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Mixed bag for me. The main story is decent, even if it feels a bit directionless at times. However, the real dealbreaker for me was the gameplay - it felt very repetitive and boring, and often felt never-ending. I experienced the game 14 years after release, so perhaps that's why I felt this way. I would give it 3/5.

But then, the DLC is so much better. The gameplay is vastly improved, with creative use of environments and unique sequences. The story is less ambitious, but has a strong direction and felt more captivating. I would give it 4.5/5.

In the end, I settled on 4/5. I think experiencing the DLC is worth going through the main game. While the main game isn't bad, it could definitely be improved. I think if all combat sequences were half as long, that would improve my perception of it immensly.

One of my favourite games. It's simply amazing how it manages to implement 13 protagonists into a game and make it work. The story made me constantly wonder how the different events relate to each other, who's the person with ill intentions, etc. I've never played anything quite like this. It also looks beautiful with a cool artstyle.

From negatives, some individual stories are a bit lacking, and after a certain point, you know most things yet there's a fair bit of the game that you still need to play through, the ending is kind of dragged out. These seem kind of unavoidable with this concept so I can excuse them. I love this game.

A bit conflicted on this one. It's pretty bad as a murder mystery game, it keeps witholding information from the player in a way that leaves you unable to get even close to solving the mystery until a specific point in the story. Some situations do not fit the characters, are annoyingly random, and feel forced to push certain information. It doesn't feel as unique as the first one.

On the positive side, the story feels more developed and in-depth than the first game. It also has more variety in its gameplay, and it feels faster (despite being comparable in length). There are still some silly moments and it's easy to get attached to the characters.

It's not a bad game. I suppose that if you can enjoy it as a visual novel and let it lead you to the conclusion, you can really have fun. If you like solving mysteries yourself, you might be annoyed by the tricks it pulls.