Reviews from

in the past

Probably needlessly scrutinizing a game that’s really just meant to be a realization of a cute community joke, but there’s a shocking amount of work that feels wasted on a game where so many modes end up feeling so undercooked. The thing you’ll probably notice within the first couple of races is that your competitors have terrible AI and, more significantly, don’t have the means to catch up with you once you gain a lead. Lapping the other racers so easily and seeing them struggle to navigate through some of the setpieces will probably make anyone into an advocate of at least some rubberbanding, and seems like a sign that this needed to be delayed a few months to make this more than just a one-off novelty. (And maybe more simply, making stages less reliant on hazards that the AI seems so incapable of navigating)

There’s definitely some deeper stuff here when it comes to item usage and building your max speed by fighting other racers and monsters on the track, but talking about the successes and failures of integrating Bloodborne mechanics into a kart racing setting seems like overkill when all you’ll need to secure first place is holding down the throttle.

Fares a lot better in its battle modes and boss fights, especially the one map in the campaign mode where two teams compete against each other to amass as many blood echoes as possible by killing enemies and surviving before time expires. On both of my playthroughs, victory was a super close thing- and maybe as a result of the open arena and amount of moving pieces, any shortcomings the other competitors might have were drowned out in all the chaos. A nice jolt when the rest of the game is so lax in comparison. Bosses also work as totally bespoke scenarios that leverage the absurd premise- especially the TLB that gamely gets into a Kart of its own for the final encounter.

Think this mostly works as a charming return to Yharnam, but there’s enough potential to want a fuller game than currently exists here. An amazing April Fool's title had it released a few months ago, but something that feels a little driftless right now.

Pretty decent kart racer, it's a shame that the joke was mostly ruined because of sony legal interference.

One day, brothers
One day, we shall receive Bloodborne PC

Its not just a shitpost, its an actual game thats worth your time, well designed and with a lot of content, all for free, I am very surprised

I haven't played Bloodborne yet and I want to soooo baaaad man. But from what I played of this, its a really fun twist on the racing genre! Its obviously more fun with friends, but plenty of fun alone too! I apreciate PSX Bunlith for making the distortions accurate with the console, that makes my heart happy.

If you truly dedicate yourself to the art of shitposting, you too can make something like Nightmare Kart.

Genuinely excellent and fun. I've also never experienced such in-depth CRT television simulation options in a video game before. Extremely cool. Father Gascoigne Gregory doing his short monologue about turning into a beast and then doing the breath thing, only for the camera to do a quick zoom-out to reveal that he's riding a golden motorcycle is hilarious. And yes, he does in fact do an Akira-slide on it.

I hunted.

Surprisingly good free meme demake that ended up being more involved than I thought. Gameplay is great, story is good, boss fights were fun. Overall enjoyed this game quite an bit.

i dont know anything about bb but this was a charming little kart game. the music and voice acting is awesome, and psx graphics look very cool

Minha experiência com esse jogo não foi das melhores. Por algum estranho motivo, eu vi uma dúzia de gameplays desse jogo antes mesmo de eu jogar e em todas elas o jogo funcionou super bem e teve seu leve grau de dificuldade. Porém quando chegou minha vez de jogar, nada se comportou como o esperado.
Disputar as corridas e as arenas de batalha foi bem divertido se desconsiderar que em todos os eventos meus oponentes grudavam nas paredes e em outros obstáculos e lá ficavam presos por todo o tempo. O timer das corridas não funcionou nem uma única vez, sempre ao terminar constava que eu tinha feito todas as voltas em menos de 30 segundos. As batalhas era só correr atrás de um power up e atirar no oponente enroscado numa parede.
Os chefes foram os únicos desafios do jogo pois a forma que foram programados impedia eles de ficarem presos como os outros bots.
Se algum dia vier alguma atualização corrigindo esses bugs, muito provavelmente eu jogue novamente para ter a experiência de como o jogo originalmente foi pensado.