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in the past


Played it after P5. Honestly if it wasn't for graphics and the inferior dungeon design, it would be just as good.

This games soundtrack is better than Persona 5’s

I'll enjoy my trash while I can dammit

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Izanami is a FRAUD

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I'm gonna keep it real, even with the nostalgia I have for this game and it being my first Persona game, this is easily the weakest in the franchise, even when compared to Persona 1 in my opinion.

I feel like a large amount of the strongest parts of the story don't come until pretty damn late into the game. Once Nanako is taken into the TV world is when the stakes finally actually feel high.
I can't help but not get as attached to this cast as I do with Persona 3 and 5. Yosuke is easily the weakest of the best buddy characters and the only character I have any emotional attachment to in the main cast is Rise, which to be fair, I am extremely attached to her.

Adachi is however, one of the most compelling villains in the franchise in my opinion, anyone could become him really.

Adachi and Yosuke literally me
(played on Windows PC)

Do que eu joguei de Persona até hoje, Persona 4 Golden é o ápice da experiência de Persona. Ainda adoro os outros jogos e os mais novos tem diversas melhorias de qualidade de vida em comparação com esse, sem falar em animações e gráficos mais bem trabalhados, mas ainda assim esse jogo consegue ser melhor pra mim. A história se desenvolve com um pacing muito bom, muito bem contada e com twists legais sem serem previsíveis. Os personagens são ótimos e muito marcantes e mesmo os social links mais "fracos" tinham alguns pontos bem fora da curva, e eu acho que isso é parte do que faz esse jogo tão único. A limitação da época no que tange gráficos e animações no fim parece uma feature e intensifica muito os momentos de comédia. O plot é muito envolvente, e os temas principais da história são muito fáceis de se relacionar para qualquer público, o que melhora ainda mais a aventura. O vilão é muito bom e todo o conteúdo adicional da versão Golden é simplesmente fantástico, tanto as duas dungeons adicionais quanto o SL da Marie que também é ótimo. O final "secreto" é simplesmente incrível e recompensador, e num geral eu não consigo lembrar de um momento em que eu tenha me sentido cansado do jogo.

This game is so cool I wish friends were real.

It is genuinely impossible to decide which persona game is my favorite. I will say that I think this one is both teh funniest and has the best story. Sensational.

First Persona I beat and one of my favorite RPG’s. The characters, story, mystery, world, gameplay… It’s all superb. Oh, and the music will get stuck in your head for an eternity. This is a very good game!

i got nothin funny to say. you can tell P Studio were bummed the fuck out after persona 3 because its the opposite of that game in every way but still great because of how strongly it distinctifies itself. had me smilin' and laughin the whole time because its a game that is above all else filled with joy and love. there is some intense shit here but it gets to that point because the rest of it is so damn wonderful. truly special little thing

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Just a real lack of substance, which was attempted to be substituted with just doubling down on the style, and while that style is really cool, I'm left coming away from every scene thinking "wait a minute, has anything even happened?"

You have fun interesting characters, that don't go anywhere and don't have anything meaningful to say, especially with Kanji and Naoto, are you fucking seriously telling me that the route we want to go with for this finding inner truth shit is "you need to accept these doubts as a part of you" but these 2 characters don't accept things, they just walk around it or just conform to societal standards.
Then they send it home with having weird, homophobic scenes, and having a horribly written character who's entire joke is that she's fat and gross.
In general there's no real focus on the character's getting developed, and when they do it's really short-lived like with Teddie, and too much focus on having fun scenes with all your friends!!!
I can only assume the decision was made due to the VERY gloomy tone of 3, but the course correction was too harsh, especially considering this is a game about a murder mystery for crying out loud.

You have ideas that sound very clever on paper, but in execution are really, REALLY shit.
"I've got a great idea, we'll kill Nanako and throw the blame on the current suspect, and if you let that emotional vengeance get the best of you, you've let bias cloud your ability to find the truth and now you get the bad ending, and if you let him live, Nanako comes back because you've upheld Justice, and Nanako is the Justice social link!"
In execution: Nanako dies, pulls on the emotions, and now you have to look up a guide for how to do the next bit of dialogue or else you can't get the best ending because it's super specific, Oh, and Nanako's back now 10 minutes later, just incase you actually felt any weight to that death scene.

Actually solving the mystery is a little fun I suppose, but by the time the actual mystery picks up next thing you know you're getting sling-shotted into the "FIGHT GOD" part of the story, which I cannot stand, I'm sure you can send home the themes of the story without giving one last giant sledgehammer to the head of the meaning of everything, it's just corny as hell, I'll eat my words if this is any different in 5 but I'm expecting this trope to only be executed even remotely well in 3.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the extra parts after the "KILL GOD" stuff, pretty sure this is the super specific guide ending content, where you find the real mastermind that the game apparently needed to have, who gave people the power to enter the TVs, because this is something that needed to be explained, turns out it was a throwaway NPC at the start of the game and now you... fight OTHER God... What the fuck? Why was this necessary?

Also yadda yadda gameplay sucks ass, same dull Persona systems, but it's not freshened up like 5/P3R, RNG dungeons are never fun, etc.

I'm really curious for how this will end up when it inevitably gets remade, Atlus seems to have grown out of the shitty homophobic writing, the criticism for Kanji and Naoto has probably given them some time to think if there's anything to re-write, and in P3R there's more development added to a lot of the characters, as well as upgrading the gameplay from shit to bad, It could end up fixing a lot of the major problems this game has.

Maybe they'll even twist the atrociously bad drag show scene into something actually positive and salvageable, god, what the fuck were they thinking? Do happy and jolly vibes only come when you do the sacrificial punches down on minority groups?

"joguei" com meu amigo pedrão

the game's just kinda mid, nothing mindblowing but also nothing downright terrible.

The fog is coming in a several days after the rain


this is what my high school experience was like

Su nota inicial es esta ya solo por el estilo, la saga y lo poco que llevo jugado, su nota cambiara cuando lo acabe

tl;dr: Play this game over the Vanilla PS2 game

People often overlook how much of an upgrade Golden is compared to Vanilla P4. Sure, the graphics are somehow worse than the PS2 version. But the added dialogues, events, cutscenes… All of it adds so much charm to the game.
I always thought P4 was a boring game, where nothing really happens. It did not help that the villain was spoiled for me… But Golden changed my perspective. I understood how much of a great game it was.
One of the big regrets I had when re-playing it on steam tho, was that most of the TV Listings things were deleted from the game.
It's just too bad it did not add more Chihiro screen-time --> More Chihiro = more happiness in the world.

I can still hear the music from this one

Visiting a game i used to love as a young teen can be painful, sometimes. As much as I used to adore this game, a replay a decade later really hurt my perception of it. Easily my least favorite in the set of modern Persona games.

A lot of character development and writing seems to cross back on itself; characters arcs culminate in them "accepting their true self", but largely find themselves turning right back to the life they were resigned to before. Accepting your true feelings is different from resigning yourself to your fate, and almost no one in the game seems to /really/ want to change their situation. It rubs me the wrong way that the theme of the game is accepting yourself, your differences, and how you truly feel, only for characters to swallow their own feelings back down and 'overcome' their problems by becoming comfortable with what had hurt them in the first place.

Another issue I have with Persona 4 is one well known; homophobia and misogyny run rampant through the game as gags, and even for a 2008 game, it can definitely go far beyond uncomfortable (hello, camping trip assault joke!). I don't really need to talk more about this- it's been talked about time and time again, and plays into the same issue I have with the rest of the character arcs.

There's things I still like about this game- the music is fantastic, and the country town setting feels perfectly isolated and empty, paving way for the high-school friendships to feel like they mean more. The later third of the game where the fog sets in, Magatsu-Inaba, and Hollow Forest look and feel amazing. I really wish the game had leaned more into this, rather than a majority of the game being spent whittling days away just.. hanging out and doing goofy anime high-schooler things.

I also have to give special note to the Dojima family- Nanako and Dojima's dynamic is easily my favorite part of the game, far more than any of the relationships between the Investigation Team, which I find pretty one-note.

All in all, I just.. don't love this game anymore. It's a somber feeling to say I honestly actively dislike something that was so important to me for so long. But some parts of it are still fun and enjoyable, and some form of nostalgia and warmth keeps me from calling it a bad game with my full heart.