Reviews from

in the past

Mechanically satisfying and oozing charm and personality, Max Payne holds up incredibly well. It’s not perfect though. Playing on PC today does require some modding to make it run properly and fix the terrible adaptive difficulty which can make the easiest difficulty unplayably hard, but once that mod is installed you are free to relax with this innovative and satisfying shooter.

Se não fosse tão difícil sobreviver por 3 segundos sem tomar uma bala e morrer, seria um 5 facinho. Muito envolvente e o Noir que o Sam Lake roteirizou ficou um pitel.

"After Y2K, the end of the world had become a cliché. But who was I to talk, a brooding underdog avenger alone against an empire of evil, out to right a grave injustice? Everything was subjective. There were only personal apocalypses. Nothing is a cliché when it's happening to you."

this game is fucking awesome dude

you play as sakuya izayoi's father that's so cool

"The past is like pieces of a broken mirror. You try to pick them up, but you only end up cutting yourself."

I'm not one for neo-noir stuff, but I'm quite surprised by how much I enjoyed Max Payne! The only experience that I had with Sam Lake's writing prior was with Alan Wake and Control, and it's absolutely stellar to see how much of that uniqueness was present much earlier in gaming, finding a way to brilliantly meld together a drug trafficking conspiracy and a revenge for murder with Norse mythology. It's bizarre, themed like a graphic novel, and really unlike anything I've played from this era.

Gameplay is great as well, for the most part. The main feature of "bullet time" is a nice addition to the third-person action genre, but I only ever used it in sequences involving a ton of enemies at once. (I started this game on both PC and Xbox, and the former is a bit tougher to play without the controller's auto-aim features. Perhaps, the "bullet time" mechanic is more beneficial on that platform.) What also quite impressed me here was the interactivity of the world itself. I haven't played many PC games from the late-90s/early-2000s era, but I've noticed that this attention-to-detail is present in most that I've played, notably Half-Life. Not every asset and boundary is interactive or has physics to them, but you can press buttons and break glass and the like to your advantage.
Really, the only part of this game that I think could've used a bit more work is some of the level designs, especially towards the final sections when rooms begin to feel repetitive. The stiff platforming, although obviously not the main selling point of this game, is noticeable when required to walk on thin platforms or maneuver around lasers.

Max Payne really is great, and I can understand its following. An early example of the 3D action genre that manages to tell a unique tale with shooting that feels good and cutscenes that are fueled with adrenaline and campy detective dialogue.

felt pretty jank, kinda wished i played it on pc but still solid

The introduction to what no one could predict would become the Remedy Connected Universe still holds up for me just as much as it did all those years ago, oozing with style and charisma and packing heat in the way that only those old late 90's/early 00's hard-as-nails action games really can. Even though this game is, in many ways, a parody of pulp, it ends up surpassing much of it by becoming a shining pinnacle of everything that makes the genre so wonderful.

The adoption of "bullet time", a concept popularized by the then recently released The Matrix (1999), was a bold and brilliant move that made this game stand out among many competitors at the time. It's kind of wild how little this type of game is done right now. We could definitely stand to have some more story-driven third-person shooters. Some of the one-liners in this are both poetic and downright hilarious. The comic book style is so good and raises the question of why they never managed to draw the stuff in-between and put it out as a graphic novel. I certainly would have bought it... and how about that music?!? Everything about this game rocks.

Expect high difficulty, though. I wasn't kidding when I said "hard-as-nails". You will definitely hit a few saves or checkpoints where you will die again and again, until you feel pushed to your limit... I don't even want to imagine how difficult it would be to tackle the harder difficulties. The game is short and sweet, so nothing is insurmountable, but don't expect to get through this game without at least one or two extremely frustrating moments.

This is my first time playing a game in this series and this is easily one of the best third person shooters i've ever played. There's so many different locations with enough interactivity and bullets flying that makes it feel like a john woo movie at some points. The cutscenes and story are amazing with the corny dialogue being super charming and help gives the game a great feel of personality. The gunplay is out of this world and probably some of my favorite in any game i've played ever. The combination of guns all are amazing and definitely able to feel the difference within each. Overall this shit is fire and I genuinely can't wait to play the sequels

I played it with the Mod TweakedPain, and i havent played it since back in the day with the same mod. It was like i remember it. Short and sweet. Like my encounters with the opposite sex.

Really fun game with good story, but the platforming dream sequences with slowed movement are some of the worst levels I have ever played in a game.

But the rest of the game is great, and has some of the best voice acting ever.

Um pouco mais bruto do que deveria, mas um belo diamante.

A história não é por si só muito complexa, mas consegue te envolver com a apresentação estilosa, as referências aleatórias e o fato do Max ser um personagem que te cativa sem sequer precisar de muito. Não tenho muito a comentar, mas não posso deixar de elogiar esses elementos todos.

De gameplay, primeiro eu preciso dizer que joguei a versão de PS2 por conta dele não ter na Steam e eu estar experimentando jogos em 4:3 com filtro CRT, e o interessante foi que, apesar do esquema de controle ser um pouco diferente do habitual principalmente pro que a gente tem hoje em dia, é MUITO bom e intuitivo. A gunplay é bem boazinha também, sendo um pouco mais permissiva pra quem joga no controle, e o level design é bem bacana também, tudo é relativamente simples de passar, e sempre vai ter uma salinha extra pra quem gosta de explorar arrumar uns painkillers a mais. Sobre a dificuldade, me surpreendeu um tanto até, mas é bem coisa de tentativa e erro, só insistir que dá tudo certo!

O que eu não gostei, e acho que todo mundo, mesmo na épca, odiou, foram as tentativas de ''plataforma'' do jogo. Os controles pra isso são horríveis, com aquele pulo super esquisito. Toda vez que você não tá atirando em algo, parece que o jogo tá perdendo tempo com bobagem, sinceramente.

E eu zerei um jogo pela primeira vez desde......... janeiro....... é......... minha cabeça tá tão ruim quanto a do próprio Max Payne.