Reviews from

in the past

Low enemy quality, high density, lots of rout and defense maps with a nice mix of staff bot spam. Top it off with the most pointless story ever. Wow this game sucked

Mais um ótimo jogo dessa franquia maravilhosa, até o momento esse foi o mais fraco dentre os que eu joguei, entretanto isso não quer dizer que o jogo é ruim, muito pelo contrario, o jogo é muito divertido e gera várias horas de uma boa historia com personagens marcantes.
O meu maior problema com esse game é que ele enrola muito em alguns momentos.

Fun game if I remember correctly. I spent 2000 turns in one of lyn's early tutorial maps to turn her into an unkillable beast with capped str and solid def. I forgot how the support system worked and couldn't get eliwood paired with ninian cuz I already got hector to A support. The end kind of dragged out a bit but overall, very cool fe game with a simple but likable story would play again. Fuck that final dragon though that shit sucked. I should draw fiora one day…

A fun entry to scratch the Fire Emblem itch.

The inventory management is rough, the beginning is slow, the end is rushed, but all the annoyances aside I still had a pretty good time with it.

kickstarted my descent into fe AVOID AT ALL COSTS