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in the past

Bro, how da f*ck did we go from the smooth funny gameplay and the cool urban style of WD2 to this???????

I just don’t think I like Ubisoft games. I was initially interested when it launched with the PS5 with the old woman but not enough to buy it so I’m lucky it came to the PS Plus catalog because I really don’t vibe with this. I dropped it pretty quick, the missions are slogs and the open world makes me feel depressed and I should just play a GTA game to get this kind of gameplay. In fact, I used to play Watch Dogs 1 years ago because I didn’t have GTA V at the time so we’ve come full circle. I need GTA 6 now. I’m concerned over the new Avatar game and Star Wars Outlaws which I do want to play but I really can’t stand Ubisoft game design. I hope for the best but currently expect the worse.

I like riding on the flying drone and sightseeing its vision of a slightly-futuristic gleaning London (it was especially fun to then visit actual London for the first time in a few months after playing the game), but the writing and its vision of a resistance movement is so juvenile and silly that it is impossible to take anything they do and say seriously. If they wanted to make it a goofy cartoon, fine, but there's just not enough juice in the characterless and empty story or bite in their social "criticism" (if there even is anything to take seriously) to keep one's interest going once the gameplay has exhausted itself, which will happen sooner rather than later with its 18+h gametime (according to HowLongToBeat). I might return to play a bit more just cause I like open-world games, but if I'm being quite honest with myself, chances are it's staying abandoned. Such a disappointment after loving Clint Hocking's Far Cry 2 to absolute bits (not that I blame him personally, game development is complicated).

tentei dar outra chance, mas pessimo.

Gosto muito da franquia Watch Dogs, mas esse jogo infelizmente me decepcionou. Muito potencial mal utilizado.

O jogo se passa em Londres, e o cenário é um ponto fortíssimo do jogo. A distopia futurista é muito bem retratada e os gráficos ajudam nisso. Porém, toda essa magia dura pouco. O mapa mal tem conteúdo, é apenas estético. As missões são extremamente repetitivas e parecem seguir uma formula (Vá para X, Limpe a Área, Interagir com algo e pronto... libera uma "missão principal", que mesmo sendo principal, segue a mesma formula).
A gameplay tem a proposta de "fazer sua gameplay", o jogo raramente te obriga a usar algum equipamento, ele deixa aberto para que você realize da forma que quiser, mas a falta de missões inovadoras fazem com que você possivelmente faça 80% do jogo apenas com a aranha. O jogo não consegue desenvolver nenhum laço por falta de protagonismo (E mal uso). As "novas" opções de habilidades são praticamente iguais a Watch Dogs 2, não houve inovação. As Cutscenes curtas e vazias, que acabam rápido com toda a emoção, impedem de desenvolver empatia com os protagonistas. Além da historia rasa e mal explicada...

Não recomendo.

the map carries this game hard, not really much to add. what a disappointment.

If the best thing about your game is the London setting itself, you know your in trouble.

Aggressively boring and repetitive.

Played the first few hours but it really isn't that great. The idea of being able to play as anybody was pretty cool but the lack of a main protagonist hurts the games main story. Will most likely finish it someday

I'm a bit biased since it's a beautifully detailed London, but the stealth gameplay, customization options and being able to recruit anyone you see is also really fun! Just wish Trafalgar Square looked normal.

Full of bloat, felt confused and quickly dropped it.

I feel like I'm in the minority but I really enjoyed this game. The absolute best part of this game is London, although I've never been there it was so realistic and vibrant, and getting chased by not only police cars but riot drones and other futuristic tech was never boring. The NPC gimic was really novel honestly, and by the end of the game I really cherished everybody on my team. Combat and stealth wasn't perfect, but the whole hacking thing added tons of flavour, whether I was distracting enemies out of sight for a stealth takedown or disabling doors to sneak into enemy compounds, it was always fun. And while there was definitely limitations to the story as there's no main character, I really loved taking down every faction controlling London, seeing how they worked all to get to Zero Day, the AI that has framed you for terrorist bombings. I've yet to play the rest of the series so I can't compare this to the other two but this was a great time.

I genuinely expected better from WatchDogs this game is an absolute insult to the franchise and a massive step down from Watchdogs 2.

this had so much potential. it’s such an interesting idea, and so impressive from a technical standpoint, and ubisoft just… totally fumbled it. i’m ANGRY actually

Such an ambitious concept that really could've been interesting if they hadn't gutted all of the interesting character moments of watch dogs 2, for the most boring and by the numbers plot and asthetic. Even the gameplay reduces you to having only 2-4 fun abilities at a time before you realize the only way you have fun is to play the Professional Hitman or Construction Worker, and turn the game into a 3rd person shooter instead of the clever hacktivism simulator that they thought they were making. As a really big fan of the last game, huge dissapointment, held up by a few small moments where it reminded you that some small bit of effort did go into this. Which makes it all the more unfortunate.

In the beginning it's pretty fun. But it gets pretty boring after a while. You should just play Watch dogs 2 if you want to play watch dogs

never got to play as that cool/hard looking pig

Certainly a massive improvement over 2 in everyway but it still doesn't beat 1 in many ways. Other than like driving and visuals.

how we went from watch dogs 2 to this crap is beyond me. i blame British people honestly. i genuinely returned this game because the voice acting alone made me want to scratch my eardrums out.

Pretty alright. There isn’t much to do but it’s pretty enjoyable

Using NPCs as the protagonists is a welcome one. While it's unique, it also has a drawback. I didn't emotionally attach to the characters. Still, playing like James Bond is a great thing.

Que banho de água fria sair de Watch Dogs 2 e parar aqui, bicho. Primeiro de tudo, a ambientação de uma Londres futurista é linda. Esse é mais um daqueles jogos que eu poderia ligar só pra ficar dando volta pela cidade de tão bonito e bem feito que é. A jogabilidade é a melhor da saga até agora. Tudo flui bem, os controles correspondem certinho e dependendo da função do personagem que tu escolhe, tem aspectos que diversificam isso e essa é uma adição muito bem vinda.

Agora, a história é sem graça, cheia de pontas soltas, furos e o final é o ápice do anticlimax. Sério, que broxada braba foi quando vi que eu tinha terminado a história principal. Ficou aquela sensação de "putz eh isso???".

A ideia de ter vários personagens com funções diferentes em tese é boa e algumas, como eu disse, até influenciam na gameplay com habilidades únicas e tal. Mas, fora isso, no fim das contas, foi um dos aspectos que mais derrubaram o jogo pra mim. Em WD2 a gente tinha o Marcus, Wrench, a Sitara. Todos personagens carismáticos, distintos pelos quais tu te afeiçoava.

Aqui os personagens são só uma casca. Nenhum tem carisma, todos são apáticos e, tirando o fato de que cada um exerce uma função diferente, eles são exatamente iguais. Tentaram forçar o pessoal a se apegar a eles com a opção de permadeath e isso na verdade não me fez sentir nada pelos personagens em si, só pela situação chata de ter que trocar de agente mesmo.

Esse game podia ter sido grandioso, dado o resultado do anterior. Mas no fim meio que virou um plágio sem vida, sem graça e sem carisma da própria franquia da qual faz parte. Não é um jogo ruim, mas não vai fazer a mínima diferença se tu jogar ou não

So this is objectively the weakest game in the trilogy.
The driving and combat are clunky and feel like a major step backwards, even when compared to the first game. Your gameplay and tools are limited by what NPC "operative" you are using at the time - although there are NO traffic hacks to stop pursuing police at all, which was one of the most fun hacks from the previous games. I can see what Ubi was trying to do with this decision, to try and force you to have some diversity in who you play with, but I honestly played two characters the entire game - a construction worker for world exploration and collecting, due to his access to a cargo drone, and the spy you get for taking over the first area of the game because he had a silenced pistol and a summonable car. Other than that, I voluntarily switched to the other operatives only when forced to complete one of the trophies.
The story is also majorly weak in this one. The villains had some potential, but are completely wasted and terrible, and the voice acting for any character you actually play as is the most atrocious garbage in the world. It really takes you out of the experience HARD. Like the decision to have NO character as a main character was a terrible idea, and I'm glad Ubi and this game got flack for that decision because it is so dumb.
The only really good thing about the game is that London is fun to explore honestly, but Ubi has never really had a problem making good open worlds to explore. It's what makes their games so addictive to me and why I keep coming back, even after mediocre experiences like this one, or AC Valhalla. Like I should be done with this company, but I know for a fact that I will be jumping into Mirage when that drops, or even if a new Watch Dogs pops up somewhere in the future. Fuck me, right?

不是系列粉丝 城市街道做的还不错 游戏性比较差 玩不进去

I didnt get into it as much as i wanted. It has solid and fun gameplay but the absence of a lead/main chrakter is a nice experiment but nothing worth following forward

HAHA 30fps et au bout d'un an ils abandonnent le jeu, super Ubisoft

This review contains spoilers

This game is... interesting to say the least. It has an interesting mechanic, decent story, decent gameplay. That's the problem, though - it doesn't do anything badly, but its also just painfully average.

The gameplay is good. Good, not great, just average. It has an undeniable amount of jank to it too. Animations are janky at times, and the parkour system is just broken - rather than character doing parkour animations when jumping off of objects, the character just stutters & falls.

There are also way too many loading screens. Sure, I played this cross-gen game on PS4, but I still cannot understand why they didn't just take the Watch Dogs 2 approach of masking loading screens behind animations & pseudo-cutscenes (like Naughty Dogs style, for example - which Watch Dogs 2 also did).

Its odd just how janky, slow, & unfinished in places that this feels, considering the level of polish Watch Dogs 2 had (both in general, and in terms of the parkour system). It feels undercooked to the say the least.

Visually, the game also looks really ugly at times, but it is a cross-gen game, so thats kind of a-given. Is it though? The assumption is that this game is using the same engine as Watch Dogs 2? Sure, the Legion map is probably thrice the size of WD2's map - but does that excuse the game looking visually ugly? I guess it comes at the expense of optimising for older hardware... buuuut the PS4 was also able to run The Last of Us Part 2 with no issues, and thats a visually stunning game; so there really is no excuse for how visually muddy & messy Legion looks on PS4.

Ubisoft have always seemed to have issues with optimising their games, so it's not so surprising - but I would've also sooner chose to have a two-disc PS4 version of Legion that looked good, rather than this visually muddy mess. It's kind of poetic & ironic that a game about advanced technology, has some pretty bad technology built into it.

The "play as anyone" feature is cool, because certain recruits do have their own defined personality; my personal favourite recruit is Gloria - a loud-mouth, says-it-like-it-is protester. That being said, a lot of the recruits do just feel generic & samey; but thats what happens when you play as an NPC, because NPC's are suppose to be generic in a sense anyway. Some of the A.I modulated voices sound like ass too.

The game is begging to be an RPG, which would fix these tonal, pacing, character, & mechanical issues - because as is, it just feels a bit smoke-and-mirrors surface level.

That's not to mention that the "play as anyone" mechanical inadvertently makes the story tonally inconsistent. The story takes itself seriously this time around - a dark action drama - but when you have a generic playable character responding in cutscenes like "Aight bruv, Imma deal with this twat innit" - it just breaks the whole tone & aesthetic.

Speaking of which, the story. It has it's moments, and is structured akin to Saints Row 2 - which I thought was cool (taking down sub-groups before confronting the main baddie lurking in the shadows). Tonally, it takes itself way too self-seriously though, which is it's ultimate flaw.

That climax (much like the original Watch Dogs game), just feels like it comes out of nowhere. It feels like the story is building up to something more, but certain plot-twists are handled piss-poorly - and we barely spend any time with our main villain (we encounter them once before confronting & killing them). "Okay villains dead, threat resolved, roll credits" without even wrapping anything up, and the game just sort of ends on a whimper. It feels so anti-climatic. The epilogue side-mission had more intrigue than the finale mission, which is... problematic. By the way, are Dedsed just gonna hold Malik hostage for the rest of his life? It is never resolved what happens/happened to him after the conclusion of the main plot.

It's also worth noting that because the game lacks a "main character" (since the "play as anyone" mechanic is at play), the game does also feel like it is lacking, well... character. Characters like Aiden Pearce (for better or worse) or Marcus Holloway (also for better or worse) feel so well defined as main characters, that it drives the tone & plot forward. Legion not having that driving force of a main character, makes the game feel... aimless, both in terms of plot & tone, because if I don't have a main character to get attached too, then it kind of falls apart. There are a lot of elements that just don't mesh together because of this.

They try to have a few supporting (non-recruitable) characters to compensate for this, but they're mostly just kinda bland. Corrupt Richard Malik reminds me of Rishi Sunak, so he gets brownie points, & Nowt tries to fill the Wrench/T-Bone roles; they're both highlights, but still average at best.

It's telling that, Bagley, our resident A.I, is the character with the most personality in the game - given that he is a fucking A.I. He's not a person, but he has the most personality of the lot. Bagley feels like he is the element that either makes or breaks the tone; a cynical, darkly comedic, dramatic entity that drives our generic NPC playable character forward.

Like I said, the game is just begging to be an RPG - or a game with a traditional main character at least - to allow these elements to mesh together.

It really makes me question why Ubisoft abandoned the Watch Dogs 2 aesthetic & tone. If it ain't broke than don't fix it, as they say. It felt like they had struck gold with WD2, but then they just threw it away. That being said, I do enjoy the uniqueness of the Watch Dogs trilogy, because each game feels tonally different from the other - which allows them all to stand on their own.

So yeah, this is the quintessential average game! Nothing bad in here - though there is jank - but nothing special either. If you're able to get it on the cheap, I'd recommend it for the sheer fact of being able to faff about with the recruitment system. Don't expect anything special from the elements surrounding the recruitment system, though!