Reviews from

in the past

I love Freedom Planet, I know they're Sonic wannabe but the level design, the voices, the characters personalities are good, I hope the bosses weren't too hard, specially the 2 finals, CAROL YOU STUPID FURBALL.

A Sonic fangame turned indie masterpiece that combines a stellar soundtrack with super tight controls and platforming mixed with a slew of combat mechanics. It's a well-oiled machine that stands tall and proud even in a post-'Sonic Mania' world. An unbelievable effort on behalf of the developers and I cannot wait to someday sink my teeth into the sequel.

It's a sonic-like platformer where you actually forget your playing one. A lot of whats different about this game compared to sonic are very strong and make it different enough to stand on its own two feet. Each character is absolutely adorable and have their own fun playstyle. Very good stage designs too!

Story is you-love-it-or-hate-it territory. It's very campy, quip-y, and has a weirdly noticeable amount of drama. It seems like it was trying to reach for Sonic SATAM vibes in terms of story but idk it falls kinda flat. I didn't mind it much when I was younger, but now I can't take it seriously lol That said, there's a "game mode" where it skips all of the story and just puts you in the game so you have that if you don't want to deal with the story.

Music is great! It stands out in a good way and fits the appropriate themes. Noticeably good ones are the "Jade Creek" levels and "Fortune Night" levels

My main con would be that some bosses feel straight up unfinished. Most noticeable being the battleship boss only having two/three noticeable yet hard to dodge attack patterns. They even *SPOILER** Reused the battleship boss as phase 1 of the final boss lol *SPOILER*

But overall I think this is a great platformer! Give it a try if you like fast 2D platformer games!

I was really enjoying the game up until level 6 or so, after that it has turned into such a fucking mess!
Level design went from decent to asinine, placement and sheer quantity of enemies have gone batshit crazy.

And the bosses…. I’d say the bosses in this game are among if not THE worst I’ve ever fought in any video game in my life.
OST is great and visuals are nice, but it certainly does not save this from being a shitshow.

Controls aren’t too great either, do not think you’re getting into sonic-like momentum based platforming, there’s no momentum whatsoever.

I very rarely care about plot in video games and I’d say it is pretty cringe and cutscenes are way too fucking long.

Overall, the game is not good and its only redeeming qualities are OST, visuals and an enjoyable first 6 levels or so.


a really nice love letter to classic sonic titles (as well as classic genesis games in general) with a banger soundtrack and aesthetic. don't be scared off by the "furry" character designs! my only complaint is the story is pretty batshit and weirdly dark at times

This game is worth a try but imo it's absolute trash. Very bad level design, unnecessarily long levels, spammy bosses, cringy dialogues, very bland story.

The physics are a joke, worse than quality fan games out there. Couldn't stand to play this garbage after Stage 6.

Go buy Sonic Mania instead of this.

add a star if you are cringe and free, remove a star if you are based and trapped

Wasn't as keen on this one compared to most other Sonic-likes I've played. I found the combat to be incredibly shallow and the bosses overstayed their welcome every single time. The platforming was solid sometimes but found itself often getting bogged down by random puzzles or dull combat. I'll get around to trying its sequel and hopefully that will resonate with me more.

Pretty cool, it's as Sonic as it gets without being Sonic, but not far removed enough to stop you talking about Sonic. Gets the momentum better than a lot of Sonic fan-games.

The story is painful but the gameplay is amazing.

If you mix Mega Man 8 and X4 mechanics with Sonic 3 platforming and put them in Sonic CD level design, that's the result, with all its goods and perks

Easily the best OST of all time

With all the fuzz that this game got for supposedly being an amazing experience for Sonic fans, I admit that I was expecting much more from Freedom Planet.

The game is a decent platformer which takes some ideas from Sonic the Hedgehog while mixing it up with ideas of its own. However, in the end, it felt just too bland for me.

You play as one of three characters through long levels where you're supposed to go fast while avoiding enemies and obstacles. As in Sonic, there are also puzzles and boss battles. The boss battles felt kind of unfair, with some attacks being pretty difficult to dodge. The game is easy enough that it doesn't matter, however, since there are infinite continues and ample checkpoints.

Still, I didn't find it satisfying to go through the levels and boss fights. The level design felt bland; it's similar to Kirby where you can ignore most of the stuff and just go quickly, but it doesn't have the same level of relaxing fun as Kirby does. There were a couple parts that felt innovative, but it was unfortunately not enough. The bosses were more annoying that fun or exciting.

The music is good but the game has terrible voice acting and not even in a funny way. The story is also kind of a mess and was difficult to follow. Overall I didn't care about it.

I left the game feeling really disappointed. The only takeaway I got from it is the great soundtrack.