Reviews from

in the past

El mejor de las 4 campañas :v Punto

This game is a smidge shorter than Shovel Knight, or Plague of Shadows, but it's still really dang good.

People who exclusively play platformer slop finding out that tragedy as a genre of storytelling exists

Specter of Torment is far from a masterpiece, but back when it released, and even now, it's clear that it was the step in the right direction that these additional Shovel Knight campaigns needed. With stellar vibes, even more new music made specifically for it than Plague of Shadows, and fantastic new gameplay thanks to both Specter Knight's intense reaper mobility and the almost completely new level designs, it truly makes Specter of Torment stand out among the crowd as a fantastic expansion to Shovel of Hope in every regard...

well, almost.

This game is easy, y'all. I hate to break it like that, but it's simply the truth. It almost feels like overcompensation after how hard Plague of Shadows was, but it loses a LOT of the difficulty that I loved in Shovel of Hope. This applies to both the level structure itself, which is... not simplistic, but rather just a bit more straightforward than either of the prior campaigns, as well as the collection element. Getting Red Skulls is incredibly simple in this game compared to Music Pages in both of the prior games and particularly Cypher Coins in Plague of Shadows. Even after not playing this game for several years, I was able to find every single Red Skull in every stage first try. And I genuinely did not remember the placements either, it just wasn't difficult. It's a slight stain that doesn't necesarily make the game less enjoyable, but does make it a little less engaging than Shovel of Hope unfortunately. Still, despite all that I 100% love Specter of Torment for everything it does. It's a truly wonderful experience from top to bottom and I'm glad I went through it again.

the worst of the shovel knight expansions. they really focused too much on the boring ass story, and the whole grinding/scythe/whatever gimmick didn't really feel like it had enough time to flourish into something deep and exciting. while i can see myself replaying the other shovel knight campaigns alot, i really don't see myself going back to this one.

peak shovel knight, tied with plague of shadows for best plot (even if it's not anything groundbreaking) and with gameplay that just feels... idk natural? I rarely have to think about using specter's movement kit, everything just feels right. Also this one has the best OST

É impressionante como a qualidade dessa campanha praticamente se equipara a história original. Fiquei de cara.

A ideia aqui é contar a origem do Specter Knight, e como isso inicia o plot de Shovel of Hope. E vou te falar, ficou muito interessante. Tudo é bem amarradinho, cada personagem tem sua importância e você consegue ver o lado do protagonista na história.

Por motivos de enredo, as fases são """as mesmas""", mas com twists para acomodar melhor as mecânicas do protagonista. Isso somado às habilidades maneiríssimas do Specter deixaram a experiência tanto original quanto familiar. As próprias boss fights são outra parada com o kit desse boneco.

Existem dois pontos que talvez sejam negativos pra alguns, que são a duração curta da campanha e a dificuldade levemente reduzida. Pra mim, esses foram aspectos que, na verdade, eu gostei. O tempo foi o necessário pra contar o que precisava ser contado e a dificuldade se encaixou melhor no meu nível.

Como nada é perfeito, vou dizer que eu achei uma certa fase e um certo chefe que foram notoriamente mais difíceis que o resto, até estranhei.

Resumindo: gostou da Shovel of Hope? Pode vir pra Specter of Torment de boa que tu vai gostar tanto quanto (eu até achei o enredo dessa mais daora). Só não se deixa levar pela duração, por favor.

This game is so damn good they had to add the fish from Mario 3 so it was more fair