Reviews from

in the past

Обожаю мультсериал. Игра по нему шедевральна. Obsidian Entertainment постаралась на славу, воссоздав легендарный "маленький городок в штате Колорадо" с его уникальной атмосферой, показав угарный сюжет, простую (в позитивном смысле этого слова) и удобную боевую систему, локализацию на русском языке в виде субтитров (что и хорошо, поскольку оригинальная озвучка идентична озвучке в мультике).
Посчитав все плюсы и плюсы, прихожу к однозначному выводу: МАСТ ХЕВ.

Esse jogo é incrivelmente bom, ele funciona como um rpg e tem uma historia interessante com sacadas incríveis
Normalmente ele fica uns 22$ em promoção, então para mim vale apena pra caramba, você não vai se arrepender

douchbag. idk what to say about this but it was pretty funny ofc, gameplay felt a little slow to me. besides that it was worth the play through.

As Dunkey would say, this game makes you FEEL like you're in South Park. Honestly though, this feels like an extended episode South Park and full of Easter eggs for long time fans of the show. The combat is fun and complements the overall story well.

I loved South Park for quite awhile up until probably a year or two after this game came out. This game feels like you're playing the show, which is an often repeated point of praise, but it really does feel like that. The RPG elements feel a bit basic, but there is replay value with the different classes.

This review contains spoilers

Would have given it higher but compared to its second installment, it’s not the best…
The idea for the game is amazing because it’s South Park: The Game, and the models and story are really fun and creative, however the combat makes this game suffer, also the Canada part of the story. That wasn’t amazing. Still good game though

This is the best Paper Mario game. Sorry but I don't make the rules. Only game where you can fight a giant Nazi Zombie Fetus as a Jew with David Hasselhoff's head.

esse jogo me faz feliz, acho que zerei umas 3x ja, eu pude ser amiguinha do meu filho(butters)

пердеть на людей кайф

jogo lokao das ideias, mas é daora

I like the South Park TV show and this game epitomizes its sense of humor and storytelling. The jokes are funny and the RPG mechanics work well. This could have just been a cash-grab but it's actually a competent Role-playing game. If you're a fan of the show I definitely recommend giving it a try.

Super divertido, parece um episódio gigante, humor e um sistema de combate bom

Juegazo. Recuerdo que me encantaba el balón de basket. Es muy cool como se pueden armar muchos estilos de combate, y jugaba bien al dps. Para ser un juego de humor y satira licenciado, es muy profundo en sus mecánicas sin llegar a ser dificil.

CARA que jogo funny
se vc gosta de d&d e south park IMPOSSIVEL nao gostar

The best part is when you get to Canada.

Muito legal, sem replayability e as classes são meio méh

if butters has no fans, i'm dead

Finalmente eu pude encontrar Jesus!

This will be one of the hottest takes I ever drop on the internet, but I just don't get the appeal. And I mean that about all of South Park, not just The Stick of Truth.

The Stick of Truth, to its credit, is genuinely a really fun turn-based RPG. And I'm sure for fans of the show it's perfect - because it feels like you're playing an episode of the show. I just don't really understand what's so appealing about that.

None of these characters are likable, its humor is incredibly childish, and when it's trying to be edgy and overly offensive, it just ends up being cringeworthy. It's not saying anything that wasn't said hundreds of times by "stand-up comedians" in the 2000s. None of the pop-culture references go beyond the surface level or have any meaningful commentary to them. This feels like it was written by an elementary school kid who watched South Park at an age where they shouldn't have, and entered an "edgy humor" phase they never grew out of.

It's a really ironic self-fulfilling prophecy.

But yeah, I just don't get it. When I was a kid and less "woke" I'm sure I would've found this hilarious - and I'd go back and punt that version of myself if I could.

Maybe I'll return to this someday, because again, it's genuinely fun and for those that this means something to, it's very faithful to the show. I had a blast being a menace to this town and looting everyone's drawers. But the source material just isn't for me, which means The Stick of Truth isn't, either. And that's okay.

this and fractured but whole are both some of the most entertaining story games youll ever play. id say both of these are equally as good. even if you dont like south park the turn based combat is just so satisfying to play and parry and get better weapons. snow day was just so sad and did not do these games justice.

I love rpgs. I love South Park. Nuff said.

I remember trading my tf2 unusual for this game when it came out. I think it was worth it.

A very good turn based RPG game. The story is good, the gameplay is awesome and it is everything you can expect from a south park game. You never get bored with this game.

I bothered my parents to give me this game when I was a kid and for some reason they bought it LOL. I only finished it once because I always got stuck in the aliens phase (I really hate whoever programmed this part), because I didn't have the strength to press the button until the probe broke (Spoiler, bad news). Anyway, this game is one of those examples of licensed games that are good and fun, I love the gameplay style of this game, despite having played a lot of RPGs I admit that depending on one die to kill a basic enemy is shit. But not here, if you do badly in a fight it's because of your gameplay, it's the player's fault, not the game (Did you hear Fallout 1 and 2?). Furthermore, it has several mechanics that enrich the player's experience, such as allies, with each one having their own skills and gameplay guidelines, allowing the player to have more possibilities to play, apart from the classes that we can choose. The story and graphics are good, but if you've already watched the series you know what awaits you, this game is almost a mega episode of SP, but that's in no way a bad thing, on the contrary it's a great success since the humor and everything the series represents was maintained here. Whether you are a South Park fan or not, this game will still be a good experience, with fun gameplay and an absurdly hilarious story.

O que eu ri com esse jogo não tá no papel.

Stick of Truth foi uma surpresa e tanto pois poucos jogos licenciados alcançam um patamar desses. O jogo, que mais parece um episódio real, é um RPG com combate baseado em turnos e conta com o inseparável humor ácido (e bota ácido nisso) dos criadores originais. A premissa desse título não foge do que é habitual da série tornando obrigatório pra qualquer fã.

Apesar de muito suave a transição entre gameplay e cutscene, quedas constantes de quadros apareciam de vez em quando (PS3), mas nada que diminuísse a experiência do jogo.

Bom demais quero jogar a sequência em breve.

pros: it's top quality South Park
cons: the combat is everything I hate - JRPG, random encounters, enemies scaling with player level, super slow...
the fight with underpant gnomes is pure gold though.

Really makes you feel like South park

Astoundingly good for a franchise tie-in turn-based RPG. In true South Park fashion, it's often too crude for its own good and the jokes fall flat about as often as they land. What jokes do land are often hilarious, though, and the game makes sure not to outstay its welcome. If you are willing to endure lots of very stock-standard South Park gags, there are some sincerely audacious comedic setpieces that manage to be fascinating in their ambition when they aren't necessarily successfully funny in their execution, and I'd recommend it if it sounds like it would interest you. Unlikely to create any new converts, though, and the gameplay absolutely will not sustain you if you're finding the writing unfunny.