Reviews from

in the past

Eu achei bem divertido, o cenário é bem fácil de se locomover sem se perder, é bem intuitivo o jogo, praticamente uma hora disso aqui já dá um progresso absurdo. É um jogo bem fácil então foi legal pra mim que sou noob em jogos. Não dá medo, mas pqp, o que esse jogo tem de Jumpscare é brincadeira.

jogo de terror massa, perdeu uns ponto no final, porém é recomendado, like

é meio que um classico, n da pra falar mal

This game used to scare the shit out of me.

The diminishing returns of Amnesia's hide-and-seek mechanics were bound to hit a fever pitch once they reached other, less ambitious titles among the indie scene, and not even three years after The Dark Descent launched a new subgenre and many YouTube careers, Outlast comes barreling in like an unsubtle metaphor for military and corporate greed.

Outlast is not without its moments; early jumpscares and a few tight cat-and-mouse encounters keep the blood pumping while you attempt to piece together its (derivative) narrative. (Would you believe the RESIDENTS of this asylum are EVIL?) This proves to be the only trick up Outlast's sleeve, and as the game progresses, your tolerance for the same schtick will undoubtedly wear thin.

Highlights include a rather gothic string accompaniment, the actual necessity for night vision, and the protagonist's sparse but vulgar prose. Not that all of these are good, just that they were memorable. You could do worse than Outlast when looking for first person horror. You could also do much better, so... yeah. Middle of the god-damn road.