Reviews from

in the past

Also a good game. There was really no reason to play the original after this came out outside of some of the songs playing differently, though there were some changes that I thought were interesting choices, for better or for worse.

The biggest change that caught my eye was that summons were inevitable, and it was just the quality of the summon that changed based on how you performed in the...summoning...portion...of the song, I guess. In the original game, if you did badly enough you simply would fail the summon, and this kind of shines a light on what is maybe my biggest problem with this game compared to the last one.

By all accounts, this is the better game. It has all of the songs from the previous game plus more songs, more content, multiplayer, the whole kibosh. But one thing the original did was use performance as a means to reap rewards in the various modes, some extrinsic, some intrinsic. In the EMS (which is like a mode where you play over a music video), the song would cut short if you didn't do well enough. Here it's been made almost (if not totally) impossible to have that happen. In the FMS (or whatever the field mode is called) you get certain rewards by meeting certain characters far along in the track, but that's also based on progress. I don't really know why they removed these things because they were some of the only means of interaction these games had outside of playing the game normally.

Having said that, it's fun. There's a lot of songs here, lots of characters- really, this game is everything that TFF should have as a sequel, and it's a lot of fun.