Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo é muito superior ao anterior, em jogabilidade e em gráficos, ele aprofunda a historia trazendo personagens novos para a trama, que conseguem ser tão relevantes e icônicos quanto os originais, tanto os personagens principais quanto os inimigos são muito marcantes, ele trás uma historia muito boa, referenciando muito bem o primeiro jogo, e ele foi muito assertivo no jogo de cenários, com cada personagem tendo dois cenários diferentes que impactam na historia, com o jogador podendo escolher qual personagem casa melhor com tal cenário, esse jogo é maravilhoso.

I’m definitely bias as I played this very young. This is a good game if you enjoy playing on the PS1. It feels less scary and more goofy with the cheesy voice acting and questionable graphics. Arguably the scariest part of this game is how janky it is to move around and dodge zombies with the fixed camera angle. However the story is just as endearing as any modern Resident Evil a must play for any RE fan.

Resident Evil 2 was fun but I feel like it wasn't as fun as 1 because the challenge of conserving resources that you hold in the first game isn't really there anymore and it looses a lot of the horror aspects of the game which is fine but personally doesn't captivate me as much

Fator replay a frente da sua época além de ser um clássico do gênero

Com esse eu não tenho nostalgia, o que faz ele ser ai ainda MELHOR aos meus olhos, apesar de RE ser um Leviathan de franquia, acho que o tom e conteúdo de RE2 é o que se tem mais como norte do RE deve oferecer com um jogo.

Back when I had this game growing up, I got a Gameshark. My buddy and I played this game constantly, and once we agreed he would run Leon's A route and then I would run the following Claire B route. He used the Gameshark to get an infinite ammo magnum, and then managed to kill the Sewer Gator boss without using the explosive tank. When I got to that point in the game during the B route, that sucker was still alive and it scared the hell out of me.

Идея двух сюжетных линий, которые идут параллельно, на бумаге выглядит как пушка-бомба. Нооо в самой игре сценарий Б - это по сути спидран первого с парой-тройкой исключений. И на самом деле в какой-то степени я этому рад. Потому что, если я за Клер делал бы в точности тоже самое, но в другой последовательности, то скип был бы не минуем.
Но всё же мои первые фантазии, насчёт обособленных линий не оправдались. Надо признать, что для своего времени это все же была именно пушка-бомба. И не только поэтому.
Они ещё щедро отсыпали кучу доп режимов. Вы можете пройти игру с доп оружием с бесконечными патронами. За спецназовца заспидранить игру. Причем сюжетно обосновано. А можете за спидранить тоже самое, но за Джилл-сэндвич(ой то есть тофу). Но тут уже не сюжетно обосновано, конечно. Ещё какие-то миссии на скорость за Аду и Криса. Я всё это успешно потыкал и не стал проходить, потому что стрельба в игре не сильное звено. Но сам факт.
Сюжета навалили, катсцен. Вообщем, добротный сиквел.

8 печатей для сохранения из 10

it didnt aged well but still fun for me

Pra mim, o segundo melhor jogo da franquia Resident Evil. Revolucionário pra época, um marco extremamente importante no gênero dos Survival Horror. É uma obra de arte da geração do primeiro Playstation.

Going from this to the last game only really showed me what a jump in quality there is between the two games. The varied animation, the more detailed environments, even small things like being able to make zombies stagger or Leon/Claire's slowness when on low health, all of this makes for a fantastic sequel to an iconic horror game. I still believe the 2019 remake this knocks this one out of the park but it was really nice to revisit this after 8 years since I first played it and was quite delighted with how well it held up. Definitely one of the most solid entries in the franchise still.

how can this game itself be as good as the remake, the game has aged like good wine

Com esse eu não tenho nostalgia, o que faz ele ser ai ainda MELHOR aos meus olhos, apesar de RE ser um Leviathan de franquia, acho que o tom e conteúdo de RE2 é o que se tem mais como norte do RE deve oferecer com um jogo.

The save room music will remain in my mind forever

a fantastic game that further defines the survival horror genre, simply one of the best to ever do it.

take everything in RE1 and make it bigger and better: more enemies, more weapons, a fantastic atmosphere, crazier bosses and moments.

This game requires multiple playthroughs to get the full story and is well worth the time and effort it takes to traverse through the city and uncover its secrets.

If you're looking to get into the survival horror genre proper, you need to play this game.

What an absolutely atmospheric game. I played a slightly upgraded version (sourceNext/ClassicRebirth patch). This version had win10 support, slightly better textures/resolution and controller support with vibration.

The game itself is great, the locations are very atmospheric. Walking around the police station which is the main location of the game and hearing only the hum of machinery and your own footsteps is kind of chilling.

The game has two characters with their own campaigns and alternate campaigns that you unlock after completing one of the main campaigns. I am going to declare firmly that you should start the game with Claire A and then play Leon B. That way Sherry's life is more at stake in Claire A and in Leon B you get to take on two bosses plus get to kiss Ada lol.
The only problem with the game is the weird controls. The character moves like a tank and it was a little tough getting used to it while playing it with the Dpad.

Overall, the story was perfect, the gameplay was good, easy and satisfying. Ammunition and health were abundant, the locations were memorable. A perfect game from start to finish.

Após terminar o resident evil 1, vim jogar esse jogo(fiz a campanha do Leon por enquando).Jogo tem uma historia que é a continuação do primeiro jogo é bom jogar o primeiro para se contextualizar algumas coisas. Este jogo tem uma gameplay semelhante ao primeiro jogo, vi umas melhoras mas não consigo identificar direito o que foi(acho que foi a construções do cenario).