Reviews from

in the past

I had a good time with this. I enjoyed the different fusions as well as the way the story went and diverged from the normal experience. I also thought it was fun how it added a couple of new locations and ways to explore. What I didn't like was the slowness of the menus. It really brought the experience down to a crawl.

A great addition to the pokemon pantheon of games. While it is, at its core, a FireRed remake the addition of some new QoL features as well as the fusion concept really help elevate the game. Having HM replacement items, new locations, side quests, etc. are all really great additions even without the meat of this experience. Of course, the main selling point of this is the ability to fuse pokemon together into wacky/funny/interesting/broken combinations as your heart desires. The game makes it very easy to access early and does a good job of using the fusion ability to make for interesting gameplay that helps freshen up some of the familiar gym battles and plot points. The game does suffer from some technical glitches and the fact that not all sprites for the fusions are custom. But overall, this is a really solid game and well-worth playing for any Pokemon fans.

This was a fun game. It was more linear than I thought it would be, but in the sense that modern pokemon games give the player more freedom not that infinite fusion is unique in that aspect. First pokemon game I've played in years and yeah its pretty cool to play around with.

Wish it had more substance but hey, fusions are dope

The best possible Pokémon experience.
Even besides the obviously fantastic thing that is pokémon fusion, this game has some great additions in it's quests, items, quality of life and events.
It does contain quite a few bugs that I hope will be fixed soon.
I think from now on this will be the only pokémon game I replay.