Reviews from

in the past

Chinga tú madre Blizzard, neta, que clase de estúpidos están trabajando ahí. Mi odio por este juego es inmenso pero me odio más a mi mismo por seguir jugándolo JAJAJAJA. Mis amigos y yo no tenemos nada más que jugar, ok?

has issues still, but i like it

I relapsed a few months ago and played the game again. Halfway through the first match I developed a headache. A husk of a game

paladins de rico (porém pior)

It was really good like 1 year ago.

Only fun with friends. Insufferable alone

Going free-to-play was the right move, but shutting down Overwatch 1 to resell us Overwatch 1 was not.

hoping that it gets better overtime

Fun No
Great Game No
Addicting Yes

Fuck you blizzard and everything you stand for

GooeyScale: 1/10

La nostalgia hace mucho daño al juego pero no más que los desarrolladores a los cuales les gusta cagar a personajes que no necesitan ni buff ni nerf mientras ignoran a aquellos que si necesitan cambios urgentes, fokiu blizzard



this game made one of friends bitchless. stayed for the dwarf man.

I wasn't attached to Overwatch 1 to feel the disappointment, but this is a really fun game with friends. Unfortunately, the amount of annoying characters and really poor servers don't make it the best game ever but it's still fun to pass the time for

Played one match, just because that’s all I needed to see what the game I haven’t played in nearly 4 years has become.

This is a product. It has no character, no personality, no charm, no love, no life, no soul.

It’s a soulless product engineered by a soulless cooperation meant to milk every nickel and dime from the people they see as soulless wallets. I have never been more angry and sad before in ten minutes of my life from playing a game seeing what I once loved become… this. Fuck this game and everything it stands for.

I’ll forever miss what the original Overwatch was, not what the disgusting soulless product it has become.