Reviews from

in the past

fire emblem if it was good and had hot waifus

GooeyScale: 70/100

Una maravilla de crossover que nadie pidió y nadie se vio venir, pero que nos deleitó con un verdadero juegazo estratégico estilo Xcom para acercar a los más peques (y a los no tan peques) al género o, simplemente, disfrutar de una opción mucho más simplificada. Lo disfruté como un verdadero enano, pero he de admitir que no sería hasta su secuela que alcanzarían un peldaño más de calidad y un puntito más de estrategia y diversión

Who would've thought that this concept could work? The Rabbids are weird characters and the idea of making a tactical shooter RPG with Mario characters is difficult to pull off. Despite all that was going against this game, it turned out to be a fantastic combination. The gameplay is great, the story works, and I especially love some of the quality-of-life aspects like the ability to reset stat allocation. This is a really fun game that is definitely worth playing if you're a fan of the Mario franchise, you like tactical RPGs, or you're just looking for an interesting game.

Jogo de turno, me surpreendeu bastante, principalmente na sua jogabilidade. Achei o jogo um pouco extenso demais, fazendo com que eu zerasse de forma lenta.

Very Beautiful game with awesome mechanics. very much enjoyed my time with the game at the $15 price tag

This game is so beautiful and I love this style of gameplay. I think they could make it a little bit more complex and I think the do it in the second (which I didn't play yet). Currently playing the Donkey Kong DLC and enjoying the new mechanics.

I really enjoyed this game. A lot of creativity with the different characters. Strengths and weaknesses to each that gets you constantly switching it up based on each encounter. I love that you could preview each battle before selecting characters and skill points so you could be really tactical without just having to try fail and modify.

The exploration in between each battle was well paced and helped to break up the gameplay. Happy I played it.

this game is actually so peak