Reviews from

in the past

I love the level design in the games.
But this game requires a certain amount of patience that I don't have.

the only bald head i don't want to slap

Genuinely a game I think I'll be playing forever. Ever since hitman 1 way back in 2016 I have been hooked and have played every level in this over and over and over again, especially for 1 and 2 I know every map there like the back of my hand. Don't have much to add to the conversation for this game but I just love it so much, one of the best sandbox games of all time and I cannot wait for the james bond game. Also freelancer mode kicks ass it is so good

The best thing about this is how open-ended it is; you can go either as apeshit as you want or as professional as you want

God bless IOI and this sandbox pleasure

The always-online is the only thing stopping this from being one of the greatest trilogies of all time.