Reviews from

in the past

me diverti muuiiito jogando este

this game is so fucking fun and funny, I love everything about it

Hilarious storyline, very good combat mechanics and a great representation of the series. The only thing I would complain about is an excess of QTEs or mini-games.

can be the most racist homophobic sexist bigot thing in the world except valorant's community existed

Esse jogo me surpreendeu num nível


Astoundingly good for a franchise tie-in turn-based RPG. In true South Park fashion, it's often too crude for its own good and the jokes fall flat about as often as they land. What jokes do land are often hilarious, though, and the game makes sure not to outstay its welcome. If you are willing to endure lots of very stock-standard South Park gags, there are some sincerely audacious comedic setpieces that manage to be fascinating in their ambition when they aren't necessarily successfully funny in their execution, and I'd recommend it if it sounds like it would interest you. Unlikely to create any new converts, though, and the gameplay absolutely will not sustain you if you're finding the writing unfunny.

Really makes you feel like South park

pros: it's top quality South Park
cons: the combat is everything I hate - JRPG, random encounters, enemies scaling with player level, super slow...
the fight with underpant gnomes is pure gold though.

O que eu ri com esse jogo não tá no papel.

Stick of Truth foi uma surpresa e tanto pois poucos jogos licenciados alcançam um patamar desses. O jogo, que mais parece um episódio real, é um RPG com combate baseado em turnos e conta com o inseparável humor ácido (e bota ácido nisso) dos criadores originais. A premissa desse título não foge do que é habitual da série tornando obrigatório pra qualquer fã.

Apesar de muito suave a transição entre gameplay e cutscene, quedas constantes de quadros apareciam de vez em quando (PS3), mas nada que diminuísse a experiência do jogo.

Bom demais quero jogar a sequência em breve.

i played this with my dad years ago. yes i did ask him to leave the room during the underpants gnomes sequence, why do you ask?

funny as fuck, the best paper mario clone

The best south park game that came out at the right time and is truly lightning in a bottle when it comes to more modern licensed games

Don't really watch a lot of South Park but this game is hilarious has made me want to pick up the series. I don't play many RPGs so it is very beginner friendly which I liked. The combat was a lot of fun and the story was pretty good too

extremely funny if you are a south park fan you will love this title

haha funny poop fart hahaha sex hahahahah

ok besides that the RPG elements are pretty fun and the gameplay is good. its a genuinely fun game that can sometimes be ruined by the humor... but its south park so like for a south park game its got damn good.

Juegazo. Recuerdo que me encantaba el balón de basket. Es muy cool como se pueden armar muchos estilos de combate, y jugaba bien al dps. Para ser un juego de humor y satira licenciado, es muy profundo en sus mecánicas sin llegar a ser dificil.

Super divertido, parece um episódio gigante, humor e um sistema de combate bom

I like the South Park TV show and this game epitomizes its sense of humor and storytelling. The jokes are funny and the RPG mechanics work well. This could have just been a cash-grab but it's actually a competent Role-playing game. If you're a fan of the show I definitely recommend giving it a try.

jogo lokao das ideias, mas é daora