Reviews from

in the past

Я очень люблю деус эксы.

Имхо эта часть просто во всем лучше HR (а та уже очень и очень хороша), кроме возможно мейн-сюжета, но то как устроена концовка HR не дает ей стать выше MD даже в этом аспекте.

After finishing Human Revolution, I instantly went ahead and bought Mankind Divided. This game is beautiful and at it's core still remains a very solid Deus Ex game. I was taken aback by the devs choice of removing bosses (except the final one) and instead giving the player more challenging gameplay, which I found very fun. QoL changes such as weapon modification on the go, changes to hacking devices, hacking itself, biocells/stimpacks were very nice to see.

If you finished Human Revolution, I think you should do yourself a favor and try Mankind Divided as well. Very solid game.