Reviews from

in the past

weak beginning and ending, good middle, good gameplay

This game is a downgrade from Human Revolution in the gameplay and story department 100%.

For a starter, their idea of upgrading the gameplay was just by adding armoured enemies and making turrets more annoying which is on top of just adding 'experimental augmentations' that you can go the entire game without using and they don't really do anything particularly amazing when most of HR's skillset is here in full.

Story isn't as interesting, just as it was getting good it literally ends, Jensen is ready to go after the bad guys and it cuts to the end and 1 WEEK LATER like what the hell? I'm going to play the DLC but overall this is quite a disappointment coming from HR.

an incredible game that simply was not finished.

loved it when my game kept crashing because of the copious amounts of booze in my inventory.

it's a good game! story isn't the best, side quests are fun, gameplay is good. it ends in a cliffhanger which is the biggest stinker of all since there hasn't been a new game in the series since this one :) (fuck embracer)

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An excellent simulation with beautiful golden techno-punk art design, challenging game play, and a well-incorporated international setting. The key characters were mostly basic archetypes, but acceptably implemented and voice acted, making an otherwise dull cast feel quite realistic. In terms of the gameplay structure, I found its combination of large area exploration and mandatory missions in a specific area to be quite effective in preventing gameloop or setting fatigue. The combat mechanics were challenging, but eventually rewarding once I mastered them. I would recommend treating Mankind Divided as a stealth game, because Jensen does not have the protagonist durability of a standard FPS! As for the new conversation system, I simultaneously miss and feel released from the tricky Omega/Alpha/Beta personality types of the previous game. That format made it feel more like a RPG, while the simplified system of this game makes it feel more cinematic, so it really comes down to what you're looking for.
As for the story itself, expect a lagging beginning and ending filled with minimally interactive cut scenes. There's about 20 minutes of video that kicks things off, which is gorgeous but lasts so long it feels more like an animated movie than a video game cutscene. As for the concluding scene, I got the worst ending, which really lost its impact during the five minute montage of the TV reporter talking about the impacts of what I did. Ambiguity, or a chance to wander around the changes I caused would have been much more enjoyable. The middle of the story is by far my favorite, as it's a narrative backed by well-crafted world building, filled with difficult choices, and constantly interacting with the game's augmented rights theme in numerous ways without coming across as preachy or overbearing. If you can handle a slow start and a visually disappointing ending, I'd say this story is somewhere between good and pretty good.
At the end of the day I thoroughly enjoyed this adventure, and would strongly recommend it to anyone who likes stealth gun play mechanics, thoughtful social issues, or beautiful cyberpunk scenery!

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Fantastic game, doesn't get the praise it deserves.

A lot of people find the story underwhelming (I used to as well), and while it suffers from being the second act in a planned trilogy the writing is actually very solid when you take the time to fully explore conversations and hidden emails. Marchenko is a decent villain, with some further depth and more presence in the story I think he could have been something great, especially if they had fully developed the idea that Jensen is a 'brother' to some of the radical augmented. The game seemed to finally be beginning the links to the original Deus Ex, and I was really hooked to see where they would take plot points like Eliza/Morgan Everett, the traitor(s) within TF29 and Jensen's likely showdown with Page going forward - Having a strong hook for the next game is a sign of GOOD writing rather than weak writing in my opinion.

Gameplay is amazing, it's Human Revolution but perfected. Though I feel that the experimental augmentations - while interesting from a story perspective - is undercooked in terms of gameplay, I think that some of your original augmentations should have received an upgrade of sorts (i.e maybe the strength augmentation would have been upgraded to let you punch through walls SILENTLY), becoming experimental in the process and encouraging players to reevaluate what they thought they knew about previous augmentations, but the punishment for overclocking would have been more severe to compensate. As it is now only a few experimental augmentations are useful for stealth (Which this game heavily leans toward) and the punishment for overclocking is negligible.

Prague is one of the best hub worlds I've ever explored, it feels like every single building is used for something, and every playthrough I discover something new. This game is proof that a smaller open world packed full of details and areas for you to explore can be just as good, if not better than a massive but largely empty open world.

9.5/10, an absolute tragedy that the next game has likely been canned for the foreseeable future.

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Deus Ex Humankind Divided was alright, It certainly is a step down from human revolution but it was still enjoyable.

I took a break of a couple months, 10hrs in, because I had just played the two previous Deus Ex and was a bit overdosed on the franchise. After finishing the main game, I don't plan on playing the DLCs for now, I can see why a lot of people are a bit disappointed with the game, but I can also see why people still like despite its flaws.

The story is probably were the game fumbles the most, it's not necessarily bad by any means, but I felt like it ended really abruptly and I was really underwhelmed. The fact that it ends with a cliffhanger doesn't really help. This stings even more now that we know we probably won't be getting the third part of Adam Jensen's story (RIP Eidos). I will say, though, that I liked how it was slowly trying to tie the story with the first Deus Ex game.

The side quests were pretty enjoyable to do for their story, a lot of them were pretty memorable, but a lot of them also weren't really that engaging when it came to gameplay. What I mean by this is that a lot of the time, side quests had me running from point A to B to talk to an NPC to then do the same thing but in reverse, with sometimes an infiltration section or quick encounter to close things off. Since the game doesn't throw too much quests at the player at once, it's not too bad, but it could get a bet boring/repetitive at time, at least their writing was good. I will also say that I liked the choices that were offered to me during these side missions.

I'd say the gameplay of Mankind Divided was pretty solid, even an improvement of its predecessor in some aspects. I didn't get the chance to try all of the new experimental augments added to Jensen's arsenal but the few that I did try, like the tesla arm canon, were a lot of fun to use and changed things up in my playthrough. The freedom of choice is still there when it comes to choosing how to get to your objective, with a lot of different routes available to you. They even removed the mandatory boss fights from Human Revolution that were a pain to do when I was doing my mostly-non lethal stealthy run, which I'm really glad to see. The shooting is also the best its ever been in the series, even I found it to be a bit weird-feeling at times. My biggest problem with the game's gameplay would probably be its UI, because I found it to be a bit clunky to use and unclear at times.

The small open world of the city of Prague was pretty well packed and not big which I appreciated. The worst part was being forced to use the subway system to travel from one part of the city to the other, since the loading times were VERY long, for me at least.

For the most part, Deus Ex Mankind Divided looks really good, the level detail is pretty impressive, the lighting is really good and character models mostly look good. It think the game aged pretty well except maybe for the facial expressions and the lack of interesting camera angles and animations during dialogue. On PC, though, the game seems to have so performance issues, nothing to drastic, but I did see some frame drops while in the main city, and since I didn't see any option to cap my framerate, I couldn't do much about it.

In the end, I don't want to be too hard on the game, it's still Deus Ex and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy myself. It's really sad to realise that this probably will be the last Deus Ex game for a long, LONG time. At least I can tell myself that it was a really good run, and I'm really happy to have played through this game series.

i walked onto the no augment gys allowed side of the train like a hundred times before i realized what was going on and i never finished it

Teaser ending for a game that will never come, but otherwise this thing is fucking phenomenal on all sides

Got soft locked into an ending I never wanted, was a fun experience up until a VERY dissatisfying ending that left a really bad taste in my mouth.