Reviews from

in the past

Aesthetics aside, this game is a mess. There are a number of reasons

1. The enemies never stop coming in a single room
2. There's too many enemies in a single room too often (a problem some of the later Zelda Dungeons face)
3. The game punish you too hardly for dying. Differently from Zelda, you can't afford to die, you gain nothing from it
4. There's no benefit in killing a lot of the enemies. You neither can explore the room later, because they never cease nor win anything relevant for killing them

The result is that the most efficient way of playing the game is just to run. The only situation where you need to kill an enemy is when the enemy is blocking a path or when you need to open a door.

There are some nice mechanics to the game too, but are just lost in this mess.

I would love to see Nintendo reviving the franchise (although i don't think it will happen)

I wanted to like this game. I really did. Unfortunately, Takamaru is stuck with the durability of tissue paper in a game swarming with enemies. The gameplay feels almost like an 8-bit hack-and-slash, but with way less of the power-trip fun that such games are famous for. You will die, and die, and die, because the game doesn't feel inclined to give you much if any breathing room. This game could've been really fun, but its more interesting elements (its powerups and exploration elements, for example) get overshadowed by the issue of its difficulty.

Murasame Castle se descreve como um jogo com objetivo pra finalizar (enfrentar o chefe final após explorar os castelos). Ele tem mecânicas curiosas pra um jogo da época, apesar de bastante simplório.

Me senti um pouco desorientado e quando percebi, após rodar a esmo, passei de fase. A sensação é que o design foi feito de uma forma pouco pensada, o que seria compreensível para o período, mas talvez seja pretensão da minha parte afirmar que foi isso que começou.

Fico com as sensações da minha experiência que foram negativas nesse sentido. Não senti que havia uma lógica no level design, soando bem aleatório e com repetição de cenários.