sound design.

Played this on the bus and truly thought this was illegal material

плюсы: короче в 2 раза первой части и меня не задрочили, как в той же первой части, а также казни можно скипать

минусы: игра - ненужный кало-сиквел, в котором геймплей и повествование существуют в двух разных временах, где геймплей - снафф-фильм 2003-го года, а повествование - мыло-драма о душевнобольном

фундаментально игра та же, но построенный дом воняет до сих пор (p.s. Рокстар заебали делать из компаньонов из начала главными антагонистами игры, это уже будто бы их роспись)

My babysitter let me play the Wii version after showing me that Smash Brawl has a Nintendog witch was the REAL highlight of that day; but yeah I eventually got the PS2 version witch it turns out this game is pee.

This to me, ranks up there with Outlast 2 as one of the darkest and most bleak games you can play. There is no hope or joy at almost every moment in the story: it is filled with dread and violence and suffering from start to finish.

This can make for a really intense experience overall. And certain levels certainty are. Even with the crappy filter on Wii, you feel like you get more demented and numb to the violence.

There is one particular section in this game in a neighborhood. Everything in that moment just clicked. The sound design, the mood of the moment, you felt hunted but also very dangerous. Like a great scene in a thriller film. Thats what it felt like.

And there are many moments that are great like that. Where they play with the background or what you see. They absolutely take liberties when possible to tell the story in a fun way.

It is welcome since the story in question is painfully predictable and not that great. Danny is a nothing burger of a character, just a vessel for you to preform violent acts with. Leo is the opposite problem. He is entertaining and over the top, and it makes for a fun contrast, but the characters are both surface level.

Gameplay is extremely repetitive. Once you play like 3 levels you've seen 90% of the game and are just going through motions to see the ending.

I don't normally harp on visuals or graphics too much but this one is just butt ugly, everything is gray, muddy, almost no color. And the character models are awful. They have fish eyes and lips, their heads are polygons. For sure, it is the worst looking Rockstar game by a mile.

It fits I suppose. It's an ugly game for an ugly experience. It's hard to rank and quantify a score for this one: it feels like it exists on its own spectrum. How do you rate something like this normally? For what it's intending to do? Or for how it makes you feel?

For me, while I do get a lot of cool moments out of this game, none of it is enough to save what is overall an unfocused and surface level game. The violence is not really in service to anything, where as the first game was about snuff films so the gore made sense within the backdrop of the narrative. This game just feels violent for violence sake, and to see what they could get away with.

A remake of this game would be interesting...

Manhunt 2, like the first one is a brutal game, even more psycho where you (surprise) play as a psycopath.
The executions look better here, but what this game lacked was the atmosphere.
Manhunt 1 tried to be as tense and suspenseful as possible, while Manhunt 2 tried to be as graphic as possible with all the gore.
Its a shame you pretty much cant buy this game anywhere, there's games more f'ed up out there that aren't banned.
The manhunt series sends a message and proves that the only real monsters are Humans, not vampires, ghosts, zombies or whatever. Humans are capable of tons of pain and misery, these games captured this tone right.
Its also a shame we will never see a Manhunt 3:(

Ciertamente busca ser una secuela más ambiciosa con una historia que si se toma enserio y una jugabilidad más interesante, pero que por culpa de su desarrollo apresurado tiene un diseño cuestionable por momentos y una presentación que envejeció incluso peor que la del primer juego. Aún con esas es un juego bastante sólido.

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Manhunt é uma saga q eu joguei quando menor, me divertia mais n tinha entendido mt da história na época... Sem vontade de jogar mt jogos hj em dia quis revisitar e como esse jogo é uma obra de arte, eu ja tava numa maré de zerar jogos da rockstar e então fui começar pelo 1.
Fiquei bem decepcionado pq no pc ele é uma merda e infelizmente nunca zerei até hj e então fui para o 2, e como ele era melhor q eu me lembrava.
Baixei um mod para traduzir e entendi objetivo que eles queriam fazer vc entender com o jogo.
A história é levada falando que os outro estão contra vc e vc tem que matar elas para sobreviver confiando apenas na unica pessoa que te ajuda a sair do hospício (Leo), porem com toda a trama se desenvolvendo mostra na verdade que o verdadeiro maior mal é você.
Gameplay do jogo é mt boa e a violência gráfica faz vc se sentir mal as vezes. Em geral, é isso jogão.

Uma decepção em relação ao primeiro jogo, perdeu a maior parte da sua identidade, além de drowngrade em muitas mecânicas (o jogo em si parece ter se desgatado com as polêmicas)

My goofy ahh didn't realize this was supposed to be a horror game and bought it (I'm a pussy when it comes to horror games).

That's not what made me put it down tho, I had heard about the Manhunt games and wanted to give them a shot. But after playing this one for a bit, I soon realized that I was not a fan of the type of gruesome violence this game portrayed.

I am the type of guy to enjoy killing people on GTA just for the fun of it, but the kills in this game may have gotten a little bit too far for my liking. I know I sound like a boomer and I am probably in the minority here, but that was my experience with it so...

10/10 I don't think I will play it again.

Perdeu quase toda a atmosfera pesada que fazia do primeiro jogo um jogo único. A história é criativa mas não tão marcante quanto a história anterior. É bom mas acabou não me prendendo tanto

I did giggle like a madman every time a new execution was shown, this is lovingly pants-changing violence much like the first.

Shame everything else is worse. All the atmosphere, challenge and open-ended stealth section is gone in favor of 90% lame third-person shooting and a story that sucks ass. It ends up feeling like the first with all the balls removed with pliers. Which is an execution you can do in-game, so it's not all bad but it's one of those sequels that is it's own answer to why there isn't a Manhunt 3.

This is the abridged version of my take on this game

Manhunt 2 is responsible for two things: one, ensuring that its developer, Rockstar Games, focused on less risque projects, thus putting an end to the brand image they'd cultivated for themselves over the course of nearly a decade; and two, proving that controversy does not always sell. Modern Warfare 2 let you skip its infamous No Russian set piece, and everything since has been done mostly by independent developers. By these terms, you can call Manhunt 2 one of the most influential video games ever created—whether or not its developer and parent company want to remember it exists at all.

Even if it's a little too obvious to be as good of a sequel as it could have been, I respect it. It's just kind of sad to me that the talent of the programmers, artists, sound designers, etc., was practically wasted on all but one version of the game they worked on. I'm glad the industry at large no longer tries to toe the line like this because I cannot imagine how demoralizing that must be for someone who bent their ass off trying to get a game to market.

Funny Games U.S

Manhunt 2 tiene todos los elementos para ser una secuela aun mejor que la original, TODOS los conceptos que trae son muy buenos; Alteregos, personalidad multiple, mucha mas armas y muchísimas formas mas de utilizarlas y una historia mucho mas completa.... Todo esto es genial en papel hasta finalmente llegar que MANHUNT 2 TIENE UNA CÁMARA Y JUGABILIDAD HORRIBLE.

Obvio hay que hablar del elefante en la habitacion conocido como "El juego mas violento jamas creado en la historia del gaming" cosa que terminaría afectado al hecho de que las ejecuciones en la version censurada de ps2 sean todas in-entendible para "Poder salir al mercado" y aun asi que te puedan meter en la cárcel por tener una copia del titulo. La violencia es mucho mas estilizada aun cuando hay una DISONANCIA LUDONARRATIVA ya llegando al final del juego.

Porque el juego te hace pensar que Daniel es inocente y básicamente la version mas distorsionada del mismo es a causa de Leo aun cuando la mayor parte de las muertes brutales en en control de Daniel y las secciones de Leo suelen ir mas a los tiroteos. Que ademas, las secciones de tiro son incluso mejores que las de sigilo al contrario del primer juego.

El mayor pecado del juego tal vez sea que la cámara esta DEMASIADO cerca del jugador cosa que obstaculiza el entorno y entorpece algo tan fundamental como el SIGILO, aun mas cuando se cubre y la cámara se pone al frente de el sin ver realmente al enemigo, cosa que jode bastante.

Al mismo tiempo siento que mucho de los personajes no son tan interesante como su antecesora por el sentido de minimizar mucho las posibilidades bases del mismo en cuanto a lo Over the top o bizarro que podrían ser sus jefes en muchos momentos.

Aun con todo el llegar hasta el final es una acto mas de perseverancia aun con todos sus errores. Mentiría si no dijera que hubo momentos donde es disfrutable pero siempre quedara para el resto de la historia como la oveja negra de Rockstar Games.

Danny, is a Manhunt here.