Reviews from

in the past

Juegazo, que continúa la historia del 1, aunque me parece algo peor que el 2.

Ok, I have to say, this game have its sins, and the most, is to come after the 2nd, even so, I'm not hating, It's a pretty good game, with its symbolism, and i love it, but i think the game would be SO MUCH great, if the 1 hour and half was cut, cus god, it's painful, First the mall, you just run to a biggest map without knowing nothing, then, the subway, the goddamn subway, i hate it so much, and then the sewers and building-offices, like, it's confusing and not so enjoyable as the first and second game, it's just a big "go on". The game gonna change the mood in the apartments, and that, i can call Silent Hill. To end with this big review, the reason this game is not a 5 stars is: Horrible level design (like a big room for enemy without a key item), horrible enemies positioning, bad way to tell a story, at least not subtle like the 1 and 2, and the boss fights, which is just funny, and is more likely you die because of insane cancer (fat one) than the bosses. With all that said, this game deserves love, but still, there its flaws that are just painful, and wish on some remake to they improve this.

Mi Silent Hill favorito y la continuación de la historia de Silent Hill 1.

Se siente casi como un intento de hacer una trama similar al primer juego pero con el hardware nuevo y todo lo aprendido en la secuela. En esto son muy exitosos, porque la historia de Heather Mason, y su conexión con el primer juego son increíbles.
A todo esto se le suma lo que para mi es DE LEJOS el mejor soundtrack de la franquicia, y sin duda de toda la discografía de Akira Yamaoka.

No llega a tener el mismo impacto que SH2, pero no deja de ser un juego que hay que jugar si o si, si nos gusta la franquicia o el genero.

O Melhor silent hill em gameplay, mas pra mim um dos piores em história, não que ela seja ruim, claro, só fiquei muito confuso com algumas coisas.

Está muy muy bien. A ver, no es mejor que el segundo ni cerca, es la continuación de la historia del 1 y está interesante pero no es tan personal ni humana como el 2 cuando se empieza a meter con parir a Dios y cultos religiosos y power moves dentro de la iglesia y eternal heaven y qsyo, me pierde. Me gusta, pero me pierde. No me conecta tanto, no termino el juego y me largo a llorar mientras leo una carta. Seguro tiene cosas para decir, seguro habla sobre religión y femeneidad y abuso y seguro es metafórico sobre varias cosas pero ya de por si es difícil seguir la historia en su primer capa, analizarlo mientras se juega sería imposible porque no se presta a sentirlo como se presta el segundo, es imposbile empatizar. Heather es un gran personaje y el que tiene mas personalidad de los 3 anteriores, y está re piola, sobre todo cuando te enterás que en realidad es Cheryl/Alessa y te empezás a dar cuenta que esto es la continuación del 1. Y en realidad, es un cierre del 1. Es el juego que el 1 debería haber sido, termina su historia y termina de explicarla y la cierra por todos lados. Se puede jugar a este sin jugar al 1 y te perderías porque es difícil de seguir, pero si le prestás la suficiente atención tenés todas las piezas para rearmar la historia y entender esta conclusión. En el gameplay sufre un poco. Sobre todo porque es igual al 2 pero no tenés el Great Knife. Aunque ahora hay un parry! El parry está bien, a veces. El verdadero problema está en el hecho de que te ponen 2342473 enemigos en todo momento en todos lados y se vuelve super frustrate, se convierte en un dodging simulator y nunca tenes espacio para pararte y pensar y contemplar. Pelear no es una opción, no vale la pena en ningún momento y los enemigos son frustrantes y complicados de matar. SIN EMBARGO, lo MEJOR de este juego y lo que lo salva y lo distingue y lo convierte en un 9 y no en un 7 u 8 es el apartado visual y de sonido. Este juego mejora los gráficos del 2 infinitas veces, los escenarios son mil veces mas perturbadores y turbios, es horrible, la atmósfera es una locura y estétitcamente es de lo mejor que vi en mi vida. La dimensión alternativa es una verdadera verdadera pesadilla, de los lugares mas horribles que vi. En serio, no puedo poner en palabras lo turbio que es este juego. Imágenes perturbadoras por todos lados, el 100% del juego estuve con ese ick y tenso y sin ganas de estar ahí, es mucho peor que el 2, es realmente the stuff of nightmares, si yo fuera Heather me pegaría un tiro en un segundo. En conclusión, muy bien. Peor que el segundo, pero sin dudas mejor que el primero, y ojalá el segundo tuviera los escenarios que tiene este juego, me hizo remil cagar encima. La música también es buenísima, y los sonidos son turbios y desesperanzadores. Horrible, en serio.

I don't really aprecciate some of the confusion this game throws at me, but even that doesn't make me hate it.
The feeling of dizzyness playing this is unparalled, and for that I love it. No, no, the music, the ambience. Truly an experience.

Отличный сиквел к оригиналу, но камера и управление до сих пор калят меня, особенно после 2 части, где все было в разы лучше.

Horror in a very comfy way, its a mixed feeling that can only be felt once.

Game i would erase my memory just to play again.

Silent Hill 3, lançado em 23 de maio de 2003 pela Konami e Team Silent, é mais um capítulo arrepiante e emocionante na icônica série Silent Hill. Como o terceiro jogo da franquia, ele mantém a tradição de oferecer uma experiência de horror de sobrevivência intensa, combinando combate baseado em ação e quebra-cabeças desafiadores.

Uma das características distintivas de Silent Hill 3 é sua ênfase renovada no combate. Embora os jogos anteriores da série tenham se concentrado mais na exploração e na atmosfera, Silent Hill 3 traz uma abordagem mais direta ao confronto com os horrores de Silent Hill. No entanto, mesmo com esse foco maior no combate, o jogo mantém a sensação de vulnerabilidade e desamparo que é uma marca registrada da série.

A protagonista de Silent Hill 3, Heather Mason, é um personagem complexo e bem desenvolvido, cuja jornada pelo mundo distorcido de Silent Hill é emocionante e envolvente. Sua relativa ineptidão em combate adiciona uma camada de tensão e desespero às situações de perigo, aumentando ainda mais a atmosfera de horror do jogo.

Além disso, os quebra-cabeças de Silent Hill 3 são desafiadores e bem elaborados, exigindo que os jogadores usem lógica e pensamento criativo para avançar. A combinação de combate, exploração e resolução de quebra-cabeças mantém o jogo fresco e interessante do início ao fim.

Visualmente, Silent Hill 3 é impressionante, com visuais sombrios e perturbadores que contribuem para a atmosfera opressiva do jogo. Os gráficos detalhados e a trilha sonora arrepiante ajudam a criar uma sensação de suspense e terror que é difícil de esquecer.

No geral, Silent Hill 3 é uma adição digna à série e oferece uma experiência de horror de sobrevivência que deixará os jogadores arrepiados e ansiosos por mais. Com sua combinação de combate tenso, quebra-cabeças desafiadores e atmosfera assustadora, eu definitivamente concordo com a nota de 8/10. É um jogo que merece ser jogado por qualquer fã do gênero de survival horror.

Out of the original trilogy this is the only one I've never done a full playthrough of. I was fully aware of this game's legacy in regards to the original Team Silent games and it's reputation has often left me questioning what I'd even think of it by the time I got around to it.
I know this game was cobbled together in barely ten months after a bunch of false starts, I know that the original vision was something along the lines of Silent Hill 2's more personal narrative and I know how polarising many of it's creative decisions are.
SH3 is a tremendous closer to a trilogy that may not seem thematically consistent at first but only becomes more and more interesting the deeper you look into it's mechanics and creative choices, a swan song for the Silent Hill series that makes you wonder why they even bothered after this.
Taking SH1's batshit occult lore and imbuing it with SH2's more sorrowful and introspective tone you get here a game that might be Team Silent at the height of their powers. A technical powerhouse with the scariest art direction the series has ever reached. What Silent Hill 3 is doing is on another level and I'm just kind of in awe at how much I really dug this black sheep of the series.
I think the best place of summation for what this game is going for is when the game returns to Silent Hill proper. When you see that you're going to the same hospital that James Sunderland sexually repressed his way through you think that maybe Team Silent lost their edge, that maybe the tumultuous production pipeline had forced them to reuse a bunch of assets. Then Silent Hill 3 shifts you to it's version of the Hospital and you realise that you couldn't be in better hands. The level at which this game unnerves you can't be properly described, it is downright the scariest game I've ever played and I really do mean it.
I just can't stop thinking about this game, how it's protagonist feels like the perfect evolution of what came before. How it's cult narrative is imbued with a sense of genuine loneliness and parental longing and how it's music and sound design elicit something indecipherable. It's messy and it's clear that the game's vision was severely cut down due to meddling but it's rebellious nature still shines through despite all of it.
It's a game about being confronted by God and laughing in her face (and shooting them dead with a gun)

Heather, my beloved. I love you, mate.

genuinamente acho que a heather é uma das melhores protagonistas femininas q ta tendo, acho que silent hill 3 peca um pouco no quesito terror mas isso se releva ao pensar na protagonista e o jogo como um todo que no final faz com que seja uma conjunçao tao boa comparavel com gin com gelo de coco

This review contains spoilers

For personal reference more than anything else.

Second time playing through this after the first time four years ago. Played on Xbox One using the HD Collection version. Played on Easy Action difficulty, Normal Riddle difficulty and got the Normal ending.

There was a short while when I was playing this that I just wasn't feeling it, any issues I had, had boiled over and I just felt bored. But then I got to about the last hour and the game managed to pull me back and I was probably the most into it than I had been throughout the rest of the game.

The story here I was initially worried about as just coming off of the original where I wasn't a fan of the plot and this game being a direct sequel to it, I figured I wouldn't be able to get into it and for a while this was kind of true. The story is told quite sparsely in the first half like in the first game but once it hits the second half not only does the story come out more but it also gets quite interesting. I'm sort of interested in media surrounding cults but when the religious aspect takes over quite a lot it starts to lose me and this game is very heavy on the religious aspect, but there was something about it that just worked and I was enjoying listening to the dialogue or reading the memos in the game.

The characters also worked in a similar way, although straight from the start I found myself liking Heather as a character and she only got better as the game went on with her being one of my favourite characters of the series so far and perhaps one of my favourite protagonists in a video game. Her story is interesting and I found myself caring about her a fair bit. But the main thing for me is that I love that the game remembered at the end of the day that no matter what happens, she is still a teenage girl and she acts like one. She's a bit bratty and not afraid to say what's on her mind as she does not take shit from anyone and it made her all the more interesting. Various quotes she had or some of her thoughts when interacting with an item were either quite funny or enjoyable to read as it felt like they really put her personality in the writing which was great.

The other characters mostly needed time for me to warm up to them, Douglas was ok and he basically stayed that way the whole time though. Claudia just felt like Dahlia again for a while but once the game got to the church I found her a lot more compelling as the game was sort of going into why she was the way she was and her becoming more of a complex character who I was beginning to feel kind of bad for despite what she was doing. Vincent started off just being annoying but he also got better as well around the same time as Claudia when he had more interesting dialogue and also was being revealed to be more and more of a prick which was more engaging to see compared to how he started.

Gameplay was really not great here I think, its better than the first game as I didn't have to use tank controls but it felt kind of worse than the second because while neither game had great combat, the melee weapons at least felt somewhat good to use in the second game. The melee weapons are generally what I prefer to use in these games and none of the weapons felt like they were actually hitting anything half of the time, I thought that maybe I just needed to wait for a bit to come across something like the hammer in the first game but nothing like that ever came. I also didn't really like the enemies much in this game either, some had interesting designs but that was about it.

The areas in the game were kind of weird to me because in all honesty considering what locations were actually in the game this should probably be my favourite collection in the series so far but it just wasn't. Going to the hospital again was fine as I think they actually managed to make it feel quite different from the last two games but what is basically the same location three games in a row is a bit much I think. The final area was nothing special and I think the game had played the 'Otherworld' aesthetic a bit too much by this point. But the rest of the areas were pretty good, I liked how they reused areas or ideas in the first game that I felt didn't get used enough like the shopping centre and the amusement park (the haunted mansion was probably my favourite area in the game even if I wish it was a bit longer). I also quite liked the subway and the building with all of the different businesses as they were fun to explore and were not really places I see used in many horror games.

Just like with 2 I'd like to acknowledge how playing the game actually went with using this version. I was quite worried going in as when I last played it, it crashed on me three times (twice in the subway and once in the building with the businesses), but thankfully that didn't happen this time. Outside of what I think were two minor but noticeable visual glitches I don't think I had any problems with the game. I will say that there was a few times where the only audio coming from the game was Heather's footsteps and I didn't know if this was supposed to be like this or not as it was usually in quiet areas with no enemies around. But I actually kind of liked it and it made me feel a lot more alone which I think worked in the game's favour, so whether or not it was a glitch or not I don't really mind. One more thing concerning this version was that I had to play with the new voice acting and I quite liked it, I've not really heard the original voices all that much outside of a couple of YouTube videos and I think it helped me be able to enjoy these new voices even if they don't really fit the Silent Hill tone or whatever.

Some scattered thoughts:

• I think the game was quite creepy at times and even scary at points but for the most part I didn't really feel anything for a lot of the game. I think the game tries a bit too hard to be scary and ends up overusing some things or going a touch too out there with some things (to better explain, they looked kind of cool and interesting but far too weird and over the top to be genuinely scary).

• The puzzles weren't half bad in this game and I actually felt like I could do them without looking them up but what I ended up struggling with was some of the combine the items things as the things necessary were not things I was thinking of and another issue I had was seeing items that I needed (the chain that is the same colour as the bench its on in the dark as shit amusement park).

• While I'm more interested in the whole cult plotline than I was before, I would be perfectly ok if it wasn't the subject of another game as I already kind of felt like this was sort of unnecessary. From what I've seen though I don't think I have anything to worry about thankfully.

Overall I really liked this game, I think even when I was kind of bored during the middle I was still thinking that it was a good game and the fact that it picked up so much towards the end really helped it (that and the game being short as well). I'm happy that I still quite like this game.

SHES MEEEEE shaking the iron bars of my enclosure GUYS SHES JUST LIKE MEEEEE GUYS

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Esse jogo é a obra que melhor capta o horror feminino!

Concluindo minhas aventuras pela cidade de Silent Hill em meu desafio, temos essa obra prima que chega lado a lado com seu antecessor em quesito de qualidade!

Em Silent Hill 3, temos como protagonista a Heather Mason, uma adolescente que tem pesadelos horríveis com o parque de diversões de Silent Hill. Ela acorda em uma lanchonete véia em um shopping qualquer e, quando decide telefonar para seu pai, ela é confrontada com um detetive muito mas muito suspeito. Querendo dar fuga nesse cara, ela mete o pé pela janela do banheiro feminino do shopping para então se deparar com os primeiros monstros grotescos que caçarão a prota por todo o jogo.

O começo do jogo ja é muito mais frenético que seus antecessores. Aqui você já é jogado com uma arma e vários bichos pra te arregaçar logo nos primeiros minutos de gameplay. O jogo consegue passar com êxito o terror de uma pessoa inocente no meio das figuras distorcidas da cidade amaldiçoada de Silent Hill.

Por mais que o jogo tenha Silent Hill no nome, a cidade em si só é alcançada pela protagonista bem lá na frente. Apesar disso, os cenários anteriores com certeza não decepcionam, já que são bem trabalhados e bem pensados/encaixados na narrativa (principalmente com seus simbolismos). Durante a estadia nas colinas silenciosas, revisitamos clássicos locais apresentados nos dois jogos anteriores, mas com um foco principal no primeiro game da franquia.

Falando agora da Heater, pra mim ela é a MELHOR protagonista da trilogia. O fato dela ser uma adolescente e carregar nas costas aquele mundo bizarro com a imaturidade de sua idade é de fato muito bem trabalhado. Tem que a possa ver como "personagem chato" ou "irritante" e até mesmo "vazia", mas dizem isso quem não prestou atenção ao jogo em si. Em todas as interações com o cenário ou itens, temos um comentário da Heather onde mostra toda a sua personalidade e HUMANIDADE durante a progressão da história. Seu arco de desenvolvimento é o mais complexo e sublime, sendo mais perceptível aos olhos daqueles que curtem a porra de uma boa história.

Também no game temos a participação de outros personagens, como o detetive Douglas que eu citei mais cedo. Todos os personagens secundários tem um papel de motivação para o protagonista (diferente do Silent Hill 2, por exemplo) seja para o bem quanto para o mal (ficou meio genérica essa frase mas ta bão).

Esse game toca em diversos temas femininos para apresentar seu horror, o que eu achei fantástico. Durante as passagens no jogo, percebemos o que o diretor criativo queria passar e, na minha opinião, conseguiu com muito sucesso. Os temas centrais giram em torno da cabeça de uma adolescente sobre a vida, sobre os medos e aflições que rondam ou rondaram moças no mundo todo. O medo de uma gestação, ciclo menstrual, assédio/agressão sexual, aborto e etc são os principais pontos que o jogo sutilmente tenta passar e consegue colocar a gente no lugar da Heather, fazendo nós jogadores a compreender esse terror que é a fase da adolescência feminina. Outro ponto da história que também é mostrado em paralelo com os temas que eu acabei de citar é o desenvolvimento dos acontecimentos do primeiro jogo, em específico o culto de Alessa (mas isso fica para a sessão spoiler).

Agora partindo para a gameplay, temos aqui (dentre os três jogos da franquia) a melhor jogabilidade disparado! Aqui temos movimentos mais livres enquanto atiramos, possui sistema de "armadura", no caso colete e outras parada, melhoras sutis nos combates e um aperfeiçoamento no sistema de puzzles e de combinar itens. Porém, a câmera do jogo mantêm a tradição de te foder em partes tensas mas, não me atrapalhou tanto quantos os outros dois jogos.

Sobre a exploração do jogo, eu a considero a mais fraquinha entre os três. Esse Silent Hill se mantém mais no linear do que abrir possibilidades para exploração, e os itens de recursos aparecem em lugares que você é OBRIGADO a passar, portanto corta-se a brisa que os outros jogos tinham de sair explorando cada cantinho desse jogo para conseguir recursos. Recursos esses que foram mais escassos para mim na gameplay, tendo partes que eu penei para passar (incluindo o boss final), mas eu não acho isso de certa forma ruim, pois estimula suas decisões a cada combate.
O backsitting do game se mantém fiel ao 2° jogo, portanto não tenho o que comentar.

É fato que todo jogo da franquia se destaca pelos inimigos, e não é diferente aqui. Silent Hill 3 possui os monstros mais grotescos e amedrontadores da franquia (estou falando dos pendulum, aquele bixo que voa e faz um barulho mil grau). Como nós bem sabemos, todos eles tem uma simbologia fortemente atrelada a trama, então já é de se esperar que eles abordam os medos de Heather que eu citei acima.


Se aprofundando na história, descobrimos que Heather é na verdade Cheryl Mason, filha do protagonista do primeiro jogo. Sua persona está intrinsicamente conectada a cidade de Silent Hill, já que ela também é Reencarnação de Alessa, a criadora do mundo amaldiçoado. Os temas de maternidade do jogo começam a fazer sentido conforme vamos jogando e, na ultima parte do jogo, temos a revelação de que Heather está grávida do Deus do culto. A Vilã Claudia fez a vida da nossa amada protagonista um inferno (matando até o Harry) justamente para alimentar o Deus dentro do ventre de Heather com ódio. Diferente dos antecessores, esse game não possui diversos finais... Apenas dois: O canônico (Good) e o que Heather se rende e fica possuída (lixo). Esse é um jogo que desenrola toda a história do culto para a franquia de Silent hill, mas também é uma jornada de autoconhecimento da protagonista. Ela possui memórias mistas, dividindo-as com Alessa e cada passo dado na cidade, cada diário lido é uma forma de Heather conhecer quem é, de onde veio e também descobrir sobre o triste passado de Alessa. No fim as duas se aceitam e barram as operações de Cláudia para despertar o Deus que é gerado no ventre de Heather, literalmente o abortando.

No geral, é uma obra magnífica e rico em história, na qual eu recomendo para qualquer um que quer ter uma experiência amedrontadora e misteriosa.


Scariest game in the series. Heather is also the best protagonist by a long shot.

- Great atmosphere in this game, having some really creepy rooms in it.
- Plot is decent but the writing can be painful at times.
- OST is alright, the least memorable of the first 3 games.
- Camera is a struggle to manage in this game, especially on enemy targeting.
- As obtuse the puzzles are in this game, i actually enjoy them.

While I think this and Silent Hill 2 are more or less equals, I have to give the edge to 3.

Compared to its predecessor, the horror here takes on a less subdue aesthetic. Silent Hill 2 feels as though you are in the rotting heart of a grief stricken man. This game instead feels like a journey through a church of the profane. The monsters are more visceral, far more disturbing imagery and viscera can be found throughout, overall it appeals more to my tastes in this respect.

But what I think really gives it an advantage over the previous entries in the series is its unique story. In such a male dominated medium as video games, it is surprising and encouraging to see a game place such emphasis on the female perspective. Feminine horror is not unique to this game, but it is one of the best, most concise implementations of the sub genres themes to be found.

im convinced the final boss on hard/extreme is impossible without the hitbox cheese

most of my reviews are prompted by a problem with a game, its fanbase, or its critical reception. silent hill 3 is... perfect, and everyone with their head on straight knows it. no notes.

la mejor experiencia de terror interactivo jamas hecha

nunca joguei os outros mas que jogaço do krl nunca vi fazerem uma personagem feminina tão bem feita

i hope every woman reading this has an amazing life
Be safe y'all

Although if you want the true Silent Hill 3 experience, you'd have to mod it a little, this is my personal favourite Silent Hill game. It's just so damn insane, my first playthrough has just been me shitting myself over this work of art, I wish I could play it through again without any memory of it.

did a quick speedrun while i was drunk last night, 49m2s on the IGT, not my best run but pretty solid i think. i always notice something new about this game every playthrough, even when i'm speedrunning. great time had by all (me)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐂 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐂 𝐅𝐢𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐝:

In my restless dreams, I see that town... My sweet Silent Hill, some could say I finally ended the big three of the franchise, and with a sad face I will tell you, the love for this game is huge and even if the next entries aren't as good as these three, this was THE entry to finally stop being afraid of the horror genre, also got into Resident Evil so a win-win!

Ok, without deviating too much, the story was weaker even if it connected dots to the happenings of 17 years ago, Silent Hill 1, but a solid story nonetheless.

This game is so freaking scary, you start the game and already encountering the huge sleeve monsters and the pendulums, I call them the beyblades (thought they were only the bosses of some part when I watched a trailer on YouTube.)

And while the game ended quickly, each session completed made the ending closer, can't say it was rushed, but there is less room to breath here you go from section to section and can't catch a break (less town exploration!), compared to the calm parts of SH1 / SH2 which made me more relaxed, this is without a doubt the scariest one I've played so far (just sweating thinking about SH4), the Otherworld parts followed by the soundtrack and monster noises really made me poop better the following days.

The perception of a game by the gaming community affects my ability to see it, this is why I tend to avoid seeing many reviews before submitting my thoughts here. Love Silent Hill 1, Silent Hill 2 (kudos for the team that made the Enhanced project for PC) and Silent Hill 3. I wish to have played this franchise so much sooner, and the nostalgia given for playing the PS3 HD Collection crappy version on the PS4's PS+ cloud streaming for some minutes gave a glimpse of what was awaiting. Hope this isn't the end, I want to keep enjoying the next Silent Hill entries. Silent Hill 4: The Room, don't fail me. Send me with the final love letter from the fantastic and creative, Team Silent.

This review contains spoilers

Great game, a lot more difficult than both games before it, gave up on hard riddle on the very first puzzle and just scrapped by on hard action, but it feels like two different games stories stitched together, the first half has so many allusions to suicide that you wonder if something about it has to do with Hearter and then that just stops and it all cult stuff after that.

Also this games has the most bullshit kills in the Team Sillent series.