Reviews from

in the past

play as anyone, however you want. 10/10 concept

Ubisoft has fallen...

It reeks of awful new-age dev practices and is somewhat representative of how bad long dev cycles are for a game.

Le jeu a tué la licence et pour ça je ne l'aime pas.

london would've looked good if it wasn't for the beige piss colored color palette

(also the characters are literally nothing, dialouge is so bad, story is extremly uninteresting, side activites suck, whole thing is just soo boring ugh)

Um dos maiores fracassos da Ubisoft e principalmente de uma franquia que decaiu demais da fraca história do segundo pro terceiro.

Tentaram passar uma sensação de liberdade em criar seu personagem ,mas sabemos que isso é fracasso em não conseguirem criar bons personagens como os dois últimos, as missões e toda história não tem sentido algum, os personagens são totalmente genéricos.

A única coisa que esse jogo trabalha bem é sua ambientação, a coisa mínima que a EA francesa conseguiu , triste..

Eu não sei, esse jogo ele é nada, ele não traz uma mensagem, o que ele apresenta fica sem graça e repetitivo muito rápido, certo, a história é do grupo DeDSeC tentando impedir grupos problemáticos de Londres, e o principalmente, o Zero Day, o jogo tem a mecânica de você ser qualquer NPC, ter habilidade e armamentos próprios, isso cria problemas tanto pra história, quanto pro combate, já que os personagens não tem profundidade, personalidade e traços únicos, e o combate, como depende de seu personagens, armas de fogo são exclusivas para tipos de personagens, e apenas armas de choque são universais (que são bem medíocres), as missões consistem em matar capanga, hackear objetivo e vazar, as vezes perseguições e puzzles de "conectar os fios", o hacking funciona bem pior, você tem um Hack infinito, porém você tem um tempo pra utilizar de novo, que faz com que você tenha que sair de citações arriscadas com muito mais dificuldade, a Londres é bem meh, a estética não tem muito haver com popups ou tecnologia, não tem o icônico celular, a direção piorou,o parkour que tinham evoluído não existe mais,os comandos são desconfortáveis.

Simplismente é uma ideia boa na cabeça com execução péssima, eu joguei esse jogo em 2021 por muito tempo, porém mesmo assim, não sei o motivo que tenho 56 horas nesse jogo, eu nem fiz metade do jogo, o estúdio que fez isso não foi o Ubisoft Montreal e foi para outra Ubisoft que claramente era inesperiente e não sabia o que fazer com a franquia.

Tried to complete this at least 3 or 4 times but I always end up falling off

most underrated game of all time

The game is very fun but way too easy.
The story is fun but very rushed.

ممتعة بالبداية بعدين خلاص تطفش منها

Let me just cut to the chase by saying that the core 'play as anyone' mechanic of Watch Dogs: Legion is pretty neat... but it does become clear that it's what they put most of their focus on since once it wears off, it reveals how aggressively okay the rest of the game is.

That's definitely my more objective reading of this game, though, since I did personally enjoy it more than seemingly most on here did, but then, as previously stated, I am an unabashed fan of Ubislop.

It did help, however, that the consensus around Legion is that the game's central gimmick is a classic case of lofty ambitions not being as impressive in execution (see: Molyneux, Peter), so I was able to temper my assumptions. There is indeed a lot of repetition in the 'play as anyone' promise, but I suppose that's to be expected to some extent, given the population of London represented here.

It is true that the story is overall not as engaging as the previous two games in the series due to the lack of a central focal character, but there are some story arcs (well, one in particular, really) that were generally intriguing. Besides that, though, it's a so-so techno thriller featuring drab, generic villains with questionable motivations and a pretty bland supporting cast.

Despite this, I would be lying if I said I didn't have somewhat of a kinship with the DedSec I had recruited together. For all the game's faults of its lack of a central identity, be it the narrative or characters, putting together your own posse of NPCs with unique traits (to a point) and a bevy of accents and regional UK dialects is genuinely fun and delightfully corny at times.

Credit where its due too: Ubisoft Toronto absolutely nailed that London/general UK vibe here, for better or worse. They either really did their research or hired the right people for the job.

I haven't touched on gameplay that much yet but that's because Legion mostly plays like Watch Dogs 1, with some of the QOL stuff from Watch Dogs 2 in kind of a 'best of' compilation between the two. What is absolutely at its best, however, is the combat. Melee is now a multiple-button affair with combos (kind of), dodges and counters. It's nothing wild, but its a nice upgrade from the second game. They also very much upgraded your non-lethal arsenal this time around, so much so that I would venture to say that its as good as, if not better than, the lethal arsenal.

So yes, in summary, Watch Dogs Legion is an above-average time. The 'play as anyone' gimmick does add some spice but they've clearly put all their eggs into that basket without much else besides. Even though it's overall my least favourite of the trilogy, there's still undoubtedly fun to be had in its delightfully Bri'ish antics, bruv.


Setting wasn't all too good and the story was a bit meh. But the biggest flaw is having to switch character for just a certain attribute of them and making a "community.'' Would've of much rather a jack of all trades skill tree than having to find a old grama and a construction worker just to get in and clear a base