Reviews from

in the past

CowabungA...HAHAHA, dats Literally Me! a genuine guru of the ancient martial art of fragging, and naturally in turn an affectionate aficionado of gUrls😻, who sometimes says mean naughty stuff liable to get one banD in every modern online game or even this here fine establishment where We Esteemed Gentlemen hand out a due rating of at least five pentacles to GoddoHando and other games by Hideo Kojima (sir, I donot regret my words&deeds, and you shouldNot either...). Thanks to my teacher, Cumfuccius, I now straferun like water, the harmonious balance of the 'Based&Cringe' is the key to cultivating Chi powerlevels beyond imagining, believ it or not fellow "humorists".. my crystal is becoming so pure&p0werful Iwill be able to build a lightsaber with it one of these days...

It being racist is not the problem, it's just not very fun