Reviews from

in the past

It's fine. The whole "anyone can be your main character" part of the game was kinda cool, but it makes the experience hollow. Some cool missions. No reason to play after beating the game.

A fun palate cleanser title for those who need something simple to enjoy. Has annoying random difficulty spikes and minor bullshit enemy AI but all in all a recommended title to play

whitelight's video on this came out the same day i shelved it, and i agree with practically everything he said

just play watch dogs 2 and its DLC

Que jogo tosco pqp, tem nem oq dizer, só é tosco

what the fuck is this franchise?

Esta bastante bueno el gameplay pero después de un rato con las mismas jodidas misiones, el juego se vuelve aburrido

An accurate depiction of my life living in the united kingdom

Oh my God was this game a punch in the face.

This game's plot is all over the place, being more like a compilation of missions than an actual story. It was hard piecing everything together because of how stupid everything felt. The lack of a real protagonist was really felt, with the recruitment system not even trying to replace it. It just doesn't work. Add an underdeveloped villain that gets its bit of characterization ONLY at the very end, and you get this: a waste of time.

The gunplay in this game was kinda a mix of the first two games, and it's the only good thing about it, trust me. We're back at clunky driving, even worse than the first game's, and the hacking has barely any improvement over Watch Dogs 2. And the recruitment system? The selling point of this game? It's unfinished. Just plain unfinished. All you do is a mission, there's no way to interact with the characters you recruit outside of that very mission.

Optimization was decent, my PC ran it well even if it's not cutting edge, but man is it still glitchy even after 3 years.

I don't recommend this game. As one of the few people that supported Watch Dogs as a series since the start, it felt like a backstabbing.

Impressionante como a Ubi conseguiu estragar uma IP que eu gostava tanto. História chata e cheia de besteirol.

This was one of the few times that I was able to actually make my own fun in a game. I had a lot of fun roleplaying as a disgruntled British man.

A premissa de jogar com qualquer NPC do jogo tende a ser boa, mas sente falta de um personagem principal na liderança. As dublagens são limitadas, fazendo com que você tenha alguns personagens com a mesma voz. As características físicas geralmente não bem semelhantes, não há como tornar um personagem único. As missões são muito parecidas, chamando atenção somente em alguns momentos de luta contra chefes.

Londres é linda, algo que a Ubisoft faz com mérito. Hackear drones é divertido, bisbilhotar a vida dos NPCs também. É isso, é um bom passatempo.

The story is mid, but the play-as-anyone system is very unique, and it gives the game an edge in the open world genre. Not a great edge, mind. It just makes it worth at least trying I think. I actually 100%ed it, so it must be okay.

This game fucking sucks. Don’t play it.

overall gameplay in this game is pretty good and fun, but the rest (mainly campaign) is just fucking trash.

This game gets a bad rap, but I can see why. The missions are pretty repetitive, and since you only control NPC's that you recruit from the world, the game lacks character development. However, I found the randomness of the NPC's that you recruit very intriguing and found myself loving some of them and the way they filter in and out of your team through their deaths (if you play, you HAVE to play the game mode that allows perma death). I found myself wanting to use all of the different play styles that the characters have and completing the admittedly repetitive missions in so many different ways.

That said, this game is not for everyone, but if you're like me, you'll pour a lot of time into this one.

O que é mais importante para vc em um jogo, ele te impactar com uma experiência foda ou ser divertido? Watch Dogs Legion é extremamente divertido, as missões sempre desembocam em coisas muito maiores, mas a história é rasa e os diálogos bem toscos

O bom gameplay, principalmente das armas, com um sistema minimamente interessante de recrutamento, num mundo aberto bem desenhado, compensam a má execução e o porco planejamento das missões, a falta de polimento, e a ausência de profundidade da história e dos personagens. Como joguei na plus, “de graça”, a experiência valeu… se gastasse um centavo com ele, sairia frustrado.

Gameplay em si melhorada porem totalmente sem alma missoes chatas e o enredo paia com plots mega fodase, nenhum personagem é interessante tirando a IA e é isso no fim tem uma gameplay melhor porem mais um game sem alma

Pues me lo he gozado como un niño pequeño, sobre todo porque soluciona mis dos pegas de Watch Dogs 2: el sigilo y el combate cuerpo a cuerpo.

En lo demás, es cierto que es peor: Londres es sosísima, la historia no motiva, lo de jugar con NPC's es gracioso, pero se pierde la conexión al no haber protagonista, las misiones suelen repetirse en exceso...

Aún con todo, típico juego de Ubi que me fumaría una y otra vez.

This is where the series lost me.

You want to level up? You'll have to move veeeeery slowly to one point using a drone, pick up the skill point and repeat this loop through 10 hours. Congrats! You are max level!

O jogo possui uma historia bem ok e mais ou menos, a ideia de npcs virar "pcs" é muito promissora mas acredito que poderia ser melhor explorada. Esse jogo tem o jeito Ubisoft das coisas: O jogo é legal e tem ideias interessantes, mas são mal explorados.

Divertido, a trama é meio previsível mas é bem envolvente.

For some reason I'll never understand I finished this game, I own so many amazing games that I've never played or finished and for some reason this game of all games was the one I chose to finish, why?? Why on earth did I put myself through it? There is nothing to this game, I get what they were trying to do but it just didn't work. This game is just lacking a soul. It's just nothing, it's a nothing game, why the hell did I play this??
On the other hand though, it's set in London and has feel good by gorrilaz on the radio.

innovative but it aint all that

This was that one game, that taught me never to pre-order stuff again.

faut aller se faire foutre d'avoir gâché un aussi bon concept

S'arrête à son concept de PNJ unique et c'est tout. Le jeux propose rien d'autre car trop confiant et donc se repose sur ce seul et unique concept. Il en devient très vite redondant et l'histoire comme toujours avec cette licence est anecdotique et très peu ambitieuse. Watch dog est malheureusement une licence qui à beaucoup à offrir mais toujours aussi sous exploité par Ubisoft qui continue de vendre des produits surfait car ne sachant faire que cela mais je comprend c'est l'industrie qui tend vers ça.