Reviews from

in the past

This game was so much fun I just wish I still had my DSi with it on there 💔

i got this for free on the 3DS and it was pretty fun! it's not as in-depth as a full mainline zelda game of course, but i still liked it

(Original review from 2016) Good for some multiplayer Zelda gameplay on your 3DS. Unlockable stages at the end were a really cute touch. Felt somewhat short after playing Four Swords Adventures

Not a lot of fun singleplayer. I wish this was easier to play with friends as my brother and i play this one a lot when it first came out and it was way more fun with others. Its very clunky two move the two links separately when the game wants you to when by yourself and the large amount of chests and rupees you need to collect to get the keys are a chore to get by yourself. Good game with others bad-mid on your lonesome.

This is a great, small downlaodable title you can pick up on the 3DS. Only takes about an hour to beat but it's really fun especially if you have friends to play with

would have been more fun with 4 people

I’ve had this game on my 3DS for years now, and finally, my brother and I sat down and played it. Ended up being just fine. The gameplay and puzzles are REALLY simple, but I will say the different power ups and boss fights were fun enough. Really enjoyed just getting to play a game with my brother, even if it was just ok. Ended up being a decently satisfying experience overall. There’s a bit more post game stuff, but we decided we were happy with just beating the main game. Also didn’t want to deal with the monotony of the gameplay again lol. Thanks for playing bro.

For those that missed it, this was a free game, which was and still is crazy, before being delisted. It added a lot more content to the original Four Swords game (new dungeons, powers). It's short and very simple, and I think this game would had benefited from download play.

Beating every Zelda in timeline order 3/20:

With the caveat that this isn't really meant to be played single-player, I just don't find this format fun. Collecting rupees through a randomly generated dungeon to fight a half-baked boss isn't really what I look for in a Zelda experience. I understand that this is a party game and I am a single man, but I kinda hated playing this. I really wouldn't mind if your character wasn't in slug mode. You're SO slow.

At least it's short.

This game can be a lot of fun with friends, albeit it doesn't offer anything too deep. It makes sense that this was originally a side mode.

Played this everytime me and a friend where over each others house, trolling eachother would comence and we only finished the final area in like 2013-2014. shit was so much fun, wish nintendo would do more stuff like this again

This was a limited time offer on 3ds iirc. Fun little game in singleplayer, tho nothing outstanding.

I remember playing this with some friends in class once and not much more, fun little time though

all was going well until the final level where i had to get my best friend to play with me because my L and R buttons were broken and there was one single instance there where it was mandatory to use them to progress

This is the original multiplayer Zelda game. Four Swords Adventures took this concept and fleshed it out providing a better experience but the original still has value. The graphics look nice and I like how short it is. This is probably the weakest Zelda game but it's definitely not bad, just not as groundbreaking as its peers.

A decent novelty, it's cool getting to see where a lot of idea from the Minish Cap originated, and this rerelease did a pretty good job with letting you play it alone, even if it's clearly not as fun as co-op.

It's a great game with others playing as intended. The additions to the original Four Swords are all great, and the puzzles, while simple, are entertaining to deal with when you've got to work with four people.

joguei zilhoes de vezes. acho do caralho

This was amazing when it first released. I'm lucky to have still been a kid when it came out because I was able to play this with my friends all the time and we really loved it. Not anywhere close to the best zelda has to offer but very fun if you're not an adult

Ok, gotta admit: playing this in single player is kinda depressing. I wanna retry one day to properly play it as intended because the potential is very good. Not to mention it's one of the shortest Zelda games ever made.

I never finished this game; it was so complicated for my little brain, but I loved it (and it was free).

i will never complain about having gotten a video game for free as an eight year old (it was a free download for those who don't remember) but even with that aside, it was fun to play and probably would've been fun to play in co-op had i friends

it was quite good and fun, very short. makes me wanna play the gamecube one for more

Fond memories of this game. Nothing special at all but a perfect time waster.