Reviews from

in the past

This game was so much fun I just wish I still had my DSi with it on there 💔

i got this for free on the 3DS and it was pretty fun! it's not as in-depth as a full mainline zelda game of course, but i still liked it

(Original review from 2016) Good for some multiplayer Zelda gameplay on your 3DS. Unlockable stages at the end were a really cute touch. Felt somewhat short after playing Four Swords Adventures

This was a limited time offer on 3ds iirc. Fun little game in singleplayer, tho nothing outstanding.

I remember playing this with some friends in class once and not much more, fun little time though

all was going well until the final level where i had to get my best friend to play with me because my L and R buttons were broken and there was one single instance there where it was mandatory to use them to progress