Reviews from

in the past

simply the most brilliant 2D game in terms of gameplay that i have played in ages

I don't know how I died 9 out of 10 times

this game is really, really fucking complex. And I cant even beat it normally.

this game doesn't feel like it was made by human beings. absolutely incomprehensible. magical and near perfect. fuck yes i fucking love noita so much guys it's not even funny. oh my god

I don't understand how this game exists. There's SO much in this game, from bosses and locations to interactions between mechanics. The learning curve is STEEP, and also LONG, meaning you're both always learning and being challenged. However, this also means that the more you play (and learn about things from the wiki), the more (vastly) overpowered your builds can be, and before you know it, you're wreaking havoc across the map. Secrets are EVERYWHERE in this game, and the replayability is off the charts as a result of all the above. Amazing roguelike.

If you get the right pieces you can be incredibly OP, but you can also die anticlimactically well before reaching that point. Or for that matter well after - there's no immunity to polymorph! The game can be frustrating but it is soooo satisfying when you're doing well.

this game is good. dont get me wrong. but i cant for the life of me get into this, and it pisses me off

This game is a rabbit hole.

You enter thinking this is a good rogue-like with a cool magic sistem and nothing more... And then, after hours of playing, you are now traveling through parallel worlds and creating suns and black holes.

"As Above, so below..."

I like the idea and why people like it, but I just can't get around the thought that most of the upgrades feel useless. it's probably supposed to be like that in a sort of masochism game way but I just don't have any drive to continue when I get "bad items" on "bad runs."

It's the nature of the roguelike for sure, but Hades still made me feel like any upgrade was a positive one and not just a wolf in sheep's clothing, more like gungeon where you reset when the first gun you get sucks.

don't let anyone ruin your day. it's YOUR day!

ruin it yourself by playing this piece of shit

сука нахуй блять атомная блятуамаифпаям

probably good game, but it feels hard to get into without a guide, add to that the fact that understanding the game feels like reading a book, and it feels like it isn't friendly to newcomers, can't reach the third world without knowledge, don't get me wrong it would be cool to discover shit on ur own, but the game doesn't really even have good descriptors, i even dare say it feels like its trying to be confusing on purpose sometimes.

it's fun and chaotic but i have yet to sink my teeth into it

Noita is two or three amazing games trapped in the mid experience of ProcGen hell. The physics simulation is really cool but is pretty underutilized since in a game as viciously brutal as this one the smartest play is "ignore and avoid it" which seems pretty self-defeating from a design standpoint. But the real crime is the game's most interesting and novel mechanic: wand / spell crafting. The potential for player experimentation is amazing, unfortunately it's shackled to the whims of the casino demiurge. This means that instead of thoughtfully designing cool wands that do cool stuff, its mostly just "pick something that sucks the least" or worse, avoiding engaging with it altogether. There's a whole massive world the game wants you to explore, that I want to explore, and it makes doing so as tedious and unfun as humanly fucking possible.

Potential for a great game in here, but it's more interested in being unrelentingly brutal than challenging or even fun. I've tried so many times to like this game and it's just so unenjoyable. Spent 26 hours on it, died from unpredictable or offscreen stuff one too many times. Wish I enjoyed it as much as everyone else seems to.