Reviews from

in the past

I fuck with tactics games I think but this really felt like chewing air. Maybe it feels better later on, but definitely at the start it feels like im just pressing buttons to continue the combat and not really much thought put into it at all. It's probably because it too simplified (i understand its for babies). Grant Kirkhope soundtrack sounds very Grant Kirkhope. Rabbids are dope and evil.

Stranglely good XCOM-like.
Also the DLC challenges take this from a 9 to a 10, they're THAT good.

I don't know what Xcom is.

Thank you Mario for inventing tactical RPGs and also the Rabbids. I can always trust you to be at the forefront of innovation in gaming.

I really enjoyed this game. A lot of creativity with the different characters. Strengths and weaknesses to each that gets you constantly switching it up based on each encounter. I love that you could preview each battle before selecting characters and skill points so you could be really tactical without just having to try fail and modify.

The exploration in between each battle was well paced and helped to break up the gameplay. Happy I played it.

Really fun game, the combat is pretty good, the boss fights are great, the story is barely there but it's still enjoyable because of how goofy it is, and Rabbid Peach is the best character.

Now, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, this game does have some serious flaws, like the gameplay outside combat is terrible, the puzzles are bland and almost never reward you for finishing them, 90% os the chests are useless, except for the gold ones and the random brown ones that give you skill orbs, the normal enemy variety is very poor, they just change their skins in the different worlds and make them have a different super effect.

The party is also not well balanced, Mario being the leader and never leaving the party makes sense, but his kit is kinda bland, Peach's and Rabbid Mario's long range weapons are also terrible because they are friendly fire machines, and kits that excell in close combat aren't great either. Also didn't like how you are not able to not have a party without 1 rabbid.

this game is actually so peak

Jogo de turno, me surpreendeu bastante, principalmente na sua jogabilidade. Achei o jogo um pouco extenso demais, fazendo com que eu zerasse de forma lenta.

Genel olarak keyifliyfi
Zorluğun giderek artmasi bir yana bolumu bitirdikten sonra açilan challenge bolumleri bir hayli zor ve keyifli.
Savaslar disinda olan bulmacalar guzel bir dinlenme alani olmus.
4 bolgenin tasarimi da birbirinden guzel gercekten.
Savas sisteminde ise düşman disinda istedigimiz yere ateş edebilsek bence daha da derinlik katardi. Ayrica escort, ve hepsini oldurme disinda farkli savaş modlari da olsa keyifli olabilirdi.
Silahlarin karaktere ozel olmasi biraz can sıkıcı olsa da her karakteri oynamak icin bir firsat diye dusunulebilir. Düşmanlar biraz daha cesitli olabilirdi.

It was pretty charming. Not that bad, but Nintendo could have done better.