Reviews from

in the past

Le gameplay est classique mais sympa, malheureusement le système de clés à trouver pour avancer dans les niveaux et le manque de scénario m'a un peu démotivé à finir le jeu, dommage.

Nightdive as usual does a fantastic job in polishing up all the shortcomings that came with the original release while retaining everything that made it good on the first place. The large, open levels full of secrets and exploration, the large weapon variety, the stellar enemy animations, the eerie atmosphere. Mand I don't envy the people who had to beat this on the original N64 with the limited speed/draw distance and almost no guides. By modern FPS standards this game can be bloody confusing and cryptic with its stage design and by the time I got to the final boss, I was less thrilled and more exhausted. If you want to check a cult chapter of 90's video gaming, this version is the one to go for.

The level design and enemy types seemed decent enough based on the short while I played. The emphasis on platforming and collecting items makes it stand out. Not having a crosshair in an FPS feels wrong.

Nightdive did a great job with this one. Allowed me to relive a bit of nostalgia with all the quality of life updates I would need with modern tech. Enjoyed every minute of this 10 hour game.

Decent game, weapon variety was cool though it felt like some weapons were weaker than others when they shouldn't be, especially the energy-based ones. Key hunting is mostly fun and the levels do a okay job at leading you in the right direction but becomes frustrating when the last key you need is hidden somewhere on a huge map. Besides that platforming and exploring the levels was fun, it's satisfying to find secret areas in this game if you explore a little bit. Enemy feedback is great, all the little animations just sell the damage you do to enemies (the mounted triceratops one is great). Kinda funny having to use the automap indicator as a DIY crosshair when I needed to snipe an enemy with the assault rifle.

i lost my goddamn save and never finished it after spending hours on it already ,,, slaughtered my desire to finish it ,,,, fun-ass game though