Reviews from

in the past

An underrated horror experience!
Outlast Trials is not Outlast 3, nor should it try to be. It's a different take on the franchise, jumping in on the trend of making every game multiplayer so you can convince friends to play with you (generating more revenue). Despite this, it does not lack content and everything feels crafted to near perfection. The tense experience that Outlast usually provides also comes packaged with Trials.

fun with friends and very intense outlast funny funsies. wish there was some more enemy variety tho and more main monsters than just policeman and goose mama. setpieces are great but is kinda fizzed away in the chaos of it all - but it's so funny to look back on this game made me scream like no other. the graphics are amazing and it runs super well. being able to play chess is why 50% of my playtime is spent in the lobby. it can be a wee bit tedious when you get gassed with psychosis juice every five seconds but other than that this is pretty good.

never would i think we would get a multiplayer outlast game, this is a lot of fun but get's a little repetitive here and there. now all they need to do is make a vr outlast to end it with a bang