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In a world where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano exists, my favourite Jedi has firmly became Cal Kestis
I think it's astounding how much the game industry has improved in balancing incredible narratives with engaging gameplay mechanics and also synching them up so you feel more in harmony with your protagonist then ever.
In Fallen Order, Cal Kestis was a traumatised Padawan trying to find his way back to the warm embrace of the Force. In Survivor, Cal Kestis is a seasoned warrior with a reputation of his own, his skillset and mind for the Good FIght intact. Maybe too single minded on the "fight" part but Survivor's narrative does and excellent, and I can't stress this enough, EXCELLENT job of interrogating the Jedi path known to Cal as an excuse to confront an indomitable enemy through three key antagonists, while also teaching Cal the means of fighting this Good Fight and also maintain a healthy mindset.
There is just no regression here in any capacity, neither in storytelling, nor in gameplay. We do not lose any abilities, if so they are repurposed. The world is built to accommodate the player's and Cal's skills both old and new. It provides answers to old frustrations, while also giving way to natural curiosity and building on the rock-solid fundamentals Fallen Order has put down. It is simply humbling how much of a passion project the Jedi franchise feels after this second entry, made all the more impressive by the unfortunate, but ever present, technical state of the series. It is sad to see stuttering, low fps, glitches and crashes sour the experience time and time again. It is a testament to the talent of Respawn entertainment and Stig Asmussen however then, that Jedi: Survivor is an incredible experience all around despite it's technical shortcomings.

the story still bugs me but gameplay makes up for it

The game has an ok story, a little too long for my taste, they could have cut several parts. Some scenes are ridiculous and childish, especially the romantic part of the game.
The gameplay is very good, especially the combat part. I really liked the platform part too, but towards the end of the game it gets ridiculous, it’s a lot of jumping around, kind of pointless, it starts to get boring and no longer fun.
But the game's biggest problem is performance. WHENEVER the game opens on the PC it compiles shaders, I've never seen this in a game, it usually happens the first time and then it doesn't need to happen again. Despite having this compilation of shaders every time the game opens, doesn't seem to have any effect. The performance is one of the worst I've had in a game in recent years, there are stutters everywhere, In some situations with sudden scene transitions, the game got so stutter that I had to close the game and open it again for the performance to be "normal".
I waited a year after launch in hopes of improved performance, but it seems like there was almost no effort to resolve the issue. Which is a shame for a AAA game of this level.
What should have been a fun experience became overwhelming and frustrating due to the performance. I couldn't wait to finish it so I wouldn't have to open such a poorly optimized game.

Eu como um fã de Star Wars, declado o melhor jogo da franquia.

A great addition to the Star Wars universe. The characters are what make this game standout for me. Alongside Cal Kestis and BD-1, who are two of my favorite characters in Star Wars canon, many side characters are given the chance to shine, including several new faces. The gameplay is fun, but can feel clunky and unresponsive compared to other games in a similar genre. I do wish the world maps were more concentrated and not filled with extra collectible fluff, but this seems to be an industry standard for AAA titles.

Como podes hacer un juego tan divertido y optimizarlo tan para el orto? ni en bajo iba a fps estables. Chupala EA

Como um grande fã de Star Wars esse jogo foi uma experiência única, infelizmente só não dou 5 estrelas por causa de certos bugs desse jogo que deixam a experiência deveras paia.

pretty solid! now let's see the pc port

Final Rating: 83/100

Controls: 9/10 (played on keyboard and mouse)
Controls were easy to learn and were well optimised for PC, I remapped a few buttons onto my mouse as hitting certain combinations or dodging felt easier this way. After trying the game on controller I can say that it is much more intuitive and made the game feel a bit more immersive.

Narrative: 9/10
The story was very well done, most definitely a step up from Jedi: Fallen Order. The introduction of new villains feels very well placed and adds lots of flavour and background to an already compelling goal. Certain points along the way feel a little monotonous and samey, but this can be looked over. The climax of the story I thought was fantastic and really made you feel for the characters involved.

Combat: 9/10
Combat feels great, very satisfying to time perfect parrys and perfect dodges. The skill trees also provide a great way to customise your play style and make the way you play unique. This is also true for the light saber styles, allowing you to have two equipped at a time makes changing styles for different types of encounters very rewarding.

Characters: 8/10
The characters introduced in the first game have each had a step up in terms of depth, same goes for many characters you meet along the way. Cal's character development throughout this game is fantastic and arguably one of the best parts of the game, this is also true for one other character but spoilers are to be had there.

Graphics: 8/10
The game looks absolutely fantastic, the open worlds feel immense in size and are most certainly visually appealing. There were occasional bugs here and there with objects phasing through the characters which can ruin immersion in that moment, but nothing lasting. My main complaint would be that the game is not fully optimised for PC as even on the highest graphics settings characters looked very grainy and certain textures weren't loading in correctly. This didn't bother me too much but it may be more of an issue for others.

Sound: 7/10
The music was fitting and often matched the area that you were in I personally felt as though it was nothing special. Saying that, it was well done star wars music and well suited for the game.

‌✅Worth Full Price
‌Wait for Sale
‌Don't bother

Avoid on PC. One of the worst ports ever even after the updates.

Bigger, better, and mechanically deeper in every way, Jedi Survivor is exactly what a sequel should be.

It's a great game and—even better—a wonderful Star Wars story. Between Jedi Survivor and its predecessor, this series has secured itself as one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe.

I experienced frequent (but minor) visual bugs throughout the game, but 98% of my playthrough was otherwise perfectly smooth.

This game would have been a lot better if they cut down some segments and less platforming. the combat was a massive upgraded and not just that but the customization on Cal, BD and the lightsaber styles. Respawn did a real great job with it

Mejora bastante a su antecesor en todo, la única pega es que cuando lo jugué estaba bastante roto.

An absolutely beautiful game set in my favorite era of the Star Wars universe. Cal continues to be a compelling main character in a story that is absolutely worth experiencing. The gameplay is solid and I really enjoyed the new saber stances. The difficulty feels pretty spot-on, with some decent challenges near the tail end of the game (though I wish the first half of the game wasn't so easy). The side content feels pretty meh (uninteresting "open world", samey collectible cosmetics, boring minigames), but the main story is meaty enough that you can safely ignore them. Really looking forward to the next entry in this series.

This game is peak Star Wars, the combat is fun the traversal is smooth and the story is done to perfection. This only came out last year and it's my all time favourite game. Just hoping the third one can live up to my expectations.

Uma carta de amor aos fãs de Star Wars.
Comecei esperando mto e recebi mais ainda, se tornou um dos meus jogos favoritos disparado.

Star wars episode: Prince of Persia.

yapacağınız optimizasyonu sikeyim

Esse jogo do Star Wars é muito bom a história eu adorei mas o problema é que no Xbox séries s Trava muito e fecha o jogo Mas além disso joguem vale a pena

Much like how the original STAR WARS was a melting pot of all of George Lucas' interests (Flash Gordon, Akira Kurosawa, not wanting to be his dad), the JEDI series from Respawn continues to intrigue with how it picks the most engaging elements from a variety of other successful games: DARK SOULS, UNCHARTED, and now, RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2. While it mixes all these together into an entertaining enough of a cocktail, this is an embarrassingly kneecapped game, suffering from technical eyesores a year after release that make you wonder why Respawn goes through all the effort if they can't deliver a fully functional product.

The diet SOULS combat is still here, and it's more varied, with more lightsaber stances and enemy types to take on. The way the game dolls out skill progression and locks the stance-switching ability kinda forces you to just invest in whatever you already use the most, which limits the appeal of trying all the new options. I personally never used Blaster Stance once, because by the time I got it, I was so deep into building up dual-blade and crossguard that I couldn't be bothered to start a grind over.

Traversal is much the same as FALLEN ORDER. Climbing, wall running, and now there's a short range grapple hook (Which would've been way cooler IMO if it could've been used in combat). I have to be fair and lodge a complaint here that I lodged in my UNCHARTED 4 review: Games like A THIEF'S END, GOD OF WAR RAGNAROK, and JEDI really need to add a stamina meter to climbing if it's going to be such a constant method of movement. When it's just brain-off, directional auto-climbing, it's so unengaging. There are some GREAT sequences where you need to very swiftly time jumping combos to escape enemies, or fight bosses. Moments like this are great for keeping you on your toes and making you feel like all the platforming was building up to something.

Cal and his Pals are probably, to date, my favorite SW characters since Disney bought Lucasfilm. Interesting stories, engaging motivations. I'm not a fan of splitting the cast up between games, because you lose a lot of character development and narrative consistency when you're left to infer things that happened over a 5 year in-universe gap (i.e. my big gripe with the Uncharted sequels). The thematic throughline of SURVIVOR asks you to consider what kind of life you live when all you can pursue is vengeance. If all that you have to survive for is correcting a perceived injustice, whether real or imagined, then what, or who, are you really living for? The new characters make the larger cast very interesting, but I will say the longer Disney continues to mine the years between trilogies for content, the more they risk dooming the narrative appeal of the mainline films. I mean, how impactful was Order 66 when all of the Games, Books, and TV Shows keep revealing that there's always a new litter of Jedi that managed to survive?

Larger worlds to explore were very cool. The RDR2 comparison comes from having a central home base to build up and maintain, with characters populating it based on your progress for conversations that build up the world and allow you to unlock items. As much as I liked the semi-open worlds and their Metroidvania progression paths, I wish we could've explored MORE planets with unseen biospheres. Koboh and Jedah are just Clone Fighters of Kashyyk and Tatooine IMO. I'm fucking tired of sand planets in Star Wars.

Last but not least, I played this nearly a full calendar year after its release and I encountered T-posing baddies, character torsos detaching from their heads, NPC allies getting stuck on terrain, textures failing to load, and a host of other laughable bugs, glitches, and performance drops. Nothing game breaking or which crashed my game. But dudes, this is from one of the biggest developers on the planet, and licensed from the most popular IP of all time. How can you have something this broken out in the wild? What's in the 130+GB install size? The team said in interview they were specifically targeting next gen hardware with SSD drives. Why does it play like it's on a floppy disk at times?

I'm giving this a low 7, but if this was a polished title that had taken more time to alleviate its presentation issues, I'd easily call this a high 8. I had a good time despite the bumps, mostly from the story, and I'm personally excited for the third installment in this trilogy. Here's hoping it doesn't fall apart like Ben Quadinaros's podracer.

1 year after release its still unfinished. devs abandoned the game. im hardlocked and cannot proceed further because of crashes. please dont support this game.

Hated the 1st game map and quit very early on. This one has sublime onboarding and a way better map.