Reviews from

in the past

Never forget to live

also meryl and snake are so damn adorable

I’m so glad I made the decision to go on a retro gaming journey, as it means I have now experienced classics like this!

I really didn’t think this would be one of my 10/10 games. I was never into Metal Gear Solid at a young age. But this is just moment after moment of coolness for 7 hours straight.

I did watch fairly lengthy YouTube summaries of metal gear 1 & 2 to prepare me for this. I was instantly hooked on the story just from the briefings from the main menu that bring you up to speed with the situation. I loved every bit of the story with its multiple “what the fuck” moments. The captivating lore has made me hugely excited for the following franchise games.

Despite janky PS1 polygonal graphics, and all characters having no eyes, it is VERY cinematic. You can really see Kojima’s love of film direction.

Each character is so well done, leaving the player wanting to know more. They’re all deep, complexed souls and have a lot to say. The voice acting is perfect.

It has simple but addictive gameplay, even for today. There are so many ways to approach each section and this clearly paved the way for future action titles.

This must have been revolutionary. I only wish I played it in the late 90s to really take in its charm. But I’ll have to settle for 2024, and even now it’s a 10/10

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Absolutely beautiful story and themes of war and life

Gameplay made it a little hard to get through but it was worth it

Kind of wish this was the game that was getting remade instead of snake eater but oh well

Jogo absurdamente inovador. KOJIMA GÊNIO

An old and really polished gem of Playstation 1, almost perfect in every aspect of it.


Un juego increíble por donde se lo mire. Es una obra de arte adelantada completamente a su tiempo.

"Just live."

so many people hype this game up and talk about a few of its incredible moments and then you play it and there's like, dozens of those moments constantly littered throughout. this obviously fucking rules, very happy i finally got around to this classic

A complete shock to the system. It has more than a few faults, but it's such a massive leap forward for the entire medium it's almost impossible to imagine what the landscape would look like without it.

For a PS1 game, this was surprisingly fun to play! Really good story, and the gameplay didn't get tiring at all in my experience

An absolute trip of a game. Are the controls out dated now? Yes. Is it nonsensical? Yes. Is it enjoyable? Yes.

I know this series is infamous for being crazy and idiosyncratic, and I played MGSV so I've seen it before, but I don't think I realized how much of that was here in the first one? Or I guess third one, I'm interested to see if it's in the original 2 also.

I absolutely love the over-explanations of minor gameplay contrivances, like how Snake doesn't have to worry about being too cold because of "warming peptides". This futuristic virus that's being secretly transmitted by you and is programmed to kill specific members of FOX-HOUND? Yeah, of course that's called FoxDie. Incredible.

I was also surprised by how modern the gameplay feels. Yeah, there's fixed camera angles, but the level design is actually really well suited to that, and it rarely got in my way. The lack of lives or limited continues was also nice, since I was not very good at this game, even on Normal difficulty. The voice acting is also really good by 90s game standards.

The graphics are really great too! Playing this on original hardware through a RetroTink 4K with a good CRT filter put me suitably in the 90s mood, and I was genuinely impressed with what they pulled off. It is very funny to go from emotive sprites in the radio dialogues to the low-poly Ken doll models in game though.

This was a solid (pun intended) 4/5 for me until the final final boss and escape sequence, both of which I found weirdly difficult and unfun. I thought the final Metal Gear fight was very cool and satisfying, so having to throw myself repeatedly at those afterwards brought it down a bit for me.

"Yeah, you've got a great butt."

O primeiro eu dropei por causa de sono kkkkk
Mas ele parece bom se saber jogar DIREITO

WHAT - A - GAME. There were definitely some parts that were a bit annoying, mostly the controls, but the game is simply a masterpiece. The story is absolutely incredible, the soundtrack is great and the voice acting is superb. There are many interesting gameplay mechanics, especially during boss battles. I recommend the game to anyone who likes story-heavy games with many plot twists and interesing ideas.