Reviews from

in the past

Le gameplay est classique mais sympa, malheureusement le système de clés à trouver pour avancer dans les niveaux et le manque de scénario m'a un peu démotivé à finir le jeu, dommage.

Nightdive as usual does a fantastic job in polishing up all the shortcomings that came with the original release while retaining everything that made it good on the first place. The large, open levels full of secrets and exploration, the large weapon variety, the stellar enemy animations, the eerie atmosphere. Mand I don't envy the people who had to beat this on the original N64 with the limited speed/draw distance and almost no guides. By modern FPS standards this game can be bloody confusing and cryptic with its stage design and by the time I got to the final boss, I was less thrilled and more exhausted. If you want to check a cult chapter of 90's video gaming, this version is the one to go for.

The level design and enemy types seemed decent enough based on the short while I played. The emphasis on platforming and collecting items makes it stand out. Not having a crosshair in an FPS feels wrong.

basically takes Quake and makes it a N64 collectathon. Great weapons, massive sprawling levels with lots of verticality, a large emphasis on exploration (get used to seeing the automap on screen!), actually really solid first person platforming, and the kind of premise that could only be born from old comic books where you play a time hopping Native American who kills cyborg dinosaurs with everything from bows to futuristic laser guns. Hugely recommend playing with a controller and with the crosshair off, being tuned for the N64 with generous hitboxes and relatively slow enemies makes it a bit too easy with the pinpoint precision of a mouse. The remaster shows its age a bit compared to more fully featured Nightdive releases but it's a great time. One of the first games I remember playing back on the N64 and it's a blast to go back to it

~fps retrospective 13~
Turok is a Frankenstein's monster sort of game in both gameplay and presentation. Akklaim one day decided to combine 2 of the most popular genres of the 90's; a 3d platformer collectathon and a fast-paced first-person shooter, which gave us..... Turok!!!!! It blends surprisingly well and I had a lot of fun I enjoyed the open-ended map design that they had a fair bit, it's very vertical. The weapons you get are pretty cool I think. In the presentation, they decided to combine the pre-historic dinosaur age with alien stuff; it looks cool and gets us some cool enemy designs. The final level was sooooo draining though it took so long to beat i felt drained after I beat the boss they did not have to make it that long.

Shoot dinos. Also is this a collectathon?

This game is pretty terrible. No real encounter design to speak of, boring enemies, respawning enemies, dull level design, and an archaic save system puts this one in the pile of shame, never to be touched again. There's a chance maybe some stuff later in the game is cool, but it doesn't make a worthwhile impression. Certainly zero reason to play this today.

The Nintendo 64’s first first person shooter is in some ways what you would expect from first person shooters in the early N64 days – something along the lines of Doom and Quake, but focusing a bit more on movement. I played this as a child but never got far, even using cheats I never quite understood what I was supposed to be doing. That’s because Turok isn’t just a shooter: it’s a platformer game where you have to find collectables.

The version I’m playing is the remaster of the game – it still has the look and feel of the N64 game, but with a few improvements, the biggest one being fog. Due to the detail of the original game, the render distance was extremely low, so fog was added to hide the lack of level. The PC version moves the fog much further away – it doesn’t remove it completely as the levels were designed with the fog in mind, so you’d just see all the broken geometry the fog was removed completely.

Even with the increased view, navigating the levels isn’t easy. They’re very maze-like and you get warped between different parts, with no reference point to help you get your bearings. It doesn’t help that the levels have little graphical variety within them. You’ll need to scour these levels in order to find keys to unlock later levels, so most of the game will be ambling around, fighting respawning enemies.

The gunplay, at least, it a lot of fun, with a great variety of weapons and lots of different enemies. The story (which you’re not told at all in the game) involves an area of space where things from the past and future exist, so while you start killing tribesmen and dinosaurs, you’ll work up towards aliens, robots and dinosaurs with guns. Enemies to become more bullet sponges as you progress, though, so you need to use more ammo.

Movement is an important part of Turok and it provides a great sense of speed. You run around and jump in a very fluid way. For navigating the main parts of the levels, it’s a lot of fun, but then you reach the many platforming segments of the game, and it all fall down (or you will at least, a lot). The movement feels great when there’s leeway, but it doesn’t feel precise enough for jumping on the many pillars the game requires you to jump on – and with the game’s checkpoint system, some of these jumps can be a good distance away from the last one.

Turok was definitely great when it came out, but I can’t really recommend it now. but it is a game well worth remembering. It has a lot of flaws, but the flaws are also what make the game unique. Turok is very much a product of its time, but is also a piece of gaming history, especially with environments that are much more 3D than previous first person shooters.

While I'm sure Turok was a great console FPS back in the day, today it's more of a novelty game. It plays like Quake without as much kick. The draw here is that some of the enemies are dinosaurs, which is cool but 80% of the time you'll be fighting human-ish enemies. The level design is pretty frustrating, some of the levels here take a whole hour to complete, and sometimes you can miss a collectable that is needed to progress the story since some of them are hidden while others are in obvious locations, so if you do miss a collectable you'll need to start the whole level again. I still had fun in some areas and I enjoyed the setting for this game.

Despite being ugly and somewhat messy, Turok shines through its big, open environments and arsenal of explosive sci-fi weapons. Exploring the eight vast levels while blasting away soldiers, aliens, and dinosaurs is an absolute treat. Just don't expect a coherent setting or narrative.

Pretty great remaster of a classic shooter. I never played the original before, but going into this blind was still an excellent experience

Não esperava curtir tanto esse fps antigo remasterizado, mas achei muito bom, o mapa é um pouco confuso e precisei de um guia para achar algumas chaves, mas tirando isso, da pra encarar tranquilo, o jogo em si é uma completa salada de frutas de loucura nos termos de historia e ambientação, mas isso é um charme a mais, se curte fps antigo, é dentro.

A great master of a flawed but good FPS from the late 90's.

Things to note:
+ It's super fast and it feels great to move around and shoot, it feels like you are in a complete frenzy half the time, very satisfying
+ The original version shrouded everything in fog to be able to run it without lagging, in this remaster there is a lot less fog
+ The concept of playing as Turok fighting dinosaurs in open environments in a Quake-inspired shooter is a great idea, was refreshing back then when most shooters featured castle/industry/hell environments

- Half of the levels are very confusing and result in a lot of backtracking
- Respawning enemies
- You need to collect tokens to open up new levels, which really sucks the life outta the game when the levels become confusing to explore and you can't find them, it's really annoying and the game would be considerably better without it
- Some of the platforming later on can be annoying (there is quite a bit of platforming in Turok)

a very fun shooter hindered by old game design

oh yeah baby it has it all
+Platforming in a fps
+very limited ammo count despite
+respawning enemies, yep even with limited ammo count
+progress halted by collectables, wanna finish the game ? get all the little shinies, they are mandatory.
+a live system, in a game where you die when falling from platforms.
+bullet spongy enemies that replace the normal ones, specially at the end making sure you waste even more of your limited ammo to kill less and less enemies.
+labyrinth level design to make sure youre as disoriented as a mouse, add that with the respawning enemies and limited ammo, see what happens.

nope, i gave up and turned on infinite lives, a cheat already embed inside the game, you unlock it after reaching 10 lives, so the devs knew about it, besides the live system is very redundant when you can just save on a save station and reload to that save station when you lose a life, they are not that far apart, i saw a guy on steam saying the live system is necessary, i mean power to you if you like it brother, but if i can walk around the mechanic using another, i don't see much of a reason for it to exist other than ''it was what the other games where doing at the time''.

still, with all its hassle and annoyance, i still had some fun playing turok remastered, there is something about n64 games that can be some wild jank but still be fun as hell, still, would not play it with lives, specially since i can already avoid it by loading my save

Jumping is a little iffy but otherwise the movement in this game is so oddly satisfying, I really like the admittedly over-exaggerated levels of tilting and bobbing as one runs and strafes around.

Later levels can get a bit ridiculous, but oddly I didn't find the key-hunting as bad as some older shooters.

Nightdive did a great job with this one. Allowed me to relive a bit of nostalgia with all the quality of life updates I would need with modern tech. Enjoyed every minute of this 10 hour game.

Decent game, weapon variety was cool though it felt like some weapons were weaker than others when they shouldn't be, especially the energy-based ones. Key hunting is mostly fun and the levels do a okay job at leading you in the right direction but becomes frustrating when the last key you need is hidden somewhere on a huge map. Besides that platforming and exploring the levels was fun, it's satisfying to find secret areas in this game if you explore a little bit. Enemy feedback is great, all the little animations just sell the damage you do to enemies (the mounted triceratops one is great). Kinda funny having to use the automap indicator as a DIY crosshair when I needed to snipe an enemy with the assault rifle.

i lost my goddamn save and never finished it after spending hours on it already ,,, slaughtered my desire to finish it ,,,, fun-ass game though

Solid boomer shooter. Enjoy the visuals, music is alright, I like all the weapons, even though some feel a bit weak. Levels have decent length although the final level overstayed its welcome just a bit for me. Overall solid experience.

Immer noch besser als die verkackte N64 Version

A beautiful remaster from nightdive, this game is such a good time each playthrough once you get used to where everything is. A great soundtrack with liquid smooth movement and super fun boss fights.
If i had to complain about anything, id say the levels are a little to much for the first time player.... but otherwise its great!

Really good modern port of an iconic classic FPS. It might not wow you by modern standards, but it's still a pretty fun game to breeze through. Still got a lot of charm.

Why didn't I finish this earlier THIS SHIT BANGS

As a remaster it does the job very well, nothing wrong with that. Keeping this short, enjoyed all of the game, except the end levels just ruined it for me, or at least lessened the feeling of the experience. Otherwise greatly recommend this classic FPS for retro gamers specifically.

I got really hyper fixated on beating this and beat it super quick. I never beat this before and tried to play it a few months ago on N64, really not a fan of the first couple of levels but it gets a lot more enjoyable later on, though some of those later levels would have really sucked on N64. It's quite fun, there's a lot of different weapons you get to use and most of them feel good to use, especially the auto shotgun with explosive ammo. Play this remaster, don't play N64.

The first time I picked this up, I gave up cuz it was very annoying to find the key that you needed for the next level, if something takes me like an hour to find then I am done dude. Second playthrough however, things clicked better, I was able to use the map more efficiently than previously... there were still some annoying parts of the game, but it's nothing a guide can solve!

I guess the thing that puts this game down is how damn ambicious it is, seriously, how the hell are you supposed to play this with N64 controllers!?

Overall, movement is fantastic, a lot of fun weapons to use and platforming on a fps.

I love Turok, I love killing dinos with a machine gun.

Feeling a little hypocritical because I usually hate hidden keys and stuff in my fps but here I loved exploring the world trying to find stuff

For a game that was originally on the N64, I'm impressed by how sprawling the levels in this game were.

Ultimately however, I don't think I'll play this game again.

A childhood favorite that I'm finally able to say I've beaten. It was a super fun experience, even though I got stuck in that fricking tomb level for like 5 hours.