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Um game muito bom, especialmente devido à sua dificuldade e ao sistema punitivo diferenciado. A história é baseada em vingança, não sendo algo inovador, mas ao jogar, você se sente imerso no gênero clássico das artes marciais. A jogabilidade é bem coreografada, fluida e visualmente agradável. Há até uma cena de plano-sequência no corredor, lembrando Oldboy. Uma dica para dominar a ‘esquiva real’ é segurar o botão de bloqueio e mover o analógico. Além disso, os cenários e as lutas contra os chefes são visualmente bonitos. Único problema que eu tive com o jogo foi em relação à câmera que em cenário pequeno fica mt ruim.
Recomendo bastante para quem gosta de jogos desafiadores com temática de artes marciais clássicas.

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Parto de la base de que los juegos tipo souls o que tengan una dificultad inflada because yes no me terminan de convencer (aunque siempre me atraen). Pero me daba que con Sifu iba a ser diferente. Algo mejor hecha. Y vaya si lo está. Por eso es el séptimo jueguito que me paso en lo que va de año 👊😠

La curva de aprendizaje es de lo mejor que he visto en mucho tiempo. Se nota que está muy pensado y trabajado. Por eso, aunque es MUY difícil termina siendo asequible pillándole el rollo. Ejemplo: la primera vez, la primera fase me la pasé con 50 años. Al final, primera y segunda fase con 20 años.

Además, si no te quieres comer el tarro tiene selector de dificultad, cosa que es de agradecer en este tipo de juegos donde quieres estampar el mando contra el suelo. Porque una cosa está clara: lo frustrante no se lo quita nadie. Pero cuando ves que aprender da sus frutos te entra mucho gustito.

Tema aparte ya es el apartado visual y la escenografía, que me parecen un pasote. Recuerda mucho al cine de este estilo, a full de estereotipos pero con un toque diferente que mola.

Mi consejo? Dadle un tiento. Está muy bien hecho. Y técnicamente solo dura 1 hora o así. Aunque yo me lo pasé en 15.

He dejado a mas gente K.O. que en toda la historia del boxeo y el UFC.

Um dos melhores senão o melhor beat em up 3D, com uma gameplay muito gostosa de jogar, e vários movimentos para aprender. O jogo tem a dificuldade bem alta e é punitivo com seu sistema de envelhecer progressivamente a cada vez que se morre, porém como é muito divertido de jogar não se torna maçante, porém muita paciência será necessária mesmo assim. Ele tem um sistema de postura para vc e seus inimigos, o qual essa barra se enche ao aparar corretamente golpes, o qual ao encher se pode finalizar um inimigo ( sistema muito similar ao visto no game Sekiro, porém aplicado ao combate físico).
O game tem aquele clima daqueles filmes do Jackie Chan, os quais até o malandrinho da esquina é mestre em artes marciais, porém com doses temáticas dos misticismos de histórias orientais.
Sua duração é perfeita para um beat em up, que não pode ser muito grande para não ficar maçante.
Se você gosta de beat em up, filmes de artes marciais e jogos difíceis, com certeza amará esse jogo.

it's a very challenging game with roguelite elements, so of course it is really fucking good

This game kicked my butt, and I liked it. This feels like the gaming equivalent to John Wick: incredible action paired with a sleek and consistent aesthetic that elevates the whole experience. Add the themes of forgiveness and living without the fear of death, and you've got one heck of a game.

Feels like a game that you have to replay a ton to get good at, which is not really my speed (personally not a huge Souls-like fan) but the combat is pretty solid and it’s visually gorgeous, so I can’t complain.

O combate é tudo que há de bom, é divertido desde o começo e tem uma curva de aprendizado incrivel, e depois de ir aprendendo você se sente como um mestre do Kung Fu.
A história se une muito bem com a gameplay também

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Jogaço. Apanhei bastante(e passei muita raiva) para aprender a jogabilidade, já que é um jogo bem díficil. Mas depois que você pega o jeito, fica muito gostoso de jogar.

Weno!, es muy disfrutable el como se aprende a jugar, es increiblemente rejugable a pesar de su duracion.

Sifu de fato é um dos jogos já feitos.

not really a fan, but is good

as vezes eu esqueço que não é todo roguelike que consegue me agradar... não entendi esse esquema ainda e talvez jogue mais no futuro

This is the closest thing we'll ever get to a Cowboy Bebop video game where you play as Spike

nao curti. joguei no teclado(onde é infinitamente pior) e nao curti as mecanicas(principalmente de alguns inimigso reviver), e na primeira ou segunda missao principal, o boss bugou e eu dropei completamente o jogo, pessoalmente nao curti

I am typially very bad at technical action games but having watched a quick YT tutorial I became pretty decent in a few hours and subsequently had a great time with this. It has a simple but compelling story told in a very Dark Soulsy way. Sifu has such distinctive art direction and varied encounter design that it was no chore playing through the game multiple times, to find all its secrets.
For those of you put off by the reviews saying how hard it is, I suggest watching any video explaining a couple of simple combos and how to beat the hardest bosses without cheesing them and the game will suddenly become much faster and much more engaging.

I went ham on this for 3 days straight, one of the best melee combat systems ive seen so far.

Solid ass game overall.

I'm so split on the aging mechanic.

On one hand, it's cool that good performance in previous levels gives you leeway to play sloppily later. I especially like how it solves the classic souls problem of burning yourself out getting to a difficult phase of a new boss before you're even allowed to really practice it. I don't know if I would have wanted to keep fighting Yang if I hadn't been able to show up in my 20s.

On the other hand, I hate that it requires you to endlessly replay levels you've already mastered. Beating a level without dying, and then getting a new key for it and having to re-beat it without dying if you want to investigate the board feels awful. Same with getting shrine upgrades. And the way deaths compound so that the final coin is basically guaranteed to break after one death always felt kinda bad.

The upgrades in general weren't great. At first the death screen is a nice little break, even if it's a little overwhelming to pick where you're spending your xp. But by the end, you're just mechanically menuing, until finally xp is useless and you're just angrily holding the button to respawn.

Also, Jacob Geller was wrong; the club was not very difficult.

No, Sifu, I don't think I will be replaying the last two levels in the hope of getting to the third boss at an age younger than 52.
What's interesting to me here is that I don't really feel like choosing to go back and do it better, yet I don't think this would be as bad if the game was arcade-style and if you run out of lives you simply Have To Start Over. This would also be an opportunity to get rid of the skill tree, which no action game should ever have (let me get good at using the full moveset!! I don't want to wait until the end of the game to get cool additional tools!!).

I really think Sloclap should focus on getting the fundamentals right on their next game and leave aside the interesting concepts that draw away from their exceptional action game feel.

An extremely well-made action game that uses its unique roguelike mechanics to create something memorable. Sifu is challenging and requires a lot of dedication, in line with the martial art it celebrates: kung fu.
Persistence is rewarded through a well-calibrated learning curve; once the nuances of the combat system are mastered, it becomes easier to deal with the horde of enemies the game throws at you and it's this constant sense of improvement that encourages the player to remain resilient and keep trying.
The game's ruthlessness ties in well with Sifu's main theme of revenge, which uplifts an already compelling narrative that draws upon the cinematic works that have defined the gongfu genre. The game is in fact replete with references to acclaimed movies that inspired the story, settings, and gameplay segments of Sifu (my favorite being the one that reenacts the famous hallway fight scene from Old Boy).

I would advise anyone who wants to try out Sifu to do so knowledgeably: sure, it's a pretty tough game, but after all, avenging your family can't be an easy task.

Difficile da masterare, ma grandi soddisfazioni.

jogão, amo ele e sempre tenho vontade de voltar a jogar

Sifu is a game developed by French studio sloclap.
I enjoyed the game the gameplay is just pure fun and has a lot of move set and by time and practice you will understand it and become better at the game, the rouge like elements are very good ,
There are 3 difficulties the hardest one is just....misery
The art style is beautiful, with a nice music, the Boss fights are very cool
The game has a great reply value
But I think the story wasn't that good ,
The direction was great

Reply value
Art style

Shallow story

Enjoyment - 9/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Sifu is a knuckle sandwich. Sifu is a time machine. Sifu is a ticking time bomb. Sifu is a fighting game.

Sifu could possibly be the best single player fighting game ever made. I hold this game on such a pedestal because I truly believe we will regard this game as best-in-class in the not too distant future. If not Sifu, then the games directly inspired by it that improve its foundations.

Now that I am thinking about it, I will make a long-form review of Sifu because there is a lot to unpack here. I'll come back to this and give a timestamp for future reference. [18/04/2024]

gameplay divertida e desafiadora!!! Alguns momentos tu fica puto mas quando consegue combar as lutas com chefes ficam memoráveis fator replay bom demais!!!