Reviews from

in the past

I didn't actually finish this one I'll be real. I don't dislike them though, I actually think they're the best looking 3D Pokémon games and they should have stuck with a more stylised aesthetic going forward. I think as an entry-point into mainline Pokémon games, these are good and the simplicity of Kanto and the iconic original 151 is great for this purpose. This also means the Pokémon Go mechanics fit, they're just not my favourite. Which is fine, they're not really made for someone who already knows how to play Pokémon. This is the best case in the franchise of following Pokémon too I don't know how they consistently manage to make this worse.

In my opinion, the worst Pokemon main series game. An attempt to cash in on the success and popularity of Pokemon Go, 2 years, too late. Removing so many aspects of the series to try and simplify and already simple series. A worse remake of the Gen 1 games than FRLG. The only things I can compliment this game for are it's presentation. The visuals are great and the music is fantastic. Although that's to be expected as the soundtrack was always great.

Acho que os Pokemon Let's Go são pra quem tá começando agora na franquia o que Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green foram pra mim quando eu comecei há 11 anos atrás: a introdução ideal pra esse universo dos jogos de Pokemon.

Preciso dizer que, de todas as representações de Kanto, a desse jogo é facilmente a mais interessante. As pequenas alterações na história são boas o suficiente pra te fazerem prestar atenção, e a mecânica de captura semelhante a Pokemon Go, apesar de seus problemas, é acessível e oferece uma forma alternativa de treinar os Pokemon.

O único problema que eu tenho com esse jogo são as escolhas de movimentos dos Pokemon, que são extremamente diferentes dos outros jogos da 7ª geração (imagino que pra ter mais compatibilidade com os movimentos de Pokemon Go da época). Entendo a escolha, mas confesso que foi bem chato montar um time fixo tendo que abrir mão de movimentos que em outros jogos da mesma época aqueles pokemon que eu tava usando aprendem.