Reviews from

in the past

Jogaço da poha (volto quando terminar)

Living in a small city myself, this game made me try to replicate the Inaba experience.
I can't thank Persona 4 enough for making me go outside

Persona 3 pero peor (odio a Yosuke y cualquier persona respetable también le odia)

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Kyur0h reportedly told Margaret to "Leave Marie be"-

To me, the best JRPGs ever, all the characters were charming, relatable (even Chie), the turn-base combat is simple but satisfying, the soundtrack was MMPM... shit goes so hard I swear to god. Dialogue and voice acting is believable and hilarious. This game somehow make me wanna go to school again.


Also P4 >>>>>>>>>> P5 all day can't even compare cause Yukiko

Hearing many thing about this game being the worst in the series was crazy after playing it. At face value, it's a murder mystery thriller, but it talks about personal identity, struggle and growth as person in a very small town, which makes it feel alot more personal and the story just builds up very well for a fairly short persona game but great experience

olis 3 tähtee mut koska adachi on olemas se saa 3.5 tähtee

toi vanha battle systeemi on synti mut muuten goated

my least fav out of the persona trilogy (see what i did there)
but its still goated cuz its persona (i love persona)
(heaven was not made for us mere mortals to listen to cuz as much as we do we will not appreciate it enough and it should only be consumed by a higher lifeform)

Loved every second of every minute, of every hour...of every day...of every...week...of...every...month I spent playing this game...yeah tis a bit long.

A rework of this would be fucking incredible. Right now, the bosses are just damage sponges and not all that interesting, but the story and characters carry with ease. If Persona 4 Rewind becomes a thing, P5R will look like a joke.

Yeah, naked truth lies
only if you realize
Appearing in nobody's eyes
till they sterilize
Stop the guerrilla
warfare to keep it fair
Bro, change your rage to a smarter greater cause

You know the stake is high stardom is near
Those who sympathized you die killers pass by
Do not waste your time in hating flirting guys
Use your might to AIs do justice to them all

Now I face out
I hold out
I reach out to the truth of my life seeking to seize
on the whole moment to now break away
Oh God let me out
Can you let me out
Can you set me free from this dark inner world
Save me now Last beat in the soul

posso ter começado errado jogando o 4 primeiro porém pretendo jogar todos, esse jogo proporciona uma experiência única de fato muito bom

Very chill game. A bit repetitive at times but a perfect vita game.

a beautifully paced murder mystery, unravelling into a web of philosophical themes backed by a stellar cast, fantastic pacing and a wonderful soundtrack. masterpiece.

I prefer 5 but I really enjoyed this one too. I loved how real most of the main characters' insecurities and problems felt. Teddie can piss off though.

I think the dungeons aren't good. Played on Switch.

Un jeu a faire, simplement.
Une bonne comparaison a faire est a mon avis avec la partie 4 de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure : Diamond is Unbreakable.
Un groupe de lycéens qui se réunis dans des circonstances particulières et cherchent à arrêter une menace dans leur petit patelin paumé.
L'alchimie des membres du groupe est agréable, on ressens leur amitié, et leurs interactions sont toujours hilarantes malgré quelques blagues plus ou moins déplacées (disons que ça allait avec l'époque).
En terme de gameplay, celui-ci reste très jouable, même si les donjons générés aléatoirement deviennent vite répétitifs.

Persona 4 is amazing.
it improved alot from p3 imo.
I love Inaba, Its such a chill place.
The music makes me wanna get up and dance.
its so amazing.
I love the main cast, everyone is so well written and interesting.
My favourite from the crew gotta be my boy Kanji, hes a real one.
And also the villains are so amazing.
I think p4 did a lot better job with the villains then in p3.
The story is very intriguing because of its mystery element, i think it was handled better then p3 story.
And i also really like the combat.

P4 isnt perfect tho..
I dont like the dungeon design of this game.
I think its an improvement from p3 dungeon.
Marie is annoying and doesnt fit in with the story.
Also the pacing in this game is not great, still an improvement from p3.

P4 Is really darn good.

Lo tuve que empezar de nuevo

Jogo bonito, com músicas impressionantes e divertido tal qual outro persona a partir do 3. Parei, mas provavelmente voltarei a jogar em algum momento, mas algo ainda tira minha atenção nesse jogo. Talvez um remake traga minha vontade de jogar de volta assim como o P3? Vamos ver.

My personal favorite persona game. I will marry Rise

I had a lot to say about this game at one point, but currently I think I’m more apathetic towards it than I was initially.

This is one of my favorite games of all time (not recommended)