Reviews from

in the past

The quintessential top-notch superhero video game. Combat is frantic, fun & fluid, story grips you till the end & moving, jumping and swinging through the city is pure bliss. You know you’ve done something right with your movement mechanics when, in an open-world game, you never want to fast travel anywhere because getting there manually is too damn fun. Highly, highly recommended.

My favorite super hero game and also the game that got me into Marvel in general. Replayed it multiple times and I can't wait for 3! :)

Really makes me feel like Batman

Spider-Man presenteia-nos com uma história principal que, apesar de simples é bem construída, todas as personagens são interessantes e bem construídas e são apresentadas e concluídas com coerência o suficiente para que estejamos sempre ligados a elas e a querer saber mais.

O jogo apresenta bons gráficos que em conjunto com uma boa direção artística ajuda na emersão do jogo, contudo os reflexos e interiores repetidos deixam um pouco a desejar.

A gameplay é divertida, mas ao logo do jogo torna-se repetitiva, ainda tenta com a introdução de novas habilidades, novos combos e novos gadgets apresentar alguma dinâmica, mas não consegue.

As SideQuests são desinteressantes e bastante repetitivas, preferível qualidade a quantidade. O único ponto interessante é a ocorrência de alguns assaltos ou brigas (e outras situações algo exageradas) enquanto andamos pela cidade dando a sensação que vai acontecendo alguma coisa no mapa e este não é apenas um mundo que só acorda quando entramos na história principal.

A banda sonora não é das mais memoráveis mas está presente e é bem introduzida no jogo, tendo uma dinâmica interessante consoante as ações que realizamos no jogo

Marvel's Spider-Man é uma aventura muito divertida com muitos colecionáveis pelo caminho que, algumas pessoas mais por dentro do mundo de Spider-Man gostaram de descobrir.

One of the best decisions in my life was buying a Playstation to play two games: The Last of Us and this fucking game. This game is the reason to buy a PlayStation, period. The swinging, combat, story, characters, performances, and production is all top-notch. There were some hiccups I had with the story but it never took me out of it for long. Hell, I didn't even have a problem with the MJ missions in this game. The pacing is solid. The villains in this game are so fucking good I literally started rooting for them at one point. Mr. Negative and Doc Ock and their duality between/transition into their darker motives is effective because both you the player and Peter Parker witness both sides. The game's emotional moments feel earned and the climax with Doc Ock at the end is absolutely incredible.

The game's side content is also varied and gives the game a ton of longevity. The backpacks offer a nice peep into the lore while also being fun to collect. The towers also you to unlock and find more activities and collectibles in the district (weirdly, this aspect of the game never gets a resolution storywise, as you never find the culprit for the shutdown Yuri mentions). The enemy hideouts and camps let you test out the combat and serve as a great training ground to help you get better at it. The Taskmaster challenges do the same but with traversal and stealth. It never feels like an aspect of the game is neglected. The crimes are also fun for some moment-to-moment action on the way to an objective, despite the grind to complete five in every district to 100% the game being a little tedious. I personally didn't mind it though. The side missions are just okay. I didn't find any of them to be interesting except for the Tombstone ones. Same goes for the research stations. The Black Cat and previously mentioned Taskmaster challenges lead to a cool boss fight and foreshadowing for the DLCs, respectively, both of which I found pretty cool. The amount of content in this game is actually insane. Despite some flaws in the story and a couple of stuff with the side content, I have nothing much to complain about. This is a must-buy.

This game really makes you feel like a debt-ridden New Yorker fighting the animal bunch.

Если бы не отпадная подача сюжета с отличным раскрытием персонажей, я бы снизил этой игре оценку. В ней бодрый и динамичный геймплей, однако он мало чем отличается от серии Arkham. Враги тут, как обычно бывает, нападают по одному (нужно иногда уклоняться от выстрелов врагов). Графика потрясающая, Нью-Йорк отлично воссоздан, полёты на паутине - что-то с чем-то. Есть эндгейм, коллекционирование многих предметов крайне простое.
Короче говоря, достойный эксклюзив.

balancearse por la ciudad es una delicia

Really enjoyed my time with the first Spider-Man game

My dream came since childhood and it passed my expectations. Must play for any Spider-Man fan.

Pretty solid game, nothing about it makes me shit my pants. Sony's decision to go completely into cinematic experiences with their single player games is getting a little bit on my nerves though.

El sueño de todo hombre, querer ser Spider-Man y que parezca que lo eres de verdad. La historia es muy pero que muy buena.

one of the best games ive ever played. its near perfect

the story is 100% my favourite story told with this character and the acting was sooo good

unfortunately the gameplay feels really slow after playing the sequel but if you havent played the sequel its fine

not enough exaggerated swagger of a young black teen

Literalmente comprei meu videogame pq eu tava completamente viciado querendo ir na casa do meu amigo pra jogar isso.
Quando as DLC vieram na plus fiquei mt feliz, zerei e platinei tudo que dava nesse jogo, muito legal.

Me divertí muchisimo jugando este spiderman, no sé si volvería a jugarlo pero fue divertido

Could never shake off the constant reminder that Spider-Man literally let the police spy on people lol.

Probably the best game in the small trilogy and the best spiderman game out there.

Black cat's hot too.

I loved this game at the time, this is my favorite version of Peter Parker as portrayed on screen, was the reason I got the PS4, but I know it's not perfect.

Great story, combat and story. The MJ missions and slow walking gameplay makes it hard to want to go back and replay though.

Honestamente eu amo esse jogo por ser um dos primeiros jogos de historia e mundo aberto que eu com um pequeno nivel de massa encefalica joguei e mano foi minha primeira platina tambem e eu tenho um respeito absurdo por ele pois o Spider-Man merecia um jogo novo depois da aberração de amazing spider man 2 skksks só joga essa pedrada

The lack of non DLC post game stuff meant i had no motivation to play after beating it. you also cant replay levels which sucks. 8/10

Divertidísimo. No esperaba disfrutarlo tanto, asumía que lo jugaría unos días y lo abandonaría, y sin embargo no dejé nada sin terminar. El movimiento es entretenido, el combate es versátil de una manera que anima a tener cierta estrategia en las mayores dificultades, y sobre todo visualmente es increíblemente satisfactorio. Puede que no sea tan innovador como otros juegos, pero hace lo que hace a la perfección.

A experiência definitiva do homem-aranha em um jogo, Um boa história, vilões, uma das melhores versões do Peter(até virar aquela tristeza que ele é no 2), ambientação perfeita, boa trilha e tudo mais.