Reviews from

in the past

The perfect mix of entertaining and addictive—Buckshot Roulette is as straightforward as it is compelling. Transforming Russian roulette into a video game was a sharp move, and the way BR wears its style and personality on its sleeves is nothing short of commendable. With infinite replayability, simple mechanics and gambling-like gameplay, this game has everything I need to have fun; I will be sure to return to it regularly for a quick dopamine hit.

I've played several of Mike Klubnika's games and love the diegetic nature of his works. Everything is a physical button, menus exist on pieces of paper or touchscreens on a computer, etc.

Whilst his work isn't necessarily "scary" in the traditional horror sense, Mike's distinctive gritty and dirty style leaves me feeling as if I'm experiencing something I wasn't really meant to see.

As for Buckshot Roulette's a fine game in its own right. It's much more "gamey" than Mike's other works as evidenced by the Double or Nothing gamemode and the presence of a traditional scoring system. Buckshot Roulette offers a fun little romp you can come back to occasionally for a few rounds of fun, but I feel it lacks the depth to be an all-time classic. That isn't a slight on the game itself however, as the low price of entry of $3 is more than justifiable considering the quality of the experience.

Above all, I hope the widespread popularity of Buckshot Roulette as a "streamer game" gives Mike the funds he needs to create a full-scale horror experience in the same vein as his other projects (if that is something he so desires).

(Also, can't wait for the multiplayer. That should be a load of fun)

I always like a short game that completely knows what it can offer to you. It's a concept game, and a very well rounded one, and you can finish it in abt 20 minutes or so. Or you can keep playing if you want. You don't have to though. Plain and simple with a very good concept and great mechanics, sound design and artistic direction

It's an interesting time-killer. Wouldn't spend more than 20 hours here but still decent.

O jogo depende muito de sorte e pouco exige do cérebro do jogador.
Visualmente me agradou muito.
No primeiro momento é legal mas depois simplesmente não tem mais sentido jogar.

muito bom, aguardo um modo multiplayer

Divertido, bem feito, e pra sua proposta entrega tudo e mais um pouco, excelente atmosfera e gameplay divertida

Great concept for a short and addictive game.

Legalzinho pra passar o tempo

I think what makes this game work really well are the items. They add some level of strategy to the game that makes it feel like everything isn’t up to chance. Of course, a lot of it is, but the items let you increase the odds of winning by using them strategically.

I had a good time with it. It’s a short and sweet game that’s a lot of fun.

criativo, seria legal se tivesse multiplayer

Fun simple game. Can't wait until the creator adds more content. Love the artwork too!

It's a good game, it does what it wants to do and is what it sets out to be. It's incredibly short, I beat it on my first run in under 15 minutes.

Gameplay bem gostosa, estilo inscryption, porem muito curtinho, queria mais

o jogo é bom, tem boas mecânicas, só achei meio curto, mas pelo preço é oq eu esperava.

Interesting is the best word I can think of to describe Buckshot Roulette. At a low price tag, the game is worth what you spend on it. It does not have enough content to keep you hooked or coming back unless you were really charmed by the game. It's simple to understand and the overall vibe of the game feels fitting for what the creator seemed to want to create.

Moody, well-crafted tension. Looks great and is a quick and fun play. I may or may not return for the "Double or Nothing" mode.

another "risk-free" gambling addiction simulator. i finished one story mode playthrough within 2h of owning it but considering that it's just 3bucks and having (infinite) replay value i think thats more then ok or even somewhat intentional.

the game looks and feels like on one hand like a 2000s edgy, simplicstic flash game but pushed to the max 2 decades ahead!!! and on the other hand it reminds me of something like vst plugins by the likes of darkware. with it's monochromatic colortheme, imagery/design of displays, buttons & items and it's lofi, optimized for a daw, pixelations.

sound design and music are in the same vein. hearing the techno music the first time really sets the mood perfectly for me, it made me feel incredibly cool and made the world feel somewhat believable.

the death screen is one of the most iconic and radiant death screen experiences in recent years. dying in a game felling a bit "triumphant" should become more common place.

sadly i can't give the game 4.5/5 stars cause of a common audio bug which hasnt been fixed yet and really messes with the supsense of disbelieve since it kinda ruins the hypnotic feeling of the game. but once multiplayer is up and working i'm sure i'll bump it up easily, maybe even without the audio being fixed yet...

Short, sweet, and to the point Inscryption-influenced romp. I only played 3 runs of this game; lost the first, won the second, then tried the double or nothing mode on the third.

It was a fun idea for a game. I'm glad to see solo-devs rewarded for new and creative ideas like this, and am happy to support them. Even though it was less than hour, I still enjoyed my time with it and felt the $3 was worth it, especially to support a solo-dev.

Super cooles Konzept, super coole Präsentation, und auch nach mehreren Playthroughs musste ich bei Shots bei denen ich mir zu 99% übers Ergebnis sicher war, manchmal noch Schlucken.

Es ist nicht viel Spiel, die Regeln sind definitiv sehr für dich ausgelegt und ein Nachfolger verlangt einen VS. Modus. Aber ich mags sehr

É um jogo bom, curto mas que me entreteu muito bem. O fator replay é bem ruim e é aqueles jogos que você geralmente joga uma ou duas vezes e já está bom. Não vou dizer que é incrível nem inovador, mas cumpre muito bem o seu propósito.

Este juego si que es el indomable espitiru humano.

Que guapo esta el puto juego, los graficos lo mejor, sin duda.

Buckshot roulette is such a unique and cool little indie game made by one guy. It's got a killer soundtrack and the art style is a vibe. The visual elements of the environment remind me of something you’d see at a modern art gallery exhibition.

This game is basically Russian roulette with a shotgun and you play with items so you have to be strategic in how you use them. It’s fucking bad ass when the music is playing while you're trying to outsmart your scary looking opponent.

fini en 20 min pck je suis le boss

People get mad at Stellar Blade for "objectifying women" yet Buckshot Roulette is so extremely sexually charged, like look at that man and tell me otherwise.