Reviews from

in the past

This game was a little freaky was I was 5.

On retrospect, this is one of Nintendo's most unique titles. Very fun, immersive experience. The sequals suck majorly in comparison to this

Had to take a break from the more serious survival horror games to play a real mans game, all jokes aside, this was a short sweet game with plenty to provide for someone looking for some ghost hunting action.

This is my number one hidden gem of a game! Charming and funny! I love it!

Luigi's Mansion is a charming and surprisingly atmospheric Gamecube launch title. Instead of platforming, Luigi explores a haunted mansion with the Poltergust 3000, a ghost-busting vacuum cleaner. The puzzles are creative, the mansion's rooms are distinct and packed with playful details, and Luigi's endearingly clumsy personality shines through. However, the adventure is relatively short and can feel somewhat repetitive towards the end, limiting its replay value for some players.

was listening to e. gadds theme. headphones caught on fire. phone caught on fire. house caught on fire. everything caught on fire. song is too fire

So wonderful. It's just a genuinely lovely time. The atmosphere is excellent as is the gameplay. The game also has that 2000s "Nintendo charm" oozing out of it. It is also the perfect length, not overstaying its welcome. Truly a fantastic time