Reviews from

in the past

I would like to thank @duhnuhnuh for gifting me this game, as a part of their massive Steam Key giveaway, and I’d recommend checking it out if you’d like to try some games out for the cost of absolutely nothing.

OlliOlli World is a game that requires you to master it’s mechanics in order to enjoy it to the fullest. Look at my score and you’ll see that I clearly haven’t done that. I do enjoy OlliOlli World, but it’s in a weird place, something akin to Spelunky 2. A sequel for OlliOlli fans, that will leave some disappointed and even confused. I did play OlliOlli on the 3DS a while back, and remember being extremely... conflicted on it. So I don’t know why I picked OlliOlli World specifically, but here we are. World is essentially just those two games, only much, MUCH improved. What I like a lot more about World compared to OlliOlli is the increased focus on player tutorials and support. OlliOlli told you to simply “Look in the Tricktionary!”, but it didn’t really feel that great to do, as it’s just buckets of information dumped straight on the player. Right off the bat, World fixes that, having a whole world to play around in from the get-go. I didn’t feel so left in the dark, so I was already having a decent time by myself. The second thing that World improves on is the level design of Olli. OlliOlli’s level design was pretty flat and not all too fulfilling. There were grind rails, you could do tricks, and that’s really it. World just straight up has better level design. There’s so much new mechanics at play here! From massive grind rails, to alternative, yet more difficult paths, and just a greater sense of speed overall. Also, the tricks were far more pronounced in World than in OlliOlli. I looked up some of the later levels in OlliOlli and I don’t even think they can compare to even the earliest levels in World. Combined with a solid soundtrack, and we have a bit of a banger here! Far better than OlliOlli at least. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t get down with that game. It just wasn’t all that fun.

But unfortunately, it’s not perfect... I do like the mechanics, but I kind of wish there was a bit more variety? It’s a fun loop, but one that only lasts for so long. Like, what if your ingame scores correlated to some shop that you could buy more tricks in, kind of like DMC? I played this on my Steam Deck and I have to say that this was a perfect fit for the game. I can just complete a few levels and hop out. I can see myself finishing the game in the future, but we’ll see. This is a bit of a temporary rating, so we’ll see how the game amps up over time!

The Tony Hawks Underground 2 of the OlliOlli franchise (i.e. the one that perfects the formula)

- Great visual design, great mechanics, just very fun to play.

Sidescrollers e platformers são meu gênero favorito de jogos, então quando eu vi que fizeram um autoscroller de SKATE eu tinha que dar uma chance e ver se era bom mesmo... Algumas várias horas depois eu posso dizer que curti demais o jogo, tanto que cheguei a platinar ele DUAS VEZES (uma na versão de PS5 e outra na de PS4).

O gameplay é super satisfatório e a tricklist é bem grandinha, dá pra você fazer muita coisa maneira e estilosa, e se você se dedicar bastante dá até pra competir com o pessoal do online (só fique avisado que o pessoal é meio viciadinho por lá). O jogo começa bem fácil e gradativamente vai ficando bem difícil, tipo, BEM DIFICIL MESMO, só que eu acho a curva relativamente justa e quando você finalmente chegar no último mapa vai sentir que já está completamente sob controle e que manja de todos os paranauê que dá pra fazer no jogo.

Para fãs de jogos de skate e sidescrollers esse jogo é um prato cheio, recomendo 1000%!!!

No esperaba que este juego me fuese a gustar tanto y que el salto con el OlliOlli 2 fuese tan tocho.
No sólo es el 3D, es el diseño del mundo creado y de niveles, que los niveles bof, son demasiado locura y activar el entrar en la zona en algunos puntos.
Una master piece, me ha encantao

Un univers tout choupi qui cache un jeu très riche dont la difficulté peut atteindre des sommets sur la fin de l'aventure si l'on cherche à accomplir tous les défis et battre les scores clés. Les sticks sont mis à rude épreuve, mais l'apprentissage des différents tricks et techniques se fait progressivement et finit par rentrer dans nos automatismes.

OlliOlli World is a freaking blast. It feels so damn satisfying to control and string a ton of skate combo chains together to net yourself a bigger score at the end of each level. It starts out easy but the levels get harder, and you're rewarded for your mastery of it's mechanics.

I was surprised at how much of a breeze the final level was for me too, I just got through it with relative ease all because I mastered it's controls. Just goes to show how important control, movement options, and feel is to making great platformer games.

Lindo demais, que estética relaxante e agradável

"Skaters wear, like, rags and shoelaces for belts, because their identities can't be BOUGHT"

"So where do they get their clothes, the thrift store?"

"Nah, the skate shop"