Reviews from

in the past

Essa nova trilogia de Hitman é o melhor jogo conforto existente. Selecionar um level qualquer dentre um dos 3 games, e ir descobrir todas as possibilidades de assassinato, se esgueirando entra todas as passagens, salas e locais dos mapas como um RATO, vestindo todos os disfarces, e usando os objetos mais bizarros possíveis como arma é o melhor remédio pro tédio que eu conheço. Eu acho que eu já refiz o level de Paris e Hokkaido do primeiro, que inclusive é o melhor da trilogia, umas 10 vezes de tão BOM e VICIANTE que é. A IO Interactive conseguiu se redimir depois de Hitman Absolution, que não é um jogo ruim, mas deixou a desejar pelo fato de ter ido pra um caminho mais linear e cinematográfico, e aqui eles trouxeram a essência de Blood Money de volta, gameplay deliciosa, level design espetacular, com muita, mas muita liberdade e possibilidades ao jogador. Essencial pra quem gosta de stealth e immersive sim. Não vejo a hora de jogar o novo 007 da IO.

This is probably my favorite video game trilogy, ever. The gameplay is just so much fun. Yes, the story isn't good and the games would probably be better without them, but the gameplay is just so good.

the moment to moment gameplay feels a lot less involved and rewarding than blood money (although i do appreciate some of the QoL features added) but the sheer amount of levels here and the options within said levels would make this just as good if not better than blood money but they made it always online for no reason.

(Copied from my Hitman III review since they're the same game)

If it weren't for the always online bullshit, this would be a 5 star game. While it lacks the attention to detail, atmosphere, music, and great story of Blood Money, it absolutely makes up for it in terms of ease of play, fun factor, and an astronomical amount of content. I really thingk the World of Assassination trilogy is the best Hitman game, alongside its much more interesting, if jankier, predecessor. Really a game of all time.

But again, fuck the always online.

I was expecting something like Hitman Absolution, but it was nothing like that. There's not much of a story either. You're just constantly assassinating people on different maps, but I found the gameplay very slow and confusing. Maybe I'm not in the mood to play this game right now, I don't know.